buisness5119 |
05-07-2011 10:40 AM |
Windows 7 Home Premium Microsoft patents the expos
: Microsoft patents the coverage of new technology - hardware and software program, users can also restrict Microsoft, based on Tuesday 's U.S. Patent No. 7, Office 2010 Activation Key,536,726 to acquire a patent : Customers can only use the selected part of the operating technique functions , Microsoft Office Professional 2010, or restrict the user's privileges , limited consumers will not install new software program or set up hardware drivers . Microsoft will aid to open all restricted functions . to Microsoft, Office Professional 2010 Key, this patent answer to the People might not have to be concerned too much about this patent , simply because patent purposes in 2005, Office Enterprise 2007, appears to be an upgraded version of the present piracy black screen . , love the internet, Windows 7 Home Premium, drop in adore Vista123.com