Office Pro Plus CES Zune phone, no. Pink, maybe
Gizmodo has the word in the horse;s (sorry Brian Seitz) mouth: No Zune phone is coming in the Customer Electronics Indicate.What might be coming — and is likely the source of confusion — the “Pink” premium customer mobile services. Pink is not the codename for a phone; it is the codename for a set of services under development (of which a Zune music service is expected to be one). Pink has a business-services sibling; that set of unified-communications mobile services is codenamed “Rouge.”Neither Pink nor Rouge is tied to a specific Windows Mobile release, Office Pro Plus, I have heard. Both are independent, Office 2007 Professional Plus, the same way that Windows Live for Mobile services aren;t dependent on a particular WinMobile release.Caveat: Microsoft isn;t telling me any of this and won;t even confirm the codenames I;ve heard. Everything I said above is what t I think Pink and Rouge are, Microsoft Office Pro Plus 2010, based on information from sources who asked not to be named. If anyone has any more specifics to share, microsoft Office 2010 Serial, feel free to e-mail me privately or post a comment publicly here….