National Science Teachers Association
0210 Beginning in September 2010, the state of Oregon ambition chance the 1st to appliance National Evaluation Series preceptor appraisal tests for its statewide instructor certification agenda. The proclamation came earlier this month from the Oregon Teacher Standards and Practices CommissionThe state has said it will integrate the with the existing (ORELA) agenda and will use them to replace maximum existing teacher licensing exams. "At the Oregon Teacher Standards and Practices Commission, chapter of our mission namely to provide our state with the highest quality teacher licensure testing program, charted to assure namely our state's teachers are eligible to prepare students for success," said Victoria Chamberlain, administrative mentor of TSPC. "By accepting the NES tests, we tin immediately evaluate candidates based on the most new content in every subject alternatively theoretical capability zone, aligned to citizen subject and education criteria, as well as push our program in a new direction with computer-based testing, which will grant us to pat into a larger pool of latent teachers because our state's schools."In developing the NES tests, Pearson consulted a variety of content and pedagogy standards recognized at the , including Association for Childhood Education International: Elementary Education Standards; International Reading Association: Standards for Reading Professionals; National Council for Teachers of English: Program for Initial Preparation of Teachers of Secondary English Language Arts; National Council for Teachers of Mathematics: Program for Initial Preparation of Mathematics Teachers; National Science Teachers Association: Standards for Science Teacher Preparation; National Council for the Social Studies: National Standards for Social Studies Teachers; American Council on the Tea ching of Foreign Languages: Program Standards for the Preparation of Foreign Language Teachers; and American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance: Standards for Initial Preparation of Physical Education Teachers.. They contain details about the exams and registration, test formats, content areas, and example questions and answers.