shishang82 |
04-11-2011 12:11 PM |
Office 2010 Professional Key blog exploremicrosoft
Goodness, a great recruiter couldn't even make this things up. Hear (and see) what intern Mariah has to say about her summer at the empire. Mariah is in the Explore Microsoft program, a 10 week summer internship that is specifically designed for college underclassmen (freshman and sophomores) and offers the opportunity to experience working at Microsoft. Based on Mariah's blog, I'm seriously wondering when she had time to work between the Mariner's games, Office 2007 Pro Plus Key, Mt Rainier trips, microsoft Office 2010 License, and boating excursions ... but I have it on beneficial authority that these interns are ready to ship (yes, Office 2010 Professional Plus, ship) some impressive work after their 10 weeks here. Hope you had an awesome summer, Office 2010 Professional Key, Mariah, Office 2007 Professional Plus Key! gretchen