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在中医看来,我们体内有很多毒素,凡是不能及时排出体外、对我们的身体和精神会产生不良作用的物质都可 以称为“毒”,例如瘀血、痰湿、寒气、食积、气郁、上火。这些毒素堆积在五脏之内,就会加速五脏的衰老,然 后由五脏供养的皮肤、筋骨、肌肉、神经也就跟着一起衰老了。虽然毒素深藏,但它们在身体表面还是留下了蛛丝 马迹,不同的样貌代表毒素藏在哪里,现在,我们要找出毒素的藏身处,尽快把它赶出身体。 如果肝脏有了毒素表现在: 1.指甲表面有凸起的棱线,或是向下凹陷。中医认为“肝主筋”,指甲是“筋”的一部分,所以毒素在肝脏 蓄积时,指甲上会有明显的信号。 2.乳腺出现增生,经前乳腺的胀痛明显增加。乳腺属于肝经循行路线上的要塞,一旦肝经中有“毒”存在, 乳腺增生随即产生,尤其在经血即将排出时,会因气血的充盛而变得胀痛明显。 3.情绪容易抑郁。肝脏是体内调控情绪的脏器,一旦肝内的毒不能及时排出,阻塞气的运行,就会产生明显 的不良情绪,水宜生s520。 4.偏头痛,脸部的两侧长痘痘,还会出现痛经。脸部两侧以及小腹,是肝经和它的搭档胆经的“一亩三分地 ”,一旦肝的排毒不畅快,自己的后院就会先着火。 怎么排毒更顺畅? 1.吃青色的食物。按中医五行理论,健尔马足疗机二代,青色的食物可以通达肝气,起到很好的疏肝、解郁、缓解情绪作用,属于帮助肝脏排毒的食物,健尔马足疗机三代。中医专家推荐青色的橘子或柠檬,连皮做成青橘果汁或是青柠檬水,直接饮用就好,健尔马足疗机三代。 2.枸杞提升肝脏的耐受性。除了排毒之外,还应该提升肝脏抵抗毒素的能力,无叶电风扇厂家。这种食物首推枸杞,它具有很好的保护肝脏的作用,可以提升肝脏对毒素的耐受性。食用时以咀嚼着吃最好,每 天吃一小把。 3.按压肝脏排毒要穴。这是指太冲穴,位置在足背第一、二跖骨结合部之前的凹陷中。用拇指按揉3~5分 钟,感觉轻微酸胀即可。不要用太大的力气,两只脚交替按压。 4.眼泪排毒法,健尔马足疗机官网。相较于从不哭泣的男人,女人寿命更长,这不能不说和眼泪有关系。中医早已有了这个认识,而且也被西方医学 所证实。作为排泄液的泪液,同汗液和尿液一样,里面确实有一些对身体有害的生化毒素。所以,难受时、委屈时 、压抑时就干脆哭出来吧。对于那些“乐天派”,周末的午后看一部悲情的电影,让泪水随着情节流淌也是一种主 动排毒方式。 |
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Reprinted from 19108859 at 22:10 on June 17, 2009 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (0) Categories: Health Summer is the peak of beverage consumption. Carbonated beverages, fruit and vegetable juice, tea drinks, milk drinks ... ... wearing a colorful coat of drinks, crowded supermarket shelves,cheap gucci heels, a lot of drinks also play the who pick dazzled. Experts advise consumers of food, drink the summer with stress, to moderate drinking. an interview with reporters, said that generally 500 ml bottle of commercial beverages, the maximum capacity of 10% or more sugar, if you drink thirty-four bottle, drink will carry about 200 grams of sugar, the equivalent of eating two bowls of rice. Drink a lot, but at the same time pay too much sugar intake, and may lead to a lack of B vitamins, is not conducive to good health. FAN Zhi recommended summer drink of choice is sugar-free beverages or low-sugar drinks, that do not light a little sweet or sweet drinks, such as mineral water, sugar and tea drinks. If you sweat a lot, you can drink some sports drinks contain salt. Drink in moderation, 2 bottles of control in less than a day as well. quench the best, not sugar, colors, flavors and so on. If you would like to add body sweat losses of nutrients, you can drink plus a small amount of salt (salt just feel Ruoyouruowu) of vegetable juice, or add a small amount of salt in bean soup (bean soup, bean soup, etc.), while in the pay supplement a variety of minerals and vitamins, and avoid the adverse effects of high sugar. |
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