Office 2010 Key Access Web Databases and The Acces
There are a couple big announcements happening today for the Access community. In partnership with Channel 9 we are launching a new show called The Access Show. It will feature Ryan McMinn, Office 2010 Product Key, myself and others from the team. We will talk in-depth about what is new in Access 2010 and share feedback from the community. Additionally, Office 2010 Key, at the SharePoint Developers Conference we are disclosing more details about Access Services. Access Services is a new SharePoint 2010 feature that allows users to create web databases in Access, Windows 7 Home Premium, host them on SharePoint, Office 2007 Professional, and available through a browser. Here is the inaugural episode and one of the first public demos of an Access Services application running in the browser: Enjoy, Microsoft Office Enterprise 2007! <div