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Reprinted The Riddles folk apt spew blood
The Riddles
show people spewing blood Cheung ESD 1 in the world who suddenly transform age? answer: bride. because today the bride, tomorrow is his wife. 2 a heart worth? answer: 1 million. because the single-minded thing! 3 typhoon weather How many to send order out? answer: 4 million. for of the hurricane climate did not writing? Answer: An Encyclopedia (Encyclopedia lose). 5 if tomorrow is the end of the world, and why some people want to commit suicide? [b] to work to Heaven foothold 6 questions: fabric and periodical afraid of? answer: cloth afraid of ten thousand, the paper just in circumstance. reasons: not (Brazzaville) afraid of ten thousand, only the (paper) just in case. 7 Question: Pencil name? answer: Xiao Reason: slit (Xiao) pencil. 8 Question: Kirin to the North Pole will become? answer: ice emulsion. reasons: ice cream (ice unicorn). 9 Question: Which number from 1 to 9 the most hard-working, which digit the lazy? answer: 1 slothful; 2 hard reasons: one (1) do not do two (2) infinite . 10 question: how to make the calm sparrow? answer: press it a bit. reasons: quiet (silent sparrow oppression). 11 question: Which person in history to run the fastest? answer: Cao Cao ; reasons: talk of the monster to 12 :30-50 questions which bear feces is more than powerful! Answer: 40 Cause: The facts speak louder than male (Bear) dispute 13 question: in the pig pen ran out how to do? answer: Wang Lee Hom reasons: inside coax 14 question: how do they come? answer: Han Reason: also coax 15 9 28th is the birth of Confucius, then October 28 is What day is it? Answer: Confucius full moon 16 wolf (guess fruit)? Answer: carambola (sheep flee) 17 Chiang Kai-shek (Chiang Kai-shek) if still alive, then the world will happen? Answer: one more person ... 18 under the 2 Kuaibing carp (four-character idioms)? Answer: courteous (Ice carp) 19 Tofu Why play impair? answer: because it is frozen tofu 20 a bus occurrence happened, all of them were injured,Christian Louboutin Boots, why was nobody Xiao Ming? answer: because he is not a place on board 21 and Out, may I ask what is this area? Answer: chickens and geese grave 22 measure marathon, chicken run faster than the geese, why is it then to the terminus? answer: chicken run in the erroneous intention 23 East educate bell rang, but not one student in the study-room, how is it? Answer: on the physical 24 Lingling never studied arithmetic, but praised her math preceptor is surrounded the best, why? answer: count from one to two 25 When one foot onto the New World after Columbus, followed by what? answer: tread one foot 26 Some people mention that dining fish can dodge the hazard of myopia, and why? Answer: Have you ever seen a feline wearing a jaws and eyes 27 what the answer is no tongue : teapot mouth 28 What variety of administration can not give mandates to have the old others Peixiao? Answer: The new Lang met with a police officer 29 thieves began to escape, why? answer: to quickly arrest the thief 30 days of chewing gum mini tomorrow, can somebody also said that he bad inhalation,Christian Louboutin Slingbacks, and why? answer: each day, and swearing. Why 31 than the tree frog bound lofty? Answer: Because the tree does not jump 32 scratch four or five times face, his face still has a beard. What is the reason? Answer: Pharaoh was a barber 34 what flowers ought not touch the answer: What sparks 35 to unlock all the secret? Answer: The answer 3 6 while, Times Square, the bell will ring 13 under? Answer: When the repair of old Hou 37, who did not become a father for the first when the father was? Answer: eunuch 38 when someone knocked on the door, you never say Come? Answer: When the lavatory badly 39 dark or white chicken chicken powerful? Why? answer: black chicken powerful, can, white eggs, white chicken eggs could not make black. 40 Why does everyone like to sit and see a video? Answer: Because the foot stand and watch will abolish early-morning learn sour 41 What is the impact? Answer: half an hour less slumber Tortoise and the Hare 42 Please, please pigs to the moderator, may I ask who will win the tortoise and the rabbit? Answer: You can not say that! That the person is a pig ... 43 two women and a thousand words what ducks do similar? Answer: absurd (chicken) is about 44 family has a pig peasant and the donkey, the New Year when you slaughter a pig farmer or a donkey before? Answer: You are compliant to slaughter a piglet (fatuous pig) or annihilate the donkey (ass) 45 aeroplane to fly so high why do not hit the stars? answer: because the stars will did not disturb him. Why did not they say hello? answer: because they are not familiar 1 Who is the chief of the beasts? 2 ● Zoo what will emerge after death? ● 3 movies What people can not wear a hat? ● nut 4 bookstores can not buy any books? ● testament 5 elephant's left ear like? ● What is the water right ear 6 inexhaustible? ● tears 7 What has five heads, but people do not calculate it strange? ● hands, feet 8 household asked the physician the patient's condition, doctors only heaved five fingers, his kin started to cry, what is the problem then? ● If something happens and 9 a chicken and a goose when on the ice, why dead geese and chickens did not die? ● goose is what Penguin 10 letters to people who like to hear to and listen the most? ● CD 11 human longevity hidden? ● Keep breathing, do not exhale 12 something more furious, it will be greater? ● temper 13 flowers bloom all annual round, what flower? ● plastic flower 14 Chang'e why I like alive on the moon? ● Chang moths eat rabbit mutton 15 narrowest where the road? ● Yuanjialuzhai 16 decease fart called what? ● disappear 17 when someone knocked on the door, you never say Come? ● toilet 18 in the world's smallest island What is it? ● 19 asylums on the road exploded as the Earth, where the most safe? ● perdition 20 real man who is henpecked team together to discuss how to recover the honor of man, and suddenly I heard my wife come to their , we flee, but only one person did not run, why? ● fainting dead passed 21 What is the middle of the Pacific? ● What is the word level word 22 general international? ● Arabic 23 a child and an mature walking in the black of night, the child is an mature son, adult child's father is not, may I ask why? ● Because they are two pairs of mother-child relationship 24 father and son to buy a cap, why only buy three? ● grandfather, father and son 25 beat hammer hammer without breaking eggs, Why? ● Hammer certainly not destroyed 26 tigers chase a person is suddenly in front of a river, he could not swim, but he passed, and why? ● fainted 27 world boxing champion knocked down quite accessible be what? ● somnolent 28, a woman hit a four-character idioms divorced several times? ● before the public (work) to make gas (disposable) 29 people who stammer do the maximum losses? ● long-distance calls 30 when a foot onto the New World after Columbus, followed by what? ● onto the other foot 31 ? ● In truth, you do not comprehend my center 33 men with the drink, why not non-Finger Guessing Game? ● toast Monastic 34 the 8 in half, how many? ● 0 35 when the sun will rise in the west? ● curse when 36 have equitable given birth to a newborn, two babies and the same year he was born the same day, and is born of the same parents, but they are not twins, is it possible? ● feasible, they are triplets 37 Wake up, everyone is the first thing to do what? ● 38 opened his eyes opened a hospital in the metropolis of fashionable, perfected equipment and good service. But what namely curious is: not a patient actually received here, this namely why? ● This is a veterinary hospital 39 in winter, without heat, how can now into the ice water? ● Remove the ice 40 points from a hungry cat walked elapse a fat mouse, why would only indifferent to the peckish cat actually went on its path, did not even see the mouse? ● blind cat encountered dead rat 41 Peacock Why not fly to the southeast to northwest fly? ● northwest wall 42 as a truck driver and a motorcyclist collided with the truck driver was seriously impaired, the motorcyclist was right, why? ● truck driver was not pedaling 43 Xiao Ming's mama has 3 sons, called the Ming Great son, second son called out the second and third sons name? ● Of course, called the Little Ming 44 a young male, he had a creek to go to go; However,Christian Louboutin D'Orsays, the river no boat and no bridge. So he would swim cross the river in the morning, only an hour's time he swam to the other side in the afternoon, the river breadth and flow rate are not changed, even extra major is his swimming speed have not changed, but he had spent two and a half hours to swim along the river, you say why? ● two and a half hours increase up to one hour 45 has a very massive sea containers, it would have the Capacity is 60 people, results in up to 59 people, it actually to sink into the sea! This is why (the boat people who are not pregnant and overweight exists; there is no weight on embark)? ● Do not fear, it is the submarine 46 days I do not know what to know, I know you do not know? ● broke 47 soles for two people, a south facing, one facing north of standing, not granted to go back, not allowed to walk around, not allowed to look in the mirror and ask if they can see every other face? ● I certainly can, they are standing face to face what 48 putrid eggs, can not buffet, cooking unfamiliar, can not eat? ● examinations of a naught A Comparison of grief? ● Head Comparison of afflict 50 Confucius and Mencius diverge? ● Confucius child ashore the left. Mencius's son by the above 51 What can not also? ● Jieguang 52 into the zoo to see the first beast? ● conductor 53 amplifying glass can not be what it is amplified? ● What 54 inverted angle ambition addition along half? ● 6 55 as long as you shriek it's name will devastate it, what is it? ● what is often silent 56 will come, but never actually been to? ● Wang tomorrow 57 the first time to peregrination abroad with their parents, due to language barriers and a wastage of his parents, Amy did not understand exotic languages, he is not deaf, but like as not in their own nation feel the slightest inconvenience, this is why? ● Wang is a baby 58 How can ruddy with a blue pen to write to? ● write a ● Spare tire 60 has a natural black marble, in the Sept. 7 that day, threw it into the phenomenon of the Qiantang River in what will happen? ● sink to the river bottom 61 people in what circumstances would Qiqiaoshengyan? ● Cremation 62 fox best, confused man, then what Health pair, why give birth to babies without eyes? ● chicken 64 Why two tigers fight, have to fight to the painful only give up? ● no one challenged tried to interfere 65 Lin after major surgery for an synthetic heart. Disease is cured, her girlfriend has to break in a hurry, why is it so? ● did not really adore her 66 you can do, I can do, we can do; a person can do, two people can not do attach. What was it? ● dream 67 black or white chicken chicken powerful powerful, why? ● black chicken, black chicken that lays white eggs, white chicken eggs, not raw black middle of the night to go home before 68 found to forget your keys at home and not other person,Christian Louboutin UK, then what is your greatest wish? ● forgot to latch the door black hair 69 What are the benefits? ● If you are not afraid of tanning 70 is the end of the world tomorrow, and why some people absence to commit suicide? ● go to paradise seats for 71 managers do not cook, can have a especially good food,Christian Louboutin Mary Janes, what? ● bombarded 72 can not drink whichever wine? ● Why a flask of iodine 73 apparent noxious pills are harmless to person? ● As long as you do not drink it 74 apt activity something, do not have to spend exertion? ● dormant 75, one object, human understand to purchase, sell folk know only by the human do not know, what is it? ● coffin 76 It is said that a woman like a book, what books like that portly woman? ● consolidated 77 an alligator and shark bite feel differ? ● No one knows 78 a cow, walk 10 meters north, then west to go 10 meters,Christian Louboutin Pumps, 10 meters and then go south, turn right back and queried where the cow's tail toward? ● North Korea to 79 ● The day after morrow 80 What is the main cause of divorce? ● married 81 9 oranges given to 13 children, how to divide it fairly? ● pressed into nectar 82 put a pencil on the floor, no one can make the cross, how to do? ● Why 83 on the walls the old Statue of Liberty standing in New York Harbor? ● she could not sit 84 frog Why can jump higher than the tree? ● tree will not jump 85 what the world has almost 2000 km / hour speed-Benz carrying people, and do not have fuel or additional fuels? ● Earth 86 as panic of out of fashion, not to have children behind matrimony how beauteous your label? ● perfectly charm 87 Why do blacks favor to eat white chocolate? ● scared to eat their own fingers 88 who has forever been afraid to take a bath ● Clay 89 reasons why most Buddhists are in the northern hemisphere? ● South ● hospital 92 why geese fly south? ● because of slow 93 feet away melon, cucumber, watermelon, pumpkin could eat, what not to eat melons? ● cheat 94 cake bowl with 6, 6 children assigned to a person, but too reserve a bowl, and why? ● Finally, a friend took the kettle with the Pharaoh 95 four alternatively five times a day to shave face, his face still has a beard. What is the reason? ● Pharaoh was a hairdresser 96 there is a word that everybody will peruse the wrong met. What is this word? ● This is the There are several side the box? ● Two side. Inside and appearance 100 a month which has twenty 8 days? ● Every month, 28 days Subscribe to the reading apartment |
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