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面试过后可以写信或打电话向面试过你的人做礼貌性的鸣谢,一方面表示你的礼貌,另一方面也可以加深招聘 者对你的印象。这时也可以强调你对这份工作的兴趣,还可以弥补一些你在面试时漏掉的事实。 BASIC EXPRESSIONS 基本句型表达 1) Can I help you? 需要我帮忙吗? 2) May I speak to... ? 我可以和?通话吗?iquest; 3) I am calling you to thank you for the interview yesterday. 我打电话是为了感谢你昨天为我部署的面试。 4) It?s thoughtful of you to call me again. 你能再次打电话过来,想得真周到。 5) I am just calling to say thanks for the interview. 我打电话是为上次的口试向您表现谢意。 6) We have narrowed it down to you and two other candidates. 我们已经把范畴缩小到你和另外两个应聘者了。 7) Do you have any questions we didn?t cover in the interview? 上次我们面试时有没有没有被提及到的问题要问? CONVERSATIONS 会话 (A=Applicant I=Interviewer) Dialogue 1 I: Hello, BCD Company, can I help you? A: Hello, may I speak to Mrs Smith? I: This is Mrs Smith, may I have your name? A: This is Sun, and I interviewed with you yesterday. I: Hello, Mr. Sun. A: I am calling to thank you for giving me the interview for the Sales Manager position yesterday. I: You are welcome, Mr. Sun. A: I really enjoyed meeting with you. I: You certainly made a good impression on me, as well. A: I am very interested in this position. I: We?ll be making the decision by the end of this week and we?ll contact you as soon as possible. A: Well, thank you for your time and consideration again. I: You are welcome. I: 你好,这里是BCD公司,您需要帮助吗? A: 你好,我可以和史密斯女士通话吗? I: 我就是史密斯,你叫什么? A: 我是小孙,昨天和你面试过。 I: 你好,孙先生。 A: 昨天你给了我面试销售经理一职的机遇,我特地打电话向你表示感谢。 I: 不用客气,孙先生。 A: 我非常愉快和您见面。 I: 你也给我留下了非常好的印象。 A: 我对这个职位非常感兴趣。 I: 我们会在本周末做出决定的,到时我们会和你尽快取得联系的。 A: 好的,再次感激您的时光和斟酌。 I: 不用客气。 Dialogue 2 A: Hello, this is Sunlin. May I speak to Mrs Smith? I: This is Mrs Smith. Can I help you? A: I am calling to say ?thank you for the interview yesterday. I: You are welcome. I am very impressed by your capability. A: Is there anything I should do? I: No, nothing. It?s thoughtful of you to call me again. A: Thank you. Please call me at any time if you have any questions. I: Ok, I will. Do you have any question? A: No, thank you. Goodbye. I: Goodbye. A: 你好,我是孙林。我可以和史密斯女士通话吗? I: 我就是史密斯,需要什么辅助吗? A: 我是为昨天的面试向您表示谢意的。 I: 不用客气,你的能力给我留下了深入的印象。 A: 我还需要做些什么吗? I: 不必,你能再次打来电话,已经想得很周密了。 A: 谢谢你,如果你有什么问题,请随时打电话给我。 I: 好的,我会的。还有问题吗? A: 没有了,谢谢你,再见。 I: 再见。 Dialogue 3 A: This is Sunlin. Is this Mrs Smith speaking? I: Yes, what can I do for you? A: I just want to call and say ?thank you for letting me interview yesterday. I: You are welcome, Mr. Sun. A: And I also want to know what the status is of the position. I: Sorry, we haven?t made the decision at all. But we should be making the decision by the end of this week. And we?ll get in touch with you once we make it. A: Do you have any questions we didn?t cover in the interview? I: No. A: Thank you, I am looking forward to hearing from you. Bye-bye. I: Thank you for the calling. Bye-bye. A: 我是孙林,你是史密斯先生吗? I: 是的,您有什么需要帮助的吗? A: 我只是想打个电话对您昨天给予我面试机会表示感谢。 I: 孙先生,不用客气。 A: 我还想问一下目前这个职位的状况。 I: 不好心思,我们还没有做出决定,karen millen dress sale。但我们会在周末之前做出决定的,到时我们一做出决定就告诉你。 A: 您还有上次我们面试时没有提到的问题要问吗? I: 没有了。 A: 谢谢,我等候着您的新闻。再见。 I: 再见。 consideration 考虑 impress 给……极深的印象,使激动 capability 能力 thoughtful 考虑周到的,体贴人的 status 状况,情形,位置 cover 包括 电话或书面致谢时,切记要留神言辞,不要让招聘者认为你是在强迫他立刻做出决定,通常只有表示出自己的 谢意以及冀望就可以了。 常用的句型有: I just want to call and say ?thank-you for the interview. I am just calling to thank you for the interview. 1) I am very interested in this position. hopeful for eager for 我对这个职位非常感兴致。 我非常盼望能得到这个职位。 我盼望得到这份工作。 2) It?s thoughtful of you to call me again. attentive considerate 你再次打电话给我,考虑得真周到。 3) Do you have any questions we didn?t cover in the interview? mention touch upon 你还有我们面试中没有提到的问题吗? 4)Thank you for the call. interview 谢谢你 打电话给我。 谢谢你 寄信给我。 谢谢你给我面试。 12面试篇—讯问成果 询问结果 如果面试后的一两周内都还没有得到通知,你也可以打电话去问问,这样自己做到成竹在胸,当然也可以写信 或发Email去查问。本节主要讲述打电话询问面试结果。 BASIC EXPRESSIONS 基本句型表达 1) I am just calling to follow up on the status of the Sales Manager position. 我打电话只是想问一下销售经理这个职位的招聘情形。 2) We haven?t made any decision yet. 咱们还不做任何决议,buy asics。 3) Do you have any idea when you might arrive at a decision? 你知道你们什么时候会做出决定吗? CONVERSATIONS 会话 (A=Applicant I=Interviewer) Dialogue 1 A: Hi, may I speak to Mrs Smith, please? I: This is Mrs Smith. A: Mrs Smith, how do you do? This is Sunlin. I interviewed with you a few days ago. I: Yes, Mr. Sun. A: I am just calling to follow up on the status of the Sales Manager position. I: We haven?t made any decision yet. Although we do have a couple we are looking at including you. A: I see. Well, I am very interested in this position. And if there is any additional information you need, please call me at any time. I: I certainly will. Thank you for calling. A: Thank you very much, too. A: 你好,我可以和史密斯女士讲话吗? I: 我就是史密斯。 A: 史密斯女士,你好,我是多少天前和你面试过的孙林。 I: 是的,孙先生。 A: 我打电话只是想问一下销售经理这个职位的招聘状况。 I: 我们还没有做任何决定呢,但我们已有几个人选,其中包含你。 A: 我知道了。是这样,我对这个职位非常感兴趣。假如你还需要别的材料,请随时打电话给我。 I: 当然会的,谢谢你打来电话。 A: 我也非常感谢你。 Dialogue 2 A: Hello, may I speak to Mrs Smith? I: Speaking. A: Hi, Mrs Smith, this is Sunlin. You interviewed me a few days ago. I: I know, can I help you? A: I am just following up to see if you have made a decision concerning the Sales Manager position. I: Unfortunately, we have been working to meet a deadline. So we haven?t made any decision. A: Do you have any idea when you might arrive at a decision? I: I hope by next weekend. A: All right, thank you. I: You are welcome. Goodbye. A: Goodbye. A: 你好,我能够跟史密斯女士通话吗? I: 我就是。 A: 你好,史密斯女士,我是孙林,几天前你面试过我。 I: 我晓得了,你有什么事吗? A: 我只是想知道对于销售经理一职你们是否已经做出了决定。 I: 很负疚,我们一直在忙着一个就要到期的工作,所以还没有作任何决定。 A: 那你知道你们什么时候会作出决定吗? I: 我生机是在下个周末之前吧。 A: 那好,谢谢你。 I: 不客气,再见。 A: 再见。 additional 额外的 follow up on 追踪 concerning 关于,有关 deadline 最后期限 记住两个常用句型: I am just calling to follow up on the status of the position. I am just calling to see if you have made any decision concerning the position. 1) I am just calling to follow up on the status of the Sales Manager position. Personnel Manager Area Representative Personnel Supervisor 我打电话只是想问一下 销售经理 这个职位的应聘状态。 人事经理 区域代表 人事主管 2) If you?ve made a decision concerning the Sales Manager position, ...... about with regard to 如果关于销售经理一职你已经作出了决定,…… 3) Do you have any idea when you might arrive at a decision? know 你知道你们大略什么时候会作出决定吗? 13面试篇—拒绝职务 谢绝职务 因为某些起因,你可能不想接受这个职位,所以在接到被录用的通知时,一定要坦白告诉对方你的决定。谢绝 职位时,可以恳切地说出自己的主意,并要感谢对方录用自己。 BASIC EXPRESSIONS 基本句型表达 1) I?d like to tell you that you can come to work for us. 我想通知你你可以来我们公司工作了。 2) I am sorry but I just accepted another offer that I feel is more suitable to my needs. 很抱歉,我刚接受了一个我认为更合乎我需要的工作。 3) I really appreciate your offer, but I must decline it. 异常感谢贵公司的录用,但我不得不拒绝这份工作,paul smith。 4) Frankly speaking, I have been thinking that the position is not right for me after the interview. 坦率地说,面试后我始终以为这个职位不合适我。 5) I really think that position suits my education background better. 我真的感到那个职位更适合我的教导背景。 CONVERSATIONS 会话 (A=Applicant I=Interviewer) Dialogue 1 I: Hello, is that Mr. Sun? This is Mrs Smith with ABC Corp. A: Yes, this is Sunlin. I: I?d like to tell you that you can come to work for us. A: Oh, I am sorry, but I just accepted another offer that I feel is more suitable to my needs. I: I see. A: I really appreciate your offer, but I must decline it. I: You are welcome. Please call us if you change your mind. A: I will. Thank you. I: 你好,孙先生吗?我是ABC公司的史密斯女士。 A: 是的,我是孙林。 I: 我想告诉你你可以来我们公司工作了。 A: 哦,很抱歉,我刚接受了另一个我认为更契合我请求的工作。 I: 我知道了。 A: 非常感谢贵公司的录用,但我不得不拒绝它。 I: 不用客气,如果你改变了想法,red wing hockey,可以打电话给我们。 A: 我会的,谢谢你。 Dialogue 2 I: Mr. Sun, this is Mrs Smith at ABC. I am calling to offer you the Sales Manager position. I am wondering if you are still interested in it. A: Frankly speaking, I have been thinking that the position is not right for me. I: Really, what changed your mind? A: I think there is too much responsibility for me. I wonder if I can handle it. I: I am sure you can. A: But I have my doubts, and I don?t want to accept a position that I don?t think I will be happy in. I: You are right. A: But thank you for the offer. Good luck. I: 孙先生,我是ABC公司的史密斯女士。我打电话是想告诉你销售经理一职你已被录用了。我不知道你还有没有兴 趣。 A: 坦白地说,面试后我一直认为这个工作不适合我。 I: 是吗,是什么让你转变了主张? A: 我认为这份工作要承当的义务太多了,我不知道是否敷衍得了。 I: 我信任你能应付的。 A: 但我猜忌我自己,我不想接收一份本人觉得不快活的工作。 I: 你说得对。 A: 但还长短常感谢你的录用。祝你好运。 Dialogue 3 A: Hello, this is Sunlin, may I speak to Mrs. Smith? I: Yes, this is Mrs Smith. Mr. Sun, have you received our letter? A: Yes, Mrs Smith. I am just calling to thank you for your offer. But I am sorry to tell you I have accepted another position. I: May I ask why? A: I really think that position suits my educational background better. What?s more, that company will supply me with an apartment, you know I haven?t my own house and I have to rent. I: I see. A: 你好,我是孙林,我可以和史密斯女士讲话吗? I: 我就是史密斯。孙先生,你收到我们给你的信了吗? A: 我收到了,我打电话就是感谢贵公司的录用,不外非常遗憾地告诉你,我已经接受了另一个职位。 I: 我可以问为什么吗? A: 我觉得那个职位非常吻合我的教育背景,而且那个公司会为我提供一套住房,我没有自己的屋子,必 须租房子住。 I: 我清楚。 suitable 适合的,相配的 offer 提供 decline 谢绝 handle 处置 supply sb with sth 供给,供给 rent 租用 Your words should be professional and courteous [有礼貌的]. You may be turning down this position, but you might want to be considered for future opportunities. Savvy [悟性] job seekers use every possible chance to thank each person with whom you interviewed and wish them and their company continued success. 1) I just accepted another offer that I feel is more suitable to my needs. more right for me more interesting to me 我刚接受了另一份我觉得 更能知足我需要 的工作。 更适合我 更感兴趣 2) I don?t want to accept a position that I don?t think I will be happy in. offers me too little salary can?t supply me with an apartment 我不想接受 一份我觉得不会让我快乐 的工作。 一份薪水太少 不能为我提供住房 14休会篇—应聘实验室助理 应聘实验室助理 作为实验室助理需要做的工作包括许多项,其中有: 1. Coordinates the activities of student workers. 2. Performs standard laboratory procedures. 3. Compiles data and assists in routine preliminary analyses. 4. Performs clerical tasks such as filing, typing, labeling and billing. SS BASIC EXPRESSIONS 基本句型表达 1) When I saw the advertisement, I thought it would really suit me. 当我看到广告时,我想这个职位非常适合我。 2) Can you tell me why you replied to our advertisement? 你能告诉我为什么你回复了我们的广告吗? 3) Do you know exactly what you would be doing as a laboratory assistant? 那你知道作为一个实验室助理具体做些什么吗? 4) What sort of student do you regard yourself as? 你认为你是哪种类型的学生? 5) Thank you. When will I know if I am successful? 谢谢你。我什么时候能知道我是否被录用了? CONVERSATION 会话 (A=Applicant I=Interviewer) I: Good morning, my name is Martin. You?ve applied for the Laboratory Assistant?s position, right? A: Yes. When I saw the advertisement I thought it would really suit me. I: Can you tell me why you replied to our advertisement? A: I think that I?d be really good at this kind of work. In fact I learn so fast that I?d be looking for promotion very shortly. I: Do you know exactly what you would be doing as a Laboratory Assistant? A: A laboratory assistant helps to maintain scientific equipment, keep a check on the supplies in the store, and prepare the chemicals for experiments. I: What sort of student do you regard yourself as? Did you enjoy studying while you were at school? A: I suppose I?m a reasonable student. I passed all my tests and enjoyed studying subjects that interested me. I: What were your favorite subjects at school? A: Maths and chemistry were my favorite subjects at school. I also enjoyed history. I: Do you have any plans for further study? A: Well, I?ve thought about doing the part-time Chemistry Certificate course at Technical College. I think I would really benefit from doing that. I: Have you ever had a job before? A: Yes. I have worked part-time at a take away food store-the one just round the corner. I: We have a lot of other applicants for this position. Why do you think that you deserve to get the job? A: Well, I?ve found out a lot about this type of work and my research suggests that I would be quite capable of doing the work involved. I also think that I would be able to handle any training course reasonably well. I: I think I have asked you everything I wanted to. Thank you for coming along to the interview. A: Thank you. When will I know if I am successful? I: We?ll be in touch with you by telephone or by mail within a week. Well. Goodbye. A: Goodbye. I: 早上好,我叫马丁,你申请了试验室助理这个职位,对吧? A: 是的。当我看到广告时,我想这个职位非常适合我。 I: 你能告诉我为什么你回应了我们的广告吗? A:我想我非常善于这种工作,事实上,我学得很快,我会在短时间内得到提升。 I: 那你知道作为一个实验室助理详细做些什么吗? A: 实验室助理就是要保护科研设备,时常检讨库房的供应以及为化学实验做筹备工作。 I: 你认为你自己是哪品种型的学生?你在学校时爱好学习吗? A: 我想我是一个挺好的学生,我通过了所有的测验,而且喜欢学习我感兴趣的课程。 I: 你上学时最喜欢什么课程? A: 数学和化学是我上学时最喜欢的,我对历史也非常感兴趣。 I: 你有持续学习深造的盘算吗? A: 哦,我想业余时间在技巧学院上化学认证课程,我想这确定对我有利益。 I: 你以前工作过吗? A: 是的,我在一个食物店做过兼职外卖,就是拐角处那家。 I: 申请这个职位的人很多,你为什么认为你该得到这份工作? A: 是这样的,我对这种工作很懂得,我发现自己非常适合做这种工作,而且我也认为自己能把培训课程 学得非常好。 I: 我的问题问完了。谢谢你来面试。 A: 谢谢你。我什么时候能知道我是否被录用了? I: 我们会在一周内打电话或者写信接洽你的。那好,再见。 A: 再见。 promotion 晋升 equipment 装备 reasonable 尚好的,过得去的 experiment 实验,实验 deserve 值得 take away 带走 certificate 认证 training course 培训课程 在面试时,要阐明自己的特长,比方I am a fast learner. I can type 120 words per minute。这样即便自己某些方面不是很优良,也能得到招聘者的认可。 1) Can you tell me why you replied to our advertisement? responded to answered 你能告诉我为什么你回答了我们的广告吗? 2) Do you know exactly what you would be doing as a laboratory assistant? what your duties would be what your resoponsibilities would be 作为实验室助理,你知道具体要做些什么吗? 作为实验室助理,你知道你的详细工作职责吗? 作为实验室助理,你知道你的具体工作职责吗? 3)When will I know if I am successful? am hired got the job 我何时能知道我是否成功了? 我何时能知道我是否被聘用了? 我何时能知道我是否被聘请了? 15体验篇—应聘律师助理 应聘律师助理 律师助理主要在一些法律事务所或政府法律机构工作。一些律师助理主要从事公证工作,还有一些是从事商标 注册署理工作。 律师助理的工作职责包括:收拾及保存法律文件、研讨法律文件中的某些细节、为社会提供各项有偿法律服务 并对外办理法律公证事务。 BASIC EXPRESSIONS 根本句型抒发 1) I have been working as a paralegal for the last 10 months through an agency that specializes in the legal field. 过去的十个月,我一直在一家法律专业代办处做律师专职助理。 2) I was commended on my ability to take information and break it down into usable facts. 我具有获取信息并能把它们转变成可用事实的能力,这一点受到了人们的称赞。 3) I am looking for a position where my research and writing skills can be used. 我希望能找到一份能发挥我调查和写作技能的工作。 4) Flexibility would certainly rank high in this type of job. 在这类工作中,灵活性当然应当排在第一位。 5) I made sure each of them felt like his or her project was important on my agenda. 我使他们每个人都确信在我的日程工作事项中他(她)的项目是重要的。 6) It was very rewarding to have put so much effort into a project and see the really great results. 在这个项目上付出这么大的努力,并能得到这么好的结果,是很值得的。 7) My boss was impressed with the work I had done. 老板对我所做的工作非常满意。 8) I did have an issue with someone who was getting on my nerves. 我确实和一个让我心烦的人有过争端。 9) My biggest satisfaction is when I experience growth in a job. 我最大的满意感就是当我体验工作中的成长的时候。 10) I put a lot of effort into my education as a paralegal and take it seriously. 我学律师助理时很努力,并且我非常认真地对待它。 CONVERSATION 会话 (A=Applicant I=Interviewer) I: Let?s begin by having you tell me about yourself and your background. A: I have been working as a paralegal for the last 10 months through an agency that specializes in the legal field. My experience has been supporting attorneys in the field of labor law, where I have been able to apply my paralegal education. I was commended on my ability to take information and break it down into usable facts. I really love research and analyzing facts. My major in college was English, and as a result, my writing skills are my major strength. I am looking for a position where my research and writing skills can be used. I: What do you think are the key qualities needed to succeed in the paralegal profession? A: Flexibility would certainly rank high in this type of job. In my last position, I supported four lawyers, and it was not unusual for them all to give me high-priority items to do in the same day or week. There were days when I had to stop and prioritize my work just to get a handle on everything. I would discuss the urgency of their work with each of them so I didn?t drop the ball. At the same time, I made sure each of them felt like his or her project was important on my agenda. I think communication is probably the next key quality. It really worked well when I talked with each of them, explained my situation, and got their input. I: Can you give me an example of a time when you had to work above and beyond your job description? A: There was a very important project that had to be researched and completed by the end of the week. Even though I worked extra hours every night for almost two weeks, my boss and I stayed until 2 a.m. for two nights before the final wrap up. It was very rewarding to have put so much effort into a project and see the really great results. My boss gave me a bonus for my extra effort. I: Tell me about a time when you had to research a case and encountered some obstacles you had to overcome. A: I remember a case that was filled with obstacles. The first thing I did was research through documents and past cases that had similar circumstances. I assembled the facts and then tried to put them together and analyze the next step. I was able to get some input from another lawyer I happened to see at lunch. Through some hard work and fact digging, I was able to find a way to overcome most of the obstacles. I took my findings to my boss and made some recommendations, which she and I discussed and eventually resolved. My boss was impressed with the work I had done. I: What are your strengths and weaknesses? A: My strengths are my caring about getting the job done. I am very results-driven and have been able to meet all my deadlines in past jobs. As far as weaknesses, I really enjoy my work, and sometimes I put in too much time. But I am aware of my tendency to overwork and have learned to pace myself more. I: Tell me about a time when you had a confrontation with a coworker or boss. A: I did have an issue with someone who was getting on my nerves. I asked her if I could talk with her one day, and we had a good discussion. It turned out she was not aware of the impact of her actions and that she really needed an explanation of the procedure. I took the time to explain the procedures, and there haven?t been any problems since that day. I: When do you find a job satisfying? A: My biggest satisfaction is when I experience growth in a job. When I first started as a paralegal, I had a lot to learn. But through hard work, advice from some good mentors and continuing education, I have come a long way. I?ve learned to be flexible when possible and to deal with difficult people in a positive manner. I: How would your coworkers describe you? A: First, they?d say I have a lot of energy and enthusiasm. I really enjoy working with people. Secondly, they?d say I had great customer service skills. I put the customer first. And thirdly, they?d say that I know the law. I put a lot of effort into my education as a paralegal and take it seriously. I: Do you have any questions? A: Yes, I do. On a scale of one to 10, what would you say morale was in this company? I: 讲讲你自己和你的背景,我们开始面试吧。 A: 过去的十个月,我一直在一家法律专业代理处做律师专职助理。我的工作就是在劳动法范畴为法律事务代理人提供 赞助,这样我就可以利用所学到的律师助理方面的常识于工作中。我具备获守信息并能把它们转变成可用事实的能 力,这一点受到了人们的夸奖,而且我喜欢调查和分析事实。我大学时的专业是英语,所以写作技巧是我的专业专 长。我愿望找一份能施展我调查和写作技能的工作。 I: 你认为作为一名律师助理,获得成功的要害品德是什么? A: 在这类工作中,灵活性当然排第一位。我的前一份工作就是帮助四位律师,他们常常会在统一天或者同一个礼拜各 自给我同样重要的工作去做。有时候,我必须把我的工作分出优先级,以便把每一份工作都做好。我会和他们每一 个人磋商一下工作的紧要水平,这样我就不会误事。同时我使他们每个人都确信在我的日程当中他(她)的工作是 重要的。我认为第二重要的品质就是沟通能力。每次我和他们讨论问题时,这一点都很有帮助。我把我的处境说给 他们听,听取他们的意见。 I: 你能给我举一个你必须加班而且超越你的工作规模的例子吗? A: 曾经有一个无比重要的项目必须在周末之前调查清晰并实现。只管我每晚加班都快两周了,有两个晚上我和老板仍 是工作到清晨两点,直到完成。在一个名目上付出很大尽力并能得到这么好的结果,是很值得的。对我的额定工作 ,老板褒奖了我。 I: 讲讲你某一次为了调查一个案例,遇到了很多困难,但你必需克服这些困难的阅历。 A: 我记得有一个案例遇到了良多阻碍。我首先要做的就是考察明白所有文档以及从前相似情况的案例,我将所有证据 都收集起来,放在一起,等着下一步进行剖析。碰劲在吃午饭时我碰到另一位律师,从他那里取得了一些信息。经 过耐劳工作和对事实根据进行发掘,我找到了一条能战胜大局部难题的道路。我把我的发明告知了老板,并提出了 一些倡议,最后经由探讨,艰苦都解决了。老板对我所做的工作十分满足。 I: 你有哪些长处和毛病? A: 我的优点就是一定要把工作完成。我是一个不达目标誓不罢休的人,而且在过去我总能完成我所做的工作。就我的 缺陷而言,我真的非常喜欢我的工作,有时在上面投入了太多的时间。但我已意识到了这一点,懂得恰当调节自己 。 I: 告诉我你有没有和同事或者老板发生过矛盾? A: 我确切和一个让我心烦的人有过争端。我问她哪天能不能跟她谈谈,我们就好好地讨论了一番。但她并没有意识到 其所作所为的影响,也没有意识到她须要别人给她解释一下工作。最后我花时间给她说明了一下工作流程,从那当 前就再也没有呈现过什么问题。 I: 你什么时候认为工作令你最满意? A: 我最大的满意感就是当我体验工作中的成长的时候。我开端做律师助理时,有很多货色要学。然而经过我的刻苦工 作,从良师益友那里得到一些提议以及深刻学习,我已经理解了很多。我学会了尽可能灵巧些,以踊跃的立场和难 以相处的人打交道。 I: 你的共事怎么评估你呢? A: 首先,他们会说我是一个充斥活气和热忱的人,由于我非常喜欢和人一起工作。其次,他们会说我非常懂得客户服 务技能。我把客户放在第一位。第三点就是他们会说我懂法律,我读律师助理时付出了很多努力,并且我非常认真 地对待它。 I: 你有什么问题要问吗? A: 有,以非常来计,你认为贵公司员工的士气如何? paralegal 律师助理 agency 代理 attorney 律师 commend 表彰,称颂 rank 等级,排列 input 看法 prioritize 把?辨别优先次楔 agenda 日常工作事项 drop the ball 失败 rewarding 值得的 obstacle 困难,障碍 get on one?s nerve 使?心?sup3; morale 士气,道德,操行 tendency 趋势 律师助理当该拥有律师资历证书,有必定的工作教训和独破办案的能力,并具备律师执业证。 The ability to take information and break it down into usable facts is very important. 存在获守信息并能把它们改变成可用事实的才能是很主要的。 1) My experience has been supporting attorneys in the field of labor law. civil law commercial law criminal law 我的工作经历就是我一直在帮助 劳动法 方面的律师。 民法 商法 刑法 2) I am looking for a position where my research and writing skills can be used. applied utilized 我想找一份能应用我的研究和写作能力的工作。 3) Flexibility would certainly rank high in this type of job. be primary be first be number one 这类工作中灵活性当然是 很重要的。 主要的 排第一位 排首位 4) My boss was impressed with the work I had done. pleased with satisfied with 我老板对我的工作 印象非常深刻。 很满意 很满意 5) I did have an issue with someone who was getting on my nerves. a conflict a disagreement a dissension 我确实和一个令我愤怒的人 有过争议。 产生过抵触 有过争吵 有过意见分歧 6) I put a lot of effort into my education as a paralegal and take it seriously. make great efforts put a lot of work 作为一个律师助理,我在学习上付出了宏大的努力,并很当真地来看待它。 16体验篇—应聘秘书 应聘秘书 秘书的应聘和其它职业不同,秘书职业需要你有专业技能,与人打交道机动慷慨又不失稳重礼貌。如果你在首 次会晤时,给对方以良好的印象,得体地展现自己的才干,那你胜利的可能性就大一些。 BASIC EXPRESSIONS 基础句型表白 1) Is he available now? 他当初有时间吗? 2) I started the job as a junior secretary. 刚开始这份工作时,我是低级秘书。 3) Then what?s the reason that promoted you to leave Southeast Company? 那是什么原因促使你分开东南公司呢? 4) Your company is the leading dealer in the import and export of cosmetics. 贵公司在化装品进出口方面是最重要的经销商。 5) They?d also say I am a cheerful person to work with I don?t bring my problems to work. 他们也会说和我一起工作很高兴——我从不把我的麻烦带到工作中。 6) I thrive on challenge and work well in high-stress environments. 我能应付挑衅,而且在高压力的环境中也能工作非常杰出。 7) What specific duties would I perform if I am hired? 如果我被录用,我的具体职责是什么? |
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