Microsoft Office Standard 2010 Tell Us How do you
We build a lot of sample applications on the team to test stuff. Jeff Conrad is putting together a database to track the NFL season and needed a way to make it impossible to create multiple records of the same teams playing each other in the same week and same year. He created a compound index on the table. You supply a name for the index in the Index Name column. You then list all the fields you want to use for this compound index in the Field Name column. It;s very important that for the additional fields, Office Home And Student 2010 Key, you don;t put the same (or anything) index name in the left column. Otherwise, Microsoft Office Pro 2007, Access thinks it;s a completely different index. You can also set a Sort Order, Microsoft Office Ultimate 2007, but I don;t see much value in doing that. In the bottom left corner, Microsoft Office Standard 2010, you;ll notice that the Unique property is set to Yes. By default this is No so you need to remember to set that to Yes in order to only accept a unique compound index of those fields. Of course you could also enforce this through table level validation or VBA/Macros on the form level. How do you solve this kind of problem in your databases? Tell us, Office 2010 Professional Plus! <div