Cheap Office 2010 Our Intern
Slight departure from our typical topics, as today we say a fond farewell to Program Manager Intern Mike Krieger. He's headed back to school next week and we wish him all the best. We like to give interns work experience on "real tasks." The same kind of work they would get if they were full-time employees. In the best case they'll get some feature work, somethiing that actually contributes to the shipping product. Mike pretty much hit the jackpot this summer. A quick review of his work that you'll see in Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007: Photo Album Mike managed the effort to bring PowerPoint's Photo Album feature into the 21st century, making it compatible with new picture styles, Office 2010 Standard Key, themes, and some user interface clean-up. Outline Mike helped out with finishing touches on the PowerPoint Outline Pane as well. Beta users will recall that the slide icon used to look like this: But will soon look like this: ...which aside from just looking nicer actually improves performance in the outline! And other great stuff Without going into detail, Office 2010 Home And Student, Mike was also involved in improving accessibility in our color picker, Office 2010 Standard, and was able to work in a research project! Earlier this week, Microsoft Office 2007, he sent the team an awesome picture highlighting the new graphics features in Office 2007. From Mike's mail... In the tradition of ‘Slide of the Week’ – I was playing around with some of OfficeArt’s 3D effects as part of my photo research, and came up with the following “glassy cover for photo on a dark red frame” design: The range of things we can do with OArt in 12 is just amazing. Thanks to the magic of ‘Change Picture’ you can have any pic you want under that glass. -Mike Thanks again Mike, Cheap Office 2010! Post by Ric Bretschneider <div