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04-06-2011 04:03 PM |
Office Professional Levi Johnston -- Now Accepting
Levi Johnston -- Now Accepting Donations 8232010 eleven:10 AM PDT by TMZ Staff Levi Johnston has been granted the right to beg you for a campaign donation ... because he's filed his official "letter of intent" to run for "state or municipal office" in Alaska in the 2011 elections. In the documents, Office Home And Business 2010 Key, filed on Friday with the Alaska Public Offices Commission, Office Professional, Johnston states that he intends to run for a position in the City of Wasilla. Levi doesn't specify which position he's running for ... but he's previously stated that he wants to become the next mayor ... a position once held by his baby mama's mama Sarah Palin. By filing the document -- Levi is permitted to officially begin his campaign ... which means dude can legally accept campaign contributions. So we gotta ask ... Tags: Levi Johnston, Sarah Palin, Office Pro 2010 Key, Bristol Palin, Windows 7 Discount, Politix, Microsoft Office Professional 2010, Developing Stories