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Articles 20VN | Swimwear - How to Look Gorgeous This Summer ...
To look your best this summer on the beach learn all the different styles and types of swimwear available on this summer.Bikini swimwear and SwimsuitsThe terms bikini-swimwear, bathing suit, monokini, bikini, swimsuit, swimming costume and bathing suit relate to clothing that is designed for the swimming pool or for lazing on a beach, swimming in the sea or for playing water sports.Swimsuits are often made with an inner lining to prevent the water from making the swimsuit transparent. Swimwear comes in many styles and the latest revolution has come from Miraclesuit swimwear, an American company, which uses a modern fabric which is said to make a woman look up to ten pounds lighter instantly.o One-piece swimsuitThe one piece swimsuit which is also known as Maillot in French is a form of swimwear that comes in one piece and covers the hip area, the tummy and the breasts and usually has straps going over the shoulders. The one-piece swimsuit is normally very figure hugging and flattering for women and is often the preferred bathing costume for professional swimmers in the swimming pool.Until bikinis <a href="http://www.belstaffonline.co.uk/belstaff-brad-jacket-in-bistre-p-14233.html"><strong>belstaff brad jacket</strong></a> were introduced almost all swimsuits were in one piece with various styles such as the halterneck swimsuit, the surplice (which is a form of wrap-around style) and the bandeau swimsuit style (described below). The standard one-piece swimsuit has two straps and a scooped neck or sometimes a plunge effect which shows more of the boobs. Other styles will have a very deeply plunging back to show off just a little bit more.o Halter neck and boy short leg swimwearSome one-piece swimsuits come with halter neck where the straps tie around the neck and attach to the front of the swimsuit leaving more of the back exposed. This is a very ######y style that gives great support to your bust. A style that has reintroduced, having a very 30's feel to it, is the boy leg one-piece which looks like a classic one-piece with a boy short type leg.o Surplice swim topThe surplice one-piece has a sophisticated feel to it, almost like a toga, with a diagonal wrap over piece of fabric which is great for hiding a slight tummy. Some women who are looking for maternity swimwear will go for the Swim Dress which has a summer dress fitted feel to it and looks ever so sweet whether you are pregnant or not.o Bandeau swimwearThe Bandeau style of swimwear is very stylish and very French. A strapless bathing suit with pleats and some have straps or halters for added support and security.o BikiniThe bikini, or bikini swimwear or two-piece swimsuit as it is sometimes known, is much more revealing than the one-piece swimsuit and is often preferred by younger women. One piece covers the boobs while the other covers the bum and pelvic area. The bikini was a form of swimwear which had its origins in Greco-Roman times. Floor mosaics from the period of the Emperor Diocletian (286-305 AD) in the Villa Romana del Casale, Sicily show women in bikini <a href="http://www.belstaffonline.co.uk/"><strong>belstaff online</strong></a> like clothes. The 'Bikini Girls', as they have become to be known, are shown exercising in garments that to the modern viewer are in fact, bikinis.However, the modern bikini swimwear was invented by a French engineer named Louis Réard in 1946. The bikini outraged many people when it first began appearing on French beaches in 1947. Réard had named his style of swimwear after Bikini Atoll in the Pacific which was the site of the nuclear weapon test in mid 1946. Réard believed that the burst of excitement created by the bikini would be like a nuclear device, and he wasn't far wrong. After the introduction Réard's business became highly successful. In advertisements Réard kept the mystique of the bikini alive by claiming that a two-piece suit wasn't a true bikini 'unless it could be pulled through a wedding ring.'The bikini is said to be the most popular <a href="http://www.belstaffonline.co.uk/products_new.html"><strong>outlet belstaff</strong></a> women's beachwear worldwide. According to Olivier Saillard, the French fashion historian, who said it is due to "the power of women, and not the power of fashion" saying further that, "The emancipation of swimwear has always been linked to the emancipation of women."The bikini became the official uniform, in 1994, of women's Olympic beach volleyball. It was a turning point for female ######uality and the athletic world and it gave a great increase in viewer numbers, one can only suspect that the majority were male.o Bikini underwearBikini underwear is worn by both men and women and is revealing like the bikini swimwear bottoms. Women's bikinis are effectively any close fitting, skimpy panties that are smaller than traditional panties or knickers. Men's bikini underwear is smaller and more revealing than men's briefs.o MonokiniThe monokini, or as it is sometimes known the topless swimsuit or unikini, is a form of swimwear that has only the bottom part of a bikini thereby leaving the boobs exposed. This style of swimsuit is accredited to the American fashion designer Rudi Gernreich who, in 1964, brought it to popularity and is said to have first used the term, monokini.Monokinis are only for the most daring of women and for those beaches where topless bathing is allowed. Monokinis come in various styles with some having a fully covered bum and some having a g-string style at the back. In more recent years the monokini has been seen cut high to the waist with high cut legs.o Bikini topsBikini tops come in many styles including a halter-style neck that offers more coverage and support, the strapless bandeau style which is a rectangular strip of fabric covering the boobs which has the effect of reducing large breasts. Then there is the bikini top with cups similar <a href="http://ncpjy.zgts.gov.cn/view.php?id=2008"><strong>Go Ahead and Refrom Timberland Boots Stand Out in the Fashion ...</strong></a> to a push-up bra or the more traditional triangle cups that lift and shape the breasts.Other variations on the bikini style are the camikini which comprises a camisole top and bikini bottom, the seekini which is a transparent bikini and the tankini which consists of a tank top and bikini bottom.o Swimwear cover-upsA swimsuit cover is a simple and ######y way to make yourself look glamorous and to stand out at the beach. These lovely additions to your swimwear wardrobe come in many forms such as the sarong, or a small triangle of fabric that ties at the hip or the more modest robes or delicate gown styles.Nowadays many women going on holiday prefer to take reversible swimwear with them to reduce their luggage and to have a wide choice of wardrobe. A popular reversible swimwear brand is Moontide from New Zealand.
用料:鸡翅 孜然 香菜 做法: 1.鸡翅洗净,用刀尖划开约两厘米的口子(深度及鸡肉),以便入味及快熟。 2.适量酱油、盐、白酒、白糖及少量生粉拌匀,腌半小时左右。 3.切姜丝、香菜末加入鸡翅拌匀。 4.每10分钟左右将鸡翅翻转,确保两面都能充分入味。 5.油倒入锅中烧热,姜丝、蒜头爆香后捞起扔掉。 6.火调小,将鸡翅放入锅中缓缓煎至金黄,翻转煎另一面至金黄。 7.洒入几滴酒,随即盖上锅盖捂几秒。 8.加入水和刚才倒入腌过鸡翅的汁液(淹过鸡翅一半即可),洒少量香菜末,加盖。烧开后文火焖。 9.大约5分钟后收汁后上碟。 10.在鸡翅上洒少许孜然粉,放几片香菜叶装饰. 芝麻烤鸡翅 材料: 翅中 8个 熟白芝麻 3大匙 香菜 少量 蒜头 1瓣 红辣椒 1个 调料: 盐 适量 胡椒 适量 a)酒 1大匙 酱油 1.5大匙 虾酱 1.5大匙 蜂蜜 2大匙 柠檬汁 1大匙 做法: 1)鸡翅用刀尖刺几下,撒上适量盐和胡椒 2)锅中放入蒜片和切碎的辣椒及a)的调料,煮开后放入鸡翅,加适量水(浸没即可),加盖煮8分 钟 3)鸡翅两面拍上芝麻,入烤箱烤熟(200℃烤箱烤10―15分钟) 4)盛放在盘中,加些香菜即可。 糟鸡翅 原料:鸡翅 糟坊 调料:盐 葱姜 1,鸡翅先用盐码一下,腌2小时(为了入味可以在鸡翅上划两刀) 2,锅中水烧开放入葱姜鸡翅,大火烧开,小火煮8-10分钟即可,捞出鸡翅冷却。 3,将冷透的鸡翅放在干净的容器中倒入糟坊,以淹没鸡翅为宜,加盖密封,放置4小时左右即成(夏天需放冰箱 ) 熏烤薄荷鸡翅 原料:鸡翅 腌料:酱油2勺、糖1勺、葱末1勺、蒜末1勺、盐半勺、炒香的芝麻半勺、香油半勺、黑胡椒粉半勺、蜂蜜1勺 、辣椒2勺 鸡翅用腌料腌制一夜,准备一个锅,里面铺锡纸,放米、茶叶、糖和薄荷,架上烤架,码上腌好的鸡翅,开大火, 直到糖开始变红并冒烟,然后调小火,盖上盖子,大约50分钟,烟熏至肉色红亮为好。中间需要把鸡翅翻面的。 另用一块锡纸折成四方形,放入熏好的鸡翅,腌料汁也倒进去,烤箱预热,200度烤15分钟,取出翻面,再烤 15分钟就好了。 香菇蒸鸡翅 香菇发好,鸡翅,如果有笋切片放如更好。 将主料用盐、料酒、味精、胡椒粉、(糖、香油少许)、淀粉拌匀,不时翻动,两个小时后码盘中上屉蒸熟,最好 在30分钟,若用高压锅也可,直至蒸到软而入味为止 香醋鸡翅 材料: 鸡翅 8个 蒜 1个 姜 1小块 干香菇 5个 鸡蛋 2个 青菜 1棵 调料: 油 2大匙 a)酒 1大匙 酱油 2大匙 香醋 3大匙 糖 2大匙 做法: 1)干香菇用温水泡软,鸡蛋煮12分钟,冷水浸泡后剥去壳,青菜分成小片,入沸水中烫一下 2)锅中加入1大匙油,烧热后入鸡翅煎上色取出 3)再加1大匙油,炒香蒜末、姜末,加入鸡翅、香菇、鸡蛋和a)的调料,加少量水,煮10―15 分 钟 4)汤汁收至差不多后,盛在盘中,围上煮好的青菜。 香橙鸡翅 原料:鸡中翅12只,香橙2个 调味料:橙汗2/3杯 糖1汤匙 盐1/4茶匙 麻油少许 腌料:酱油1汤匙 料酒1茶匙 鸡粉1/2茶匙 盐1/2茶匙 做法: 1. 鸡翅洗净沥干,加入腌料拌匀腌1小时。 2. 橙榨汗留橙皮切长丝。 3. 烧热油将鸡翅煎至金黄色。 4. 将调味煮溶,加入橙皮,鸡翅略煮,即可盛起. 脱骨烤鸡翅: 材料: 鸡翅中7根、胡萝卜7条、蟹味菇7根、茭白7条(也可以换成你喜欢的蔬菜) 腌料:蚝油1匙、蜂蜜1匙、盐1/2匙、五香粉适量、色拉油1匙、黑胡椒碎适量 做法: 1,将鸡翅中斩断两头关节,剁下的关节可以炒个鸡脆骨什么的 2,抽出两根骨头 3,用腌料将鸡肉腌制1小时以上(时间长些更好) 4,烤箱预热220度 5,将胡萝卜条、蟹味菇、茭白条塞入鸡翅中放入烤盘中,表面刷上腌料入烤箱用220度烤15-20分钟即可 蒜香五味鸡翅 材料:鸡翅12只、蒜末6瓣儿(要是有蒜粉更好了)、辣椒面一小 把、花椒4-5颗、酱油两勺、盐一小把、白糖大半勺、五香粉两勺 (爱吃可以适量增加量)、孜然和茴香一小把、番茄酱两勺。 做法:1.鸡翅洗净,用刀背轻拍,这样可以更好的入味,将上述调料一起加入 鸡翅中,拌匀,腌制3-4小时,如果能放置冰箱中过夜,味道会更好; 2.用两根签子上抹一点油,将鸡翅串起,放进微波炉里丁几分钟就 好了,当然也可以根据自己的喜好或烤或者煎,都会一样的好味。 蒜蓉辣酱烧鸡翅 原料:鸡翅、土豆、胡萝卜、洋葱头 做法:1.适量油,花椒炝锅,后取出,放入辣椒、香葱炸锅,倒入鸡翅(已焯好),翻炒一小会儿 。 2.倒入蒜蓉和韩式辣酱 和鸡翅翻炒 3.后放入土豆洋葱胡萝卜等蔬菜,进行翻炒,而后倒入少量水,微炖一下子 熟透 稍微收汁(喜欢多些汤汁的同学 可以少收点 宽汁也很美味)。 三杯鸡翅 主料:鸡翅 做法:鸡翅洗净,在炒勺中放底油炒去水汽, 准备一杯酱油,一杯葱姜蒜,大料,一杯葡萄酒(白酒也可以),paul smith uk,倒入鸡翅中。烧至十分钟,将汤汁收浓,使汤汁入进鸡翅中。呈现酒香,料香,鸡肉香。此菜味浓 厚,肉软烂。 惹味烤鸡翅 主料:鸡翅 盐、红糖、蒜泥、蜂蜜、酱油、料酒、韩国辣椒粉 做法: 1)鸡翅一头挑出筋剪开,用刀轻刮至肉骨分离。加调料抓匀、密封、入冷藏腌12小时。 2)鸡翅放烤架,置于铺锡纸的烤盘上,烤箱200度烤30分钟,中间每10分钟在鸡翅表面刷剩下的 腌料汁。 ・不建议使用中式的辣椒油、辣椒粉,色泽不红,并且过辣。 [1楼]: 青椒鸡翅 原料:鸡中翅,牛角青椒 配料:八角、香叶、桂皮、蒜少许(没有味道也还行)、四川豆瓣(老干妈也代替)、干辣椒、花椒(适量)、酱 油、料酒、白糖、盐、味精 做法: 1.将鸡中翅洗净,从中斩成两截 2.青椒切圈 3.将适量干辣椒段,花椒、酱油、料酒加入鸡翅调味,腌制10分钟 4.准备配料:香叶2片,八角1个,桂皮两小块,蒜半个切块(没有就算了) 5.油烧热,加适量豆瓣,炒香 6.倒入鸡翅不停翻炒, 7.鸡翅变色,加酱油、白糖 8.加入配料翻炒 9.待鸡翅9成熟了,加青椒圈,翻炒。 10.翻炒至尝到鸡翅全熟,青椒入味就可以起锅了(觉得不够咸可以根据自己口味加盐)。 [3楼]: 啤酒鸡翅 配料:鸡中若干 姜块 葱段 丁香 桂皮 柠檬 冰糖 啤酒 酱油 一 将鸡翅洗净,放入开水撩下.取出再用冷水冷却.用刀在鸡翅上割几道3厘米左右小口,方便入味. 二 锅中倒入啤酒(以能盖住鸡翅为佳,放入酱油喜欢红点的可适当多放,)在锅底放2片柠檬片用鸡翅压住,放入3 ,4颗丁香和一小块桂皮以及生姜,最好用布包着.用小火炖15至20分钟(如果汤不够可以放啤酒,不可放水 切记).放入3颗冰糖. 三 用筷子撮鸡翅,可以轻松撮入,即可换大火收汤汁,(将柠檬片取出)待快收干时,撒上葱花,味精 .出锅~~ 魔芋鸡翅 原料:鸡翅翅中8个,魔芋1块,胡萝卜半根,葱2根。 调味料: (1)酱油4大匙,料酒半大匙;(2)料酒1大匙,蚝油2大匙,糖1大匙,胡椒粉少许,清水1杯;(3)水 淀粉少许。 做法: 1、鸡翅洗净,拭干,拌入调味料(1)腌20分钟; 2、魔芋先切片,然后在每片中间直划三刀,取出一端由中间穿入再拉出,做成领带花结; 3、胡萝卜去皮后煮熟,切片,葱切小段; 4、将4杯油烧热,放入鸡翅炸上色后捞出,油倒去,留2大匙油炒葱段,胡萝卜片和魔芋,并加入调味料(2) 烧开,改小火,放入鸡翅烧入味; 5、待汤法稍收干时,淋入少许水淀粉勾芡,汤汁黏稠时即可盛出。 [6楼]: 蜜汁鸡翅 鸡翅300克,泡姜50克,葱段、姜片、辣椒酱、绍酒、酱油、蜂蜜、鸡粉、淀粉适量。 做法: 1、鸡翅洗净,从关节切开;泡姜切片。 2、烧半锅水,加葱、姜、绍酒,下鸡翅氽10分钟,取出抹干水分,涂上酱油、蜂蜜、绍酒、淀粉拌成的调味汁 ,腌半小时。 3、将鸡翅放在热油中炸至金黄色,整齐码放在盘中。。 4、炒锅上火,烧热适量油,下泡姜炒出香味,加大半杯水,放鸡粉、蜂蜜、辣椒酱、绍酒、酱油,加水淀粉勾芡 ,烧开后淋于鸡翅上即可。 玛瑙鸡翅 原料:鸡翅3对,水发香菇二片, 姜三片,整葱一根.整蒜三个,香叶3片,八角半个.葡萄酒三分之一瓶.(大瓶).料酒,白糖, 盐,味精 做法: 1.先将鸡翅洗净,放入碗中,放入盐,料酒淹半小时. 2. 放入较多的油,放入整葱,大蒜用中油炒成金黄色,出香味拿出. 3. 放入鸡翅炒半熟,放入葡萄酒,姜片,香叶,paul smith shirts,八角.香菇.刚刚没过鸡翅,放入盐,味精.白 糖.三匙,盖上小火二十分钟 4.开盖大火收汁,拿出姜片,上盘 龙眼鸡翅 原料:鸡翅膀12只,龙眼200克,花生油75克,红葡萄酒100克,白糖20克,酱油10克,盐4克,味 精2克,水淀粉10克,糖色少许,汤1000克,葱段15克。 做法: 1、鸡翅膀去毛洗净,用酱油、盐腌渍。 2、锅置火上,放油烧热,下鸡翅炸至金黄色捞出;锅内留油少许,置火上烧热,放入10克葱,煸炒至出香味, 加汤、红葡萄酒及鸡翅,放盐、白糖、糖色,调好色味,将鸡翅烧至熟透、脱骨,整齐地码放在盘中 。 3、龙眼用汤烧热,围在鸡翅周围。将余下的葱段用油煸出香味,把烧鸡翅的汤汁滤入,用水淀粉勾芡,浇在鸡翅 上即成。 可乐鸡翅 把鸡翅和可乐一起放到锅里煮,当然还有酱油,其中酱油和可乐1:3,烧20分钟起锅,ok,就 这样,paul smith shoes! 烤鸡翅 原料:鸡翅,葱,姜,蒜,八角,花椒,桂皮,酱油,盐,paul smith polo,糖,料酒,黑醋若干。 做法:将鸡翅划上几刀方便入味,paul smith wallets,放入大碗中,加上述调料腌制6-12小时,翻动1-2次。可以前一天晚上腌,第二天烤。然后把烤箱温度调到400-425F用烤盘垫上铝箔, 烤18分钟(微波炉大火正面10分钟 反面10分钟) 咖喱鸡翅 主料:鸡翅 辅料:熟土豆、青豆 调料:精盐、鸡精、咖喱粉、料酒、鲜汤、水淀粉 做法 1、将鸡翅洗净,土豆切成滚刀块,青豆洗净沥干水分; 2、坐锅点火倒入油,油温四成热,放入咖喱粉炒出香味,倒入鸡翅、土豆煸炒,加入精盐、鲜汤、鸡精、青豆用 小火焖20分钟,出锅前水淀粉勾薄芡,即可出锅。 |
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