Cheap Thomas Sabo Necklace blog the-building-19-tr
Hi Gang – Sorry that I’ve been missing in action for the final various days. Things have been crazy around here. While trying to catch up from Tech*Ed and a handful of days of vacation, I’m also feeling the end-of-the-fiscal-year crunch (it’s our “ship cycle” in recruiting), Cheap Thomas Sabo Charms, I’m in the midst of transitioning to a new job (more on that later …. But no, Thomas Sabo Rings Women, I’m not leaving ya!), and I’m buckling down for annual review writing time. I feel like it’s been so long since I’ve posted that I should come back with something profound here … but a funny “why I enjoy working at Microsoft” entry is the best I’ve got today. I’m actually in a goofy mood so I think it fits well. And now that I’m on the blogging wagon again, Thomas Sabo Necklace Price, I’m pretty sure my usually free-flow of helpful advice will soon follow. So here it is …. Reason #13 of why I enjoy working at Microsoft …. The Building 19 Trash Can “A trash can?” you ask. “Why do you like a trash can?” Well, it’s not so much the trash can as what it represents. This trash can sits at the front door to our recruiting building so while it is the first thing a lot of visitors encounter on their in-person interviewing journey, it also holds a wealth of … um … “memories,” let’s say. It’s in this trash can that lots of an interview candidate tosses out just a few last items before the big day. The wrapper from that energy-providing power bar you ate on the way to the interview. Gone. The step-by-step directions you used to find the building. Gone. The gum you chewed to ensure your breath was minty-fresh and interview-ready. Gone. But I’ve also received stories from blog readers about this trash can. Yes, more than one. A number of actually. It seems this trash can has seen its fair share of “traffic” from nervous (and even food-poisoned) interview candidates. I certainly hope the janitorial staff empties this trash can often! (And if you have a story, Thomas Sabo Beaded Bracelet, send it my way! I'd love to hear it, Cheap Thomas Sabo Necklace!) Even after its stomach-turning life, the trash can always makes me pause as I enter the building. (No, not because of the smell.) I stop and think about all the people who pass that trash can and enter the building everyday. In my case, I'm just showing up to work or returning from a meeting. But for most, entering the building marks the beginning of one of the important days of their lives …. so far at least. Some are excited. Some are intense. Some are just plain sick with anticipation. But passing that trash can and entering the front door signals the beginning of a very big day for very numerous people, and I think it’s important to acknowledge that ... especially as someone who likes to think she helps those "Building 19 dreams" come true. So, here’s to you, Building 19 trash can. If you are around Building 19, be sure to peek inside. You never know what you’ll see! gretchen