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I first read the sex and karma
, ###### and spirituality, chakras and past life, between men and women, and even their own internal aspects so completely connected with the brilliant description! In this paper, there are concrete proposals, not only for the brain, much in love.
article source: Spirituality dear friends, once again meet with you, I am very pleased. When I look at you, I see you is not seen in the mirror physical appearance, I feel, what they see is your inner thoughts, feelings and mood changes. I'm here to support you continue to walk along the path of their own. Today I want to talk about the subject, its own human impact has been huge, and that is This is not a simple subject. Of a number of judgments have been loaded, fear and emotion, it is no longer any one seems natural for is no longer clear. Perhaps we can say that of the innocent side, that is pure freedom to explore that side of the child has been lost. When the need to express yourself ######ually, you get the fear and tension. In this chapter I would like to discuss this heavy burden, but would like to start to talk about what a spiritual point of view ######ual energy of men and women dance. Initially, the resistance is not just physical acts, but you and your partner to participate in all levels of dance. explain in the following dance in this play a role in the energy of the four dimensions. four levels of experience First of all, of the material level, that is, physical level. The body is innocent, and it exists naturally inside of desire and desire. The body will seek to meet its desires, and decide how the use of ######ual desire and performance, is a human, or is the human soul consciousness. I repeat, the body is innocent, it knows desire, but is nothing wrong, this can be fun, play and enjoy the source. But the body can not choose how to express it's ######ual energy, you are the controller of the human body need your command. If you want to use the most loving way to experience the nature of command is in your heart. When you let your heart take control of energy, it will be the most joyful expression. Another option is to have thought (judging) or mood to controlling flow, then you will find that this will result in your energy into some jam, and I will be talking about below. dance of the second level is the emotional level. The combination of a deep emotional investment in the behavior, if you ignore this aspect, we can not fully put into this behavior, also away from the true meaning of ######. the previous chapter, we explore the emotional depth of this issue, referring to some of the strong emotions such as fear, anger and sadness, people will lose their center. When these types of strong emotions in a particular operation in a relationship, while the two sides do not realize that and deal with them, they will get along in close when they come up. These strong emotions may be in intimate physical contact of the two sides, causing resistance or closure of such a psychological reaction, or the body can not feel the desire and excitement. whenever there is the psychological or physical blockage, it is necessary at the level they appear - emotional level - processing. If you want to remove the symptoms of physical level, but ignoring the potential emotional power, and the body of your own, it is very disrespectful. When the body starts against intimate contact, that is, to give you a clear and clear message: there is emotional blockage. That may come between you and your partner a question, or if you have been brought from a previous emotional pain. Whatever it is, gentle and loving you all need to face, deal with, so that ######ual energy can flow freely. After emotional level is the level of the heart, which is the feeling of lies. The previous chapter we pointed out the distinction between emotions and feelings - feelings are known within the field of intuition and through the wisdom and compassion to convey to you the quiet whisper; the mood is rather dramatic in nature, which we call the sky's reaction, when the ######ual partner when both sides open their hearts to each other there will be trust, love and sense of security. When the You will not hide their emotions, would frankly say so. Old wounds may emerge, and be faithfully accepted. You will be receiving their own original way, and this acceptance is the world's greatest healing power. The energy of their own hearts link up with the ######ual energy, the great healing treatment will be the site of the occurrence of those in need. However, the heart may also prevent you from subtle filled with joy and love to experience the way of. Heart may be due to some reasons, but will themselves isolated from the outside of joy. First of all, the heart may be a reality beyond the Earth's desire; second, the heart may be because of religious teachings, and not open to accept the true nature. I am now to talk about both cases. heart may have a strong thick material you want to transcend the tendency level of reality. It was some kind of homesickness, which may have a desire to want to go one, but not that of the combination - in fact, there may be a head of the physical world (and of) the subtle exclusion. Many of you will know that you want to go beyond physical reality of the desire to remember before the reincarnation of the earth, in the non-material sector to experience the energy of love and harmony. Your heart cries out to the vibration of the kind of comfortable and lightweight, while in meditation, you try to draw that kind of energy. The higher your chakras - that is the heart chakra, throat chakra, third eye and crown chakra - often, were to be launched. These chakras open, while your physical self is essential that the three lower chakras (solar plexus, navel and bottom round round), then more or less abandoned. also occur when the drug situation, but is not a more natural way. When you are taking something that expansion of consciousness, the higher chakras to be an artificial tear, then you will experience a short-lived bliss and ecstasy, people forget this dense and heavy earth reality. Although you want to transcend the desire is understandable, but the reality shake hands with the Earth is very important, otherwise, you will in your own energy field to create a man-made upper and lower divisions. You will be more inclined in the upper half of the energy field,Nike shox shoes, and then start or subtle, or obvious to resist physical, emotional and ######ual reality. This imbalance will result in the energy field. when you miss home this way, please try to feel their own reasons for coming to earth at the moment and purpose. You come here not to transcend the earth, but to the This is a trip to the sacred journey. ashamed to face and let the heart of the second reason is that religious doctrine, often from past lives. In the world in the last few, you may pledge abstinence, or should be taught the joy and ######y body to shame and guilt. The energy may also remain in your hearts, and let your body close to the negative criticism or slight contact with the resistance. But these emotions are not critical and is based on truth. I want to say again, the body itself is innocent, desire, desire, and all those who make you long for the physical process in terms of binding, are very natural and healthy. ###### imbalance in the field, almost all of the sky due to non-material level, I have already spoken about the reasons for the two of them. fourth and last is the level of the mind. At this level, there may be moral or spiritual aspects of faith so that you can not enjoy ######. These beliefs, in essence, mostly religious. it from a spiritual level, you may feel like a physical prison. This is especially true in light of the workers are often the body, they will provide ######ual pleasure and fun that can produce resistance. This is partly from the religious and moral beliefs, and partly because of this life completely for the lack of experience. Most workers in light of the soul in the world there are as many priests, nuns or similar role, from the general public, no partner or family. They focus on the spiritual, that completely ignored the spirituality and religion in the population, the natural expression of the body is often a lack of respect. It was pity, because from our point of view here, which enter the physical reality of expression, the soul is the most sacred journey. So far away from home in the material and physical implementation phase, sowing and harvesting seeds of your god, is a divine work, is the highest level of divine act of creation. Perhaps you had someone to accompany at the bedside before she died, or had witnessed the birth of a child. In that moment, the soul and substance to enter or leave the dance. These two moments are surrounded by the sacred atmosphere, you can experience a profound silence around around it which is full of glory, announcing the arrival or departure of a soul. We on this side of you has done in those moments filled with the deepest respect. Dance with the divine substance, however, is often the case that you hate it! is a true meaning of being in the material, while on the dance beyond the physical. In the balance of self-expression, you have gone beyond the physical reality, but not ignore or suppress it, nor abandon the lower three chakras, only through the higher chakras to seek ecstasy. Successful integration of all aspects of life; of like a bridge, connecting the material and spiritual. when two people loving the way to the intimate physical contact with the body, all cells are vibrating a little faster, start slowly dance. Thus, a door opens, leading to a higher vibration and a feeling of more light energy reality. All of you - body, soul and mind - a combination of both inputs, the will also feel the peace and joy, there is a silent ecstasy. Your body cells tasted the energy of love, that moment, you let the reality of love from their closer. You become the energy of divine love the channel, this energy flow through you so desire, to give you the greatest of respect for nature. If the combination of these four levels of energy can flow, blending, is a divine creation. In this divine creation is natural to have children, when men and women dance to the joy of the way so full of performances, from which only a born beauty and sweet. So if a child was conceived, love and light slides down the birth world, will be a soul on earth can the most loving welcome. because of the energy is so precious, so please respect your ######ual attitude. When a problem, fear or tension, do not criticize or so to give up, because it is a natural part of you, and is sacred. war between the ######es now I want to take you into the nature of history,Cheap nike shoes, then that women and men of this age in terms of self-expression in the problems of the time. of the field a lot of things happened. Of the core carries the light of the potential is huge, but also may therefore be seriously misused. What I am saying is that a power struggle between men and women of ancient history, alien empire began in the beginning of life on Earth when the intervention. Before that, the earth is like a paradise, an Eden of beauty and innocence everywhere. in the final stages of this history, the men apparently played the role of evil and oppression. But this is not always so, some time in the history of women in both public and private areas more power, also to the cruel oppression of the male energy practices. You know, women are not born to be oppressed or submissive, and certainly not the most love. Your stereotype of a woman's gentle but weak, while the man is strong but not sensitive, in fact, only just mentioned the last period of this history is true. in there before recorded history, was once a matriarchal society. At that time, women have to use their own destructive power, no respect for the inherent vitality and creativity of people. Men have the power to override a woman, they have through the natural power of the emotional and intuitive control of man, who used their supernatural powers. For example, men have been in the ritual of torturing and killing. I want to emphasize is that your official history of the portrayal of gender relations is one-sided. Since recorded history, the oppression of men to women is certainly very obvious, but it has been shown to women resentment and hatred, not come out of thin air. In addition to the impact of cultural traditions and customs, the collective soul of men, some from ancient times of deep emotional wounds. I will not detail that period, but would like to invite you to feel whether they may have had the experience. My question to women is: general, then you are more weak 』『 ######? Let intuition guide you, and to observe the surface of emotions, the results may be surprising. the collective level in the male, the soul of rage and anger to the sky for that period of ancient history, by the political and religious spheres (especially through the church) the emergence of energy that oppressed women. During that period, the male reproductive however be used as tools, while men feel that side, and the emotions between father and child bond, has not been respected. Children are often raised by the mother and father completely separate, while the father's ideas and needs almost no attention. The values of importance to continue to pass through the mother, and At that time, men just labor, rather than equal partners. defeated not only the Church as a male bastion of power in the fields of science, they also showed hostility to the female energy. Although science and religion in many ways natural enemies, but they resist the intuitive aspects of feminine energy flows are allies. While the church's rigid and stifling dogma, but science also another way of restricting female energy. While modern science is the driving force behind the inspiring and innovative (to overthrow the false authority), but later stuck in the narrow pure rational thinking, women are not allowed the energy to participate. Scientific way of thinking is analytical, logical, but the imagination and observation of its super senses (intuition) is not open source. Many scientists have for the manipulation of man's age. The reference to this ancient history is to make you understand, in the . Male and female energy has long been on opposite, but initially they are complementary. At this point, men and women are invited to join hands again to re-find the first dance of the men and women have the pleasure and glory. Basically, energy is to guide and inspire women, the male energy is the service and protection. Any source of motivation behind the creation of energy are female, while men are responsible for the significant energy into form and action. Both energy is through the operation of each person, whether male or female. Are you male or female does not matter, both within the energy balance and how the relationship is really important. female ######ual obstacles for women, over the last few centuries of ######ual repression and violence, in the first and second chakra (wheel submarine and umbilical round) caused the deepest area The combat and injury. Over the past few years, in almost all areas of society, women have been limited to the role of obedience in this situation is still so many places in the world. From So many women - indeed, the collective soul of women - by the great harm, there is a deep emotional wounds must, through time, love and the greatest care to heal. In general, women felt by the driving force of integration, is a heart of desire or spiritual feeling. But when they occur close physical contact may find the first and second chakras as energy blockage, they can not freely express ######ual energy. In these two energy centers, there are some on the This experience is so painful, so that women will be pulled from the abdomen of energy and consciousness. When this area is now close to the ######ual energy, muscle tension will instinctively, or automatically send to resist emotional experience of the signal. Body cells is conscious of these injuries, so will not easily agree to an invitation to dance. They want behind closed doors, the establishment of a barrier to protect you from more abuse, this reaction entirely understandable, and should be the most respectful way to deal with. To resist any kind of force to disarm, it will to some extent the two have been injured again against the energy center. as a woman if you have these feelings, so fully aware that they are very important. Where there may be anger, as well as physical resistance or fear blind date, and these emotions often than you this time there is a relationship more distant, even more than this life has for a long time. The lower chakras may have a very old wound, which caused a deep emotional trauma scars. On this point, I would suggest that recognize the pain of women to know that they themselves are the perpetrators rather than victims of past lives. Or, if you find access to past life has problems, and internal that May sound strange, but to do so for the following reasons: If you had been victims of ######ual violence, your energy field will be many angry. This anger may come from in front of several lifetimes, will hinder you, will you imprisoned in the feeling of powerlessness and victimization. But to release the anger, we must understand the reasons and purposes, must see a greater level. As you can imagine myself a Then, a more complete understanding of this rise - you know your inner karma is a bigger part of the story, and you are in which perpetrators and victims. If you do not see his other side - the past lives do not have to go back to see their inner dark part in the everyday life, they would be aware of observation. When you feel that energy (that is, you want to use the power or intention to harm others), the you can feel not only been a helpless victim of external circumstances. Between the perpetrator and the victim in a karmic relationship, these roles are reflected in your face. Once you know and accept the dark part of their own, can not the same as the way to look at their inner wounds, and then began to forgive. When understanding occurs, anger to melt, you can touch to lower emotions: sadness, grief, and at many levels (including the body itself) to the wrenching. that you are healing a struggle between men and women against the old history. Male and female energy of hope once again work together to perform a dance of joy and creativity. Any of your personal contribution to this matter, all of the collective soul of men and women have a positive impact. You love yourself, so people can learn patience and energy of love. for women, to recognize and deal with perpetrators within their own side, it is very important. When the inner resentment and hatred of ###### there, we should understand the feelings you have more resentment and hatred, the more the role of victim identification, the more deprived of his liberty. Try a feeling within himself the karma of the arena game is played, and you played two roles in which: good guys and bad guys. From then on, you will be able to forgive yourself, forgive others. A wherefore, acts of violence and oppression seem meaningless, but always behind the story. When ######ual violence involved, will the four dimensions of human left a deep imprint. male ######ual hinder the ######ual experience for men,Nike shox shoes, the obstruction occurs mainly heart and mind level. In both levels, there may be on the surrender of the fear, fear of the depth of emotional intimacy. In most cases, this fear can be traced back to very early very early, you can remember more than the old, men and women ruled the relevant time. This makes the first should be the innocent ###### appeal of nature games, become full of threat. Open-minded couples learned men, frankly expressed emotion is dangerous. men have a deeply rooted fear of the inherent fear that they will submit to the feeling side, but this fear will not necessarily reflected in the physical level. They will be separated from the body of the ######ual behavior and feelings, so men may be physically there, but do not feel the presence (or absence of a part). His mood was closed up, because the open again for fear of being rejected, being hurt. This is because they are abandoned and emotional harm caused by the old soul of memory. patience and love in general, men and women of the energy block is somewhat different, so when you are together, to communicate frankly with each other's feelings is very important. If you really trust your partner, you can have no shame of their ######ual energy in the intimate contact where exactly is blocked. To do this, simply through awareness: When you have excitement and intimacy between the flow, how much you are willing to allow yourself to feel and express? Do you think your physical, emotional or feel any part of the blocked it? When you are together, you feel the warm light heart? Do you feel spiritually open to each other? Are you ready to meet with each other as a whole? may sound strange, but you are in fact afraid of real intimacy. You want a very successful relationship, the songs on the music charts, talking about almost all aspects of emotional and ######ual relations between people to meet the ideal. However, the real intimacy allows the you fear. When someone close by when you were asked to take off the mask, then the suppression of all do not realize that all floating up. When they emerge, try not to judge themselves; the contrary, you want this as an opportunity to explore the internal repression and clogging. almost everyone has such a blockage, impeding them to completely experiential. So please bring your loving awareness to look at the inner flow of energy - whether single or living in a relationship into - and then deal with care and respect for the office block. Forcing is the worst way, patience and love is the most important. to keep you on the true and full of yearning for experience! Desire is a very healthy, so do not, regardless of good and bad, were all lost. Leading to the complete and enjoyable ######ual experience may be long and tortuous road, but on the road, you have to yourself and others will continue to grow with love and compassion, which the human world is priceless. transferred from inner space http://www.innerspace.com.cn / |
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