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gloomy individual who looked to me like an unsuccessful parody of a lizard—he was wearing clothes, but mbt shoes clearance his hands and face were green and scaly. The Others were arguing. The Light One I didn’t know was talking. “It’s the second incident this week, Shagron. And another murder. I’m sorry, but it’s beginning to look like you’ve thrown the treaty out the window. mbt shoes review ” The Dark One glanced involuntarily at the corpse. “We can’t keep mbt stockists track of everybody, you know that perfectly well,” he blurted out, but I didn’t hear any trace of guilt or regret in his voice. “But you undertook to warn all the Dark Ones about Clean Week! Your chief promised officially.” “We did warn them.” “Well, thank you!” The Light One clapped his hands in theatrical applause. “The result is impressive. I repeat: We, the agents of the Night Watch, officially request your cooperation. Call mbt anti shoe your chief out!” “The chief isn’t in Moscow right now,” the magician replied morosely. “And, by the way, your chief knows that perfectly well, so he needn’t have bothered to authorize you to request cooperation.” “Does that mean,” Gorodetsky asked with the hint of a threat in his voice, “that you are refusing to provide cooperation?” The Dark magician shook his head rather more quickly than he need have. “What do you mean, refusing? No. We’re not refusing. I just don’t understand what we can do to help.” The Light Ones seemed to be filled with righteous wrath at that. The magician I didn’t know spoke again. “What can you do? Some shape-shifting hooker rips the balls off a client— an uninitiated Other, by the way—and gets clean away! Who knows all your countless low-life best—you or us?” “Sometimes I think you do,” the Dark magician reto discount mbt trainers rted and glanced at the girl. “If you remember the conversation <a href=""><strong>cheap Chanel handbags for sale</strong></a> in the Seventh Heaven when they caught the Inquisitor and him…”— he nodded at Gorodetsky and paused, as if he were thinking about something. “Most likely the shape-shifter’s not registered. And most likely the client got a bit too boisterous and er… er… Well, let’s put it this way: He wanted something that was unacceptable even to a hooker. And this is the result.” “Shagron, you can’t unload this on the human cops, because she killed him when she was in her Twilight form. Like it or not, the Watches are involved. So tell me straight: Are you going to carry out an investigation or will you force us to deal with it? And don’t even hope that you can just drag things out. We want Saturday’s vampire and this cat up in front of a tribunal, and before next weekend. Do you understand our demands?” The skinny young guy was leaning on Shagron, insisting on his rights, and he obviously enjoyed doing it, as an Other who didn’t often get involved in showdowns. And he seemed to have justification for putting on the pressure… “These lousy, lecherous cats,” the scaly one suddenly muttered. “Brainless bitches…” “Shut up,” the Light girl told him coldly. “You overgrown gecko.” Ah, yes, she was a cat too, even though she was Light… “Cool it, Tiger Cub,” Gorodetsky said to her. Then he turned to the Dark magician again. “Do you understand our demands?” At this point I returned to the first level of the Twilight. To describe the seconds that followed as a dumb show would be a gross understatement. “You!” the girl gasped. “You again!” “Buenos noches, lady and gentlemen. Pardon me, I saw the light, so I just dropped in.” “Anton, Tolik,” Tiger Cub said in a ringing voice that trembled slightly, pointing one finger at me in a childish manner. “Andriukha found him standing over the vampire’s victim on Saturday! This Dark One from Ukraine!” All five of them carried on staring straight at me. “I hope,” I said ironically, “that I don’t resemble a mbt lami shape-shifting hooker any more than I do a crazy vampire?” “Who are you?” the Dark magician, the one they called Sha-gron, asked in a hostile voice. “A magician, dear colleague. A Dark magician. From out of town.” When he tried to probe me, I could tell that if I hadn’t yet climbed up the next step, then I was right there in front of it. He didn’t get anywhere. And meanwhile I noticed that Shagron’s defenses were not entirely his own—I could sense a framework that had been put together by a top-class magician. Probably the famous chief who wasn’t in Moscow at the moment. “A second murder, and here you are again,” Tolik drawled suspiciously, also making an attempt to probe me—quite unsuccessfully, as I noted with some satisfaction. “I don’t like it. Perhaps you would care to explain?” Tolik certainly looked annoyed, but now he was behaving correctly, and that suited me just fine. He was obviously the leader of the three Light Ones and now he was busily thinking over the possible courses of action. There seemed to be plenty of choice. <a href=""><strong>cheap gucci handbags for sale</strong></a> “Yes, I would,” I agreed readily. “I was out strolling not far from here. I sensed something bad going on. And I came to see if I could do anything to help.” “Do you work in the Watch back home in Ukraine?” the scaly one asked unexpectedly. “No.” “Then how can you help?” “Who knows?” I said with a shrug. Of course, the scaly one’s tongue was long and forked. O mbt sale ur people’s imagination is certainly pretty limited. You’d think the Twilight image of a Dark One offered plenty of scope for fantasy—unlike what the Light Ones have, which is just a standard outfit: a luminescent glow and white clothes. The more sentimental ones, mostly the women, have a white garland as well. But even so… almost all the Dark Ones go for the old worn-out cliche of a scaly demon with horns and a forked tongue. “Of course, you have nothing at all to do with these murders?” the girl said with poorly concealed sarcasm. “Naturally.” “I don’t trust him,” said the girl and turned away. “Anton, you have to probe him.” “We will,” Anton replied without thinking. “When we get back I’ll personally request all the data on him…” I laughed ironically. “All right. If you don’t want any help, I don’t mind. I’m not going to impose myself on you. I’ll be going then…” I started towar mbt shoes online d the door. “Hey, Dark One,” mbt shoes review Tolik said to my back. “I’d advise you not to leave Moscow. That’s an official ban from the Night Watch.” “I’ll bear it in mind,” I promised. “In any case, I wasn’t planning to leave…” “I’ll go with you,” Tolik said to Anton and Tiger Cub. “I have something to say to you.” Anton thought gloomily that he must have done a bad job cleaning up again—for some reason this strange Dark One’s words had really stung him. Tiger Cub had imitated the stranger’s way of speaking very precisely, right down to the intonation pattern, and when Anton saw the Dark One, he was convinced yet again that Tiger Cub had the makings of a skillful actress. Who could tell what she might have been if mbt online she hadn’t been an Other… Shagron and his partner had driven off in their fancy BMW a long time ago. Tolik reached out his hand demandingly and Anton obediently gave him the keys to the office Zhiguli. Tiger Cub got into the back without speaking. Anton sat beside Tolik, who drove rapidly out onto Sirenevy Bou mbt levard and headed east. “Who is he, this Dark One?” Anton asked to break the silence. He was in a foul mood. <a href=""><strong>Calendar of Events, updated July 20 : Musical Instruments</strong></a> Another Cheap mbt shoes body—and this time an uninitiated Other! “He’s a very powerful magician,” Tolik said abruptly. “More powerful than me. I tried to p mbt walking shoes robe him and I failed—he closed up instantly.” “Closed up?” Tiger Cub said in an excited voice from the back. “You mean he came without a