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德国哲学家海德格尔认为,人类的“存在,只有在死亡眼前才能充分敞开”,“在死神威胁下的时刻,生命最 为实在。”(引自刘再复的《曹雪芹与海德格尔的死亡哲学》一文)
依据海德格尔这种赴死的哲学思惟,人只有在心理上英勇地面对“必死”这必定律时,才能更好地实现存在的 意思。那他对生命存在方式的设计与规划,就有可能完整不同。 实在这种哲学思维,在我们中国多少千年的传统文明中早就有所体现,而在曹雪芹的传世经典《 红楼梦》中,jimmy choo outlet,也已得到了最为充分的证实。 曹雪芹在开头的一段楔子中,先用一僧一道的话来引出整部小说之总纲:“那红尘中有却有些乐事,但不能永 远依恃,况又有‘美中不足,好事多魔’八个字紧相连属,瞬息间则又乐极悲生,人非物换,毕竟是到头一梦,万 境归空。” 紧接着又通过一僧一道的俗世幻形――跛足道人,疯疯癫癫地唱出一段《好了歌》,甄士隐听罢,随即给出一 篇注解。解完之后,甄士隐就“将道人肩上褡裢抢了过来背着,竟不回家,同了疯道人飘飘而去,asics running shoe。” 第五回时作者又部署贾宝玉梦游太空幻境,在这种如梦似幻中预示出小说所有主人公的最终运气终局,并用《 飞鸟各投林》扫尾:“为官的,家业凋落;富贵的,金银散尽。有恩的,虎口余生;无情的,明显报应。欠命的, 命已还;欠泪的,泪已尽。冤冤相报实非轻,分别聚合皆前定。欲知命短问前生,老来富贵也真幸运。看破的,遁 入佛门;痴迷的,枉送了生命。好一似食尽鸟投林,落了片白茫茫大地真清洁!” 经由这番重复的渲染之后,从第六回开端才算是正式进入小说的故事件节。那么,曹雪芹用这种“千皴万染” 的伎俩,到底想要说明什么问题呢? 我以为以上这些文字的作用在于,向读者揭示出一种天道轮回的客观性法则,以及所有性命的休会终极都将面 临逝世亡的客观偶然性,armani mens。而且作者的如椽之笔妙就妙在,小说的结尾局部又冷不丁地发出一句“卿何薄命”的质问。 这一千古警世之问,立即将曹雪芹的所有思想都露出无遗。他盼望通过这些足以惊天地、泣鬼神的文字,唤醒 天下所有的梦中之人,从小说的“事体情理”中,“追踪蹑迹”到“卿何薄命”的真正起因。 脂砚斋说:“ 家国君父事有大小之殊,其理其运其数则略无差别。知运知数者则必谅而后叹也。”这就充足阐明,曹雪芹是采取 了一种逆向的思维方法,首先让读者直面死亡的必定,参悟到其中的“理”、“运”、“数”,而后才让读者追随 “通灵宝玉”,到那世间阅历一番生存的体验。 只有这样,我们才干发现小说的主人公们,到底有多少人是怀有真情真意,有多少可能快活地活在当下,有多 少人能做到“诗意的栖居”。咱们能力发明贾宝玉在直面很多死亡之后,他到底会如何计划本人生存 之终结。 那么,我们这位第一男主角,是如何诠释死亡的呢?贾宝玉说:“人谁不死?只有死得好……比方我此时若果 有造化,该死于此时的,趁你们在,我就死了,再可以你们哭我的眼泪流成大河,把我的尸首漂起来,送到那鸦雀 不到的幽僻之处,随风化了,自此再不要托生为人,就是我死的得时了。” “人谁不死”四个字,首先确定了人必死的定律。“只要死得好”的意思是说,人固然最终都未免一死,但死 就要死得好,死的得时。他所说的“死的得时”又是什么呢?本来是“你们哭我的眼泪流成大河,把我的尸首漂起 来”。 大家能够想一想,到底什么样的人死了,会引起普罗民众的悲哀,并且泪流成河呢?恐怕只有为普罗大众而死 的人,才能享受到如斯的待遇。你们看,当贾宝玉在遭遇父亲的毒打之后,对林黛玉说了一句令众人震惊的话:“ 你释怀,别说这样话。就便为这些人死了,也是宁愿的!”从这句话里,我们能看得出贾宝玉为了社会的弱势群体 ,甘心付出自己的生命,哪怕从此不再托生为人,这是怎么的一种穷凶极恶的大情啊,long sleeved polo shirts! 相对那些不懂君臣大义,只知欺世盗名的“文尸谏、武死战”而言,这样的死才是真正的死得其所,死得重于 泰山! 因而,我认为曹雪芹的生死观,从生死的意境上来看,具备道家思想中那种巨大的魄力;从价值的体现上来看 ,存在儒家思想中那种人生的追求;从生命的连续上来看,又拥有释家思想中那种超然的心态。 再看贾宝玉还有一段话:“只求你们同看着我,守着我,等我有一日化成了飞灰,――飞灰还不好,灰还有形 有迹,还有常识。”“等我化成一股轻烟,风一吹便散了的时候,你们也管不得我,我也顾不得你们了。那时凭我 去,我也凭你们爱那里去就去了。”这种艺术化了的语言,又进一步地表明,曹雪芹所寻求的并不是精神上的永恒 ,而是精神上的不朽。 据《左传》记录,公元前549年,鲁国的穆叔(即叔孙豹)到晋国去,前来迎接的范子宣向穆叔问道:“古 人有言,死而不朽,何谓也?” 穆叔答复他说:“大上有破德,其次有立功,其次有立言。虽久不废,此之谓不朽。” 这就是对于“人生三不朽”的故事。在穆公看来,人生“死而不朽”的最高境界是“立德”,其次是“立功” ,第三是“立言”。对此“三立”,唐代有位学者说明说:“立德,谓创制垂法,博施济众;立功,谓拯厄除难, 功济于时;立言,谓言得其要,理足可传。” 根据这种解释,一部《红楼梦》,足认为国、为家、为天下所有的人立德、立功、立言!曹雪芹凭借一部《红 楼梦》,而取得了一颗不死的灵魂,永远活在后人的心中。 “由于传他,并可传我。”这就是马斯洛需要实践的最高档次――自我实现的须要。“虽本日之茅椽蓬牖,瓦 灶绳床,其风晨月夕,阶柳庭花,亦未有伤于我之胸怀笔墨者。” 曹雪芹之所以能够成绩这一切,应当说都是建立在他认识死亡、直面死亡的基本之上的。同样,荷尔德林、海 德格尔的“诗意的栖居”,尼采的踊跃的审丽人生等,也无一不是树立在对覆灭、对悲剧的充分意识 之上的,worx boots by red wing。 那么,当我们真正参悟到死亡的必然时,想一想,我们究竟是要为子孙后辈留下精力财富仍是物资财产呢?我 们到底是想为自己留下千古美名还是万世骂名呢?我们是否为这个社会立德、立功或者立言呢? 假如你能这样想的话,那就解释你的心理已经真正走向成熟,你的存在体验就能像老子那样“没身不殆”,就 能像孔子那样“为所欲为而不逾矩”了。 |
- Qzone log
| Back to logs list 2112330 2010 年 11 月 04 日 00:39 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (10) Category: Personal Diary These days, as a netizen, if you do not participate in discussions about QQ and the 360 thing, people are embarrassed to say hello with the reason that I had a difficult decisions, but also to write a log. first to explain the situation, my personal attitude is quite objective, let alone whom to support for and against whom, QQ I have been using, can not be used, but also did not think what's difficult to use the place, blog , email and so very good to. 360 used for some time, in addition to the browser as fast as that search dog and the other is also very good, not a lack of humanity some stunning design, but that later uninstalled, because they do not like the Hong Zhou? Father of the rogue software, only There is his personal bias, his product is approved, but now I have a suitable alternative products, pay to buy anti-virus NOD32, browser with search dogs and travel. first talk about privacy, said the incident was caused because of this thing. Some jokes and pictures online are good, QQ question 360: Why the hell you say that I spy on user privacy? 360 fight back: because I found the time to spy on user privacy is also spy on your privacy. There are also quite a picture image of a skirt 360 opened, QQ also found inside,在家适合做的五十一道家常菜, that I rely on you too. I think this is the first as long as the Internet, you have no privacy to speak of the absolute. Privacy on personal computers to include what? Estimated up to several A film is it? Or others nude? Or bribery list? Or a so-called private diary? In contrast, I think the password is the users banking privacy of the most deadly, and this is certainly not like QQ or 360 companies can lay their hands on, only by the threat of hackers, Trojans and viruses, it is very hard to detect areas of need enhance security awareness. As for the A film, even if the QQ or 360 computer know you have A movie has nude, as long as no rule that says A national film into the hard disk will go to jail, but also big deal thing. Of course there is a privacy, these people are terrorists, it is another matter, but the estimates will not remain professional terrorists Sha information in their computer. say that users watch this event is considered, and can be considered to some extent hurt. We can roughly be divided into several categories the user: first called senior Internet users, this is not simply a network age that long, but also on Internet technology have a certain understanding of the user. Group of people steeped in the Internet has long been able to distinguish themselves in the end it is clear what is required, and the more obvious personal preferences, it can be said that the typical cynical sense. When their interests are infringed upon,°旋��.�, they will be very clear who let himself depressed, and then criticize it, and then his plan this event can really shake the status Tencent No, really make him anti-monopoly law to find loopholes in the implementation of Tencent No?. second is called the public Internet users, this group study of Internet technology will not only restricted to send and receive mail, read news, play games, chat, watch video, and Internet all the items, and captured a large number of 360 is the trust of the group, because the interface is very friendly, user-friendly, so everyone feel free to use good antivirus software, no one will get to the bottom 360 why free,do not insert the results sheet ----- preference - Qzone log, so why accounted for less memory than Jinshan. Pinch each other to see QQ and 360, according to common sense, everyone sympathizes with the weak, Tencent face full of monopoly on the Internet, will use every day how 360 QQ telling people how good, how how bad curse QQ, QQ write a blog and then support 360, and then build support for QQ group composed of 360 alliances. At this time no one would go to Thanksgiving Tencent easy to create so many things to make everyone, this is one of Tencent's sad it. I have the heart for this part of the tangled and ideological struggle of groups frequently being thought of a way, using two computers, one of only 360, one only used QQ chat. third category called the new Internet users, sample your new here. In addition to understanding the group less than the Internet, is also very proficient on the computer, usually will support grass-roots-based, solidarity with the 360, but often new users of QQ higher viscosity, so they will not get angry, whatever Mama also done, or continue to QQ to chat with friends gone, will not be too entangled. fourth category, none of my birds, and I was out of soy sauce. Tencent is now out of the 狠招 , although a tough decision, but the sense is also a warning to others, to tell you who is the largest Internet arena guys, who want to get hold of the future similar unitary moths out against Tencent, the first two weigh yourself a few kilograms, now is not let you use the 360 on the QQ, the future is to let you Who let you in on Taobao not QQ, Sina let you see who does not take QQ , who let you use the download does not take Thunder QQ, anyone who does not let you play the game can not get QQ QQ, ha ha. Of course, big brother will not do so from non-repeatable way, but it is to tell you, do not push me. As Chu Laihun in the end is not to further it? We can only wait and see. (At this moment, these circumstances, I can only Alipay said students in South China, Malaysia then you finally understand the total hotel in Hangzhou said the implications of that sentence, and let us at the screen, chanting it: rub, there is disease.) |
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