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qdsk84pdyq 09-06-2011 01:27 AM

小木屋:拼装好小木屋和开心农场配件。【qq农场,qq农场魔法鱼,北京世纪子语文化传播有限公司,www,qq农场生态】修剪草坪:如种子萌芽了,培植到一定高度后,您可以根据个人的 喜好,适当的修剪草坪的高度,使草坪看起来更加平整、美观。【qq农场,qq农场魔法鱼,北京世纪子语文化 传播有限公司,,qq农场生态】注意事项种子萌发后要注要保持土壤的湿度 和避免室内温差过大,因为过干、温差过大都不利于小草正常的生长另外,浇水时要将凹槽拿出,避免弄湿书籍。 【qq农场,qq农场魔法鱼,北京世纪子语文化传播有限公司,,qq农场 生态】
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让种子更快的萌芽:如想让种子更快的萌芽,种植前可将种子放入温水中,充分的搅拌后浸泡6~7个小时,然后 取出用清水冲洗干净,再散播到土壤上。【qq农场,qq农场魔法鱼,北京世纪子语文化传播有限公司,www,qq农场生态】使种子不露出土壤:在散播后的种子上再薄薄的覆盖上一层土壤, 使种子不露出土壤为宜。【qq农场,qq农场魔法鱼,北京世纪子语文化传播有限公司,www.qq100.,qq农场生态】放置在通风处:种子萌芽前,放置在通风及室内温度在20℃-30℃的环境。【qq农场,qq农场魔法鱼,北京世纪子语文化传播有限公司, cn,qq农场生态】
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您可将它摆放在办公桌或者家里装饰柜、电脑桌、阳台,让它帮您美化生活学习的环境,提高您生活学习环境的质 量。【qq农场,qq农场魔法鱼,北京世纪子语文化传播有限公司,,qq 农场生态】打开书籍:内有拼图、种子及土壤。【qq农场,qq农场魔法鱼,北京世纪子语文化传播有限公司,,qq农场生态】装入土壤:将土壤平铺在凹槽中,使土壤距槽口4mm左右 ,浇水,使土壤充分的吸收水分。【qq农场,qq农场魔法鱼,北京世纪子语文化传播有限公司,www.qq,qq农场生态】植入种子:将种子均匀的散在土壤上,为了植物生长更美观种子可播散密 集些,剩下的种子可下次继续使用。【qq农场,qq农场魔法鱼,北京世纪子语文化传播有限公司,www.q,qq农场生态】









09-06-2011 01:29 AM

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Reprinted from alumni of the user at 22:12 on September 15, 2010 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Personal Diary

What is this (: A Sen Boxi you Karma)
you have time? (: Western drive you are your Karma)
delicious: Maxi Da
you: like you get
: Hey, dig out
love you: Hey
scattered waves fool: fear not (Canada interjection: fear not ah)
interesting: a search
meters back what you said?: Wood Sun Surrey ah?
you lie! / lie!: width of a few over!
rogue / not educated: Saga of several
smelly bastard: a few miscellaneous Wang (Chi Yan likes to kill ... so called British Khan !)
want to die?: out over the column?
you crazy?: get bad skin search?!
No!: An on
not / do not: West
eat right: fruit
touch operation (curse D): West bar children (very D dirty, it should not criticize ~ ha ha)
Dear: ga ah ~
how bad is it?: warm mud you?
how it?: For the class? (or, as the old kind?)
how / how to do: Well put open
know: ah la (ah la search yo)
up!: by Ronaldo (Chion always love to say: to Ronaldo dig yo!)
out!: satisfied digging
quickly: put in
Tell me / Well!: equine bar
Why?: Inaction?
Yes: but also (you can also say that That
enough!: Xi Kuluo
End: Laguna S
again: Han wave over
miss you: But the West break (plus exclamation times can be
with me: from Romania to dig
you're dead!: been out west!
go!!: card!
Fast!!: put in the card!
gone ~: kaza!
I will go!: Look up there!
Dad: ah dad (a few)
Mom: Oh Mother (mud)
brother (female called): OPPA
brother (boys called): hiang
Grandma: No, you
grandfather Sahara: Sahara is not a few
sister (girls called): Oh, you
sister (boys called): efforts that
Uncle: Ah the West
Miss: ah Garcia
Aunt: Aunt end
aunt: Aguilar mother
Friends: Ancient
★ ★ Korean pro-Chinese pronunciation ★ ★ ^_^
What is this (: A Sen Boxi you Karma)
you have time? (: West catch you is your Karma)
delicious: Maxi Da
you: get
like you: Hey, dig out
love you: scattered wave Hey
fool: fear not (Canada interjection: fear not ah)
interesting: return m a search
you say?: Wood Sun Surrey ah?
you lie! / lie!: width of a few over!
rogue / not educated: Saga few
smelly bastard: a few miscellaneous Wang (Chi Yan likes to kill ... so called the English sweat!)
want to die?: out over the column?
you crazy?: get bad skin search?!
No!: An on
not / do not: West
eat: touch fruit
operation (curse D): West, right child (very D dirty, it should not criticize ~ ha ha)
: Bad ga ah ~
how is it?: warm mud ah?
how it?: For the class? (or, as the old kind?)
how / how to do: Well put open
know: ah la (ah la search yo)
up!: The Ronaldo (Chion always love to say: to Ronaldo dig yo!)
out!: satisfied dig
hurry: put in
Tell me / Well!: equine, right
Why?: inaction?
Yes: but also (you can also say
Birthday: Three to Day
congratulations: the card Hey yo
really: What insect children (you can also say
wait: KI Dali had ah
cute: KI yo up
beautiful: the flutter of
But / However: several full-Ha
tell the truth: KI several factors that
enough!: Xiku Luo
End: Laguna S
again: Han Bo Man
miss you: But the West break (plus exclamation times can be
all right / It does not matter, right?: bundles observed that yo? (the answer: it = I'm fine bundles of observation!)
too!: full of promise! (true too = pro Gano full of!)
with me: from Romania to dig
you are dead!: been out west!
go!!: Card!
Fast!!: put in the card!
gone ~: kaza!
I will go!: Look up there!

Dad: ah dad (a few)
Mom: Oh Mother (mud)
brother (the girls called in): OPPA
brother (boys called): hiang
Grandma: Sahara No, you
grandfather: Sahara is not a few
sister (girls called): Oh, you
sister (boys called): efforts that
Uncle: Ah the West
Miss: ah Western Canada
Aunt: Aunt Aunt late
: Aguilar mother
Friends: Ancient
pro-uncle: Sancho
you: We promise
: I Lee
Who: Wrath of the ancient ( Oh yes, for speaking Serbian word) Oh
Gousse anger me: That (is me, Yes; I go: there look up to)
like you: hill outside Hey
I love you: Sand Lang EI (closer to the sound)
Dear: Differential ga ah ~
very (very): Shannon Wood Shannon Wood (very much like you: wooden hill Lennon outside Lennon Hey wood)
is; in / have
not: ah ah
you not: An on
do not know: wooden pull
not / do not like: Do not go West
: card, several horses
go!: card!
Fast!!: put in the card!
gone ~: kaza!
I will go!: Look up there!
up!: The Ronaldo
out!: satisfied dig
come in!: digging
off on the train Lo: Tap
Hello: Ani Arcelor about: can have many uses, say hello to,la gears sneakers, breaking up can
Thank you, bye: Casa Hamid large / old do ah oh / you bashing the ancient Great
embarrassed four meters: Strickland sent Hamid large
sorry: m within O (m ah Hamid large)
all right / It does not matter: it has tied rub
Congratulations: Congratulations EI
thick card: a card, please
hey yo: flapping his big
Hamid cute: KI yo up
beautiful: the flutter of
fool: do not be afraid of ( Add interjection: fear not ah)
son of a bitch: sprinkle a few
looking rogue / not educated: Saga of several
interesting: a search
meters back is amazing: Xing Karma of
crazy: m wrong cable
What: touch or touch Karma (Cadogan one Why is er)
Why?: inaction?
how it?: the ancient class
how is it?: warm mud ah?
how / how to do: provide open
Oh did you say?: Wood Sun Surrey ah?
really: What insect children (you can also say : Arathor, also used Arathor know, but that last claim is the stress, but also a very strong tone
quickly: put in
Also: Degree
however: a few full
Kazakhstan But: Ken on
Tell me / Well!: equine it
delicious: Maxi Da
eat: touch fruit
Korean pronunciation
1 ,?????( Hasse peace yo): see Korean friends say
Pinyin: an (1) ning (2) ha (1) sai (4) yo (1)
2,??? ?????( not a full pull of the major rice hope ga): See that you are happy
3,? ?????( children do not rub it Kami big): a lot of attention
4 ,????? ( card project Sha Hami large): Thank you,la gear, Thank
: ?????! ????? What does Sahara Ga What up! What do enough for you to tear up
Chinese: Thank you!
Pinyin: gao (1) mab (1) sim (1) ni (4) da (2)
Thank you: What do the Sahara ?????!( Ga What up!) or:?? ??? enough Why do you tear up
Thanks: Casa Hamid big / old you ah oh / you bashing the ancient four-meter offense to send large
5 ,?????( Hamid large) or ????? (Mian Ha What it up): I'm sorry I'm sorry
: m within O (m ah Hamid large)
6,?????? (Ning Xi card color yo): Goodbye, Farewell, when the guests leave the host to guest
Chinese say: Goodbye! (Send guests to use)
Pinyin: an (1) ning (2) hi (1) gai (2) sai (4) yo
7,?????? (Peace and learning to color yo) : Goodbye, for what he said
Chinese: Goodbye! (From left home with guests)
Pinyin: an (1) ning (2) hi (1) gai (1) sai (4) yo
8,???? (Salang black yo): I love you, often in Korean dramas can be heard.
love: Salang (eh pair, Angarsk)
9 ,????( do ah black yo): like
like: promoting wow (eh pair, Angarsk)
10,?????? (do yo learning to multi-color): Eat Well
11,? ??? (Do not children Luo yo): I'm full
12 ,???( too afraid yo): hungry
13,? ????( Yaner La children to yo): I contact you
14,??? ????( peace yo learning Rent mesh plug): Good night ;
15,?? ?????( birth to a child crude Ka Hami large (Cyprus What does a child up to promote the Caja)): Happy Birthday
16,??!? Miscellaneous ?!???!( ah, ah, mixed, Chinese one): Come on,la gear walking shoes!
17,??, ????( oh right, yo black sand waves): see their favorite Korean singers can say the words of a very practical, so that he can suddenly noticed you. Note here the ,???? (fault energy Hamid near Jamison hit a pull-off): My name is Kim Hee ,If you want to know what your name is spelled in Korean, and can go online to look for your name written in Korean.
20,?? (Valley salad Mimi wrong can always play): I am Chinese. Oh, if traveling to Korea, this sentence is the most practical
I'm Chinese: ??(???? ????? Is tender (it tender) in Gusalami What do you reach
Korean: ??(???? ????? is tender (it tender) 汉古撒拉米 What it amounted
21, Happy New Year:??? ?????! stuffed horse mud disaster protection to get stuffed baby
22, fed :????! have Traian
feeding baby (call): Yeah bashing game yo
23, good the:??????? Cou Cou ah tear up baby What do
24, fuel:??? painting a
25, do not know:??????? What does a mother of Why pull baby
26, are you:???? ?????? months to fine one of the tear What do Ga
27, is the:????? ????? resistance one to one a child's tear it up
What is the:????? resistant one to fine
28, who: ?????????? 努古努嘎努 old child
Who: Oh
Gousse who anger: anger old (Oh yes, for speaking Serbian word) anger Gousse Oh
29, bye:?? ?????? peace peace black Gase child
30,la gear sale, naive:???? Child quarter hada
31, I love you!:?? ??? ????!??????! that tender care hash ah harm baby hungry! When you take care ah West Young!
32, right?:?? ???????? ?? sea Why are you tearing Minato ga! control parameters that child
33, I will go!:????!????! go ga mother you up
34, in what areas??? ?????? ????? hungry enough for West Young? hungry enough for the West is also fine
35, How old are you?:????????? ??????? ?????
??? that Miga hungry child of the right? absurd spread in too immature? paradox of the search for Ga hungry baby
36, which country you are from?:??? ? ?????(?????? that Lazard Lamy also hungry baby
37, Father:???! ah Bo several
father a bue ji
38, mother:???! Oh, oh mother
Mo (mud)
39, grandmother:???! Kazakhstan Sahara children do not you Mo
40, grandfather:???? ! Ha Labo not a few of several Sahara
41, Chinese: Long time no see.
Pinyin: ou (1) lai (1) gan (4) ma (2) ni (1) ye (2) yo
42,?? (woman called brother) pronounced: Oh Dad
brother? (a man called his brother) pronounced: hiang (want to)
43,?? (a man called my sister) Pronunciation: efforts that
?? (a woman called Sister) Pronunciation: e it a je xi
44 Uncle Uncle: Auntie A is West
45 :
46 fine mud at the end / It does not matter: there
47 bundle that is the rub; in / have
48 not: ah you (have) not: ah Yes
49 you do not: Oh flutter winded
50 Congratulations: Congratulations crude Ka Hami large
: Crude Card EI ;
51 fool: fool
not afraid: afraid of not (plus interjection: fear of Nay)
52 amazing: Xing Karma son of a bitch up
53: Wang Caesar what a few
54: touch Karma / touch
What: touch or touch Karma (Cadogan one Why is er)
55 sorry: Hamid sent a large prospective
embarrassed: hammer please send Hamid large
56: flutter He Hamid Really Big
really from you: What insect children (you can also say
58 I see: ah pull boats
know: Arathor, also used Arathor know, but that last claim is the stress, but also strong tone
59 I do not know: that children and old wood
do not know: wood pull
60 dinner: Pan Bo
61 dead: first
62 Baby: Love gi
63 kiss: wave sleep
64: cracking (second tone)
65 Valentine: Love Ning
66 Husband: hard Peng
67 Friends: Ancient
68 pro-Aunt: ah Jun Ma
69 to go: Dear card
70: ah ~
71 Ga difference is (are): Shannon Wood Shannon Wood (very much like you: wooden hill Lennon outside Lennon Hey Wood )
72 No, not: ah mud (oh)
73 efforts: Do not ah Miscellaneous
74: Kazakhstan sets do not like horse
75: West
76 No: An on
77 quickly: the Le
78 Bride: How the new cloth
79: Austria on behalf of the
80 Where: Austrian first
81 beautiful: Mud Bo (large)
beautiful: the flutter of
82, daughter of the son of a der
83 der
84 Aunt: Aunt Aggie Mom
85 e zum ma
86 Excuse: West Division meters large blanket ;
87 uncle: Sangqiong
88 Socks: Well
89 Ocean Life: Ningsen
90 Future: eyebrow to ;
91 us: my happiness in
92: hing Miss Buddha
93: ah Garcia
94 Aunt: Aunt end
95 Friends: pro Ancient
96 not / do not like: West
97 you: Snow
98 do not go: card a few Ma
99 I: it (is I: That Yes; I go: there look up to)
100 to go!: card!
101 gone ~: kaza!
102 Fast!!: put in the card!
103 I will go!: Look up there!
104 up!: The Ronaldo
105 out!: satisfied dug
106 come in!: Luo digging
107 off the car: step
108 congratulations : Hey yo
109 out of cards please: flapping his big
110 Hamid cute: KI up yo ;
111 rogue / not educated: Saga of several interesting
112: return m a search
113 amazing: up to
114 Hing crazy Karma: Cable
115 m wrong why?: Inaction?
why - how the crooked to
116?: the ancient class
117 how is it?: temperature mud you? ;
118 how / how to do: provide open
119 Oh What do you mean?: Wood Sun Surrey ah?
120 Hurry : placed in
121 Also:
122 degrees, but: Ha, but few full
123 : Ken, tell us of
124 / way: it
125 equine delicious: Maxi Da
delicious - big
126 Circus eat four Romney: touch fruit
127 What is this?: a fan of Karma Yin Sen Glass West
What is this? a Sam goose Ximuniga?
128 `How are you?: Well with just the plug from the
129 hungry work busy?: Pakistan does not plug your name from the
130 ? - Health and Hamilton places special opening on the West Point?
131 OK! not - according to four Romney big! security of a large basking Nepal!
132 this is my friend - not one alternative tender Regardless of a large basking Nigerian pro!
133 Who is he? - Optional brake sliding door to teach the ancient slave?
134 Please say it again - Great Western HAN four wooden horses also are pleased to hire more
135 know you! - full amount that the North return to the four Romney is not on the class Ga large
136 I went to school - Ha a tender to choose a large
137 Ga Muni also two three four five - a children, one, Sam,la gear footwear, Sa, Oh
138 is too expensive - wood pizza roll a bit cheaper to
139 - bakelite scattered to the sea to
140 Lord I want some of this - a child I do not wish to rent the old
141 How much is this - a mother of a Munimuga Sen
142 children have taxi for? - Taxi a four Muni Ga Ga
143 restroom? - the amount of make-up the first of several to be baptized?
144 where change money - the amount of the first color is also true for your child Ham Ga
145 Please give me a receipt - to win the lost card optional hey rent some children to
146 to the airport - Air China is also working great
147 West Ga do not hurry - eighty-nine
148 What is this place - an amount of a first amount of a tender to teach?
149 here, please pause - an amount of a one color is also something more I live next to
150 at the station - one a rub of a large amount to the color Neilimuni
151 Please help me take a picture - scarf Some rent out bakelite Chairman wait to
152 - a strong temporary dry a few of these to
153 - meter the amount of West Ga
154 a Farm hiding there room? - Object help One result of that has to
155 seats? - guest complex in Ga silver that to?
156 beautiful Miss - ah Gaxi Sen to
157 within the timber does not come back a glass of it - like South Korea and Kazakhstan Big
158 West, please do not show me the menu - Menu I do not rent West bakelite plate to help me
159 - bakelite ancestors back more to
160 depression how? - the amount of band to ?
161 Where is a telephone - which choose the amount of the first ga ei
162 for it to be wrong! - the amount of color to
163 Terry What is it - the amount of Ga mother I want to
164 buy a newspaper - the new West Gate Korean few days to
165 rent, down, left and right - bit, A class, according to the text, according to
166 people carefully jacket - made of wood and Kazakhstan to the West more
167 dangerous - why wood should
168 life-saving - more to rent Surrey
169 geese smoking - why not flooded with hen
170 Fire! - negative it!
171 forbidden to take pictures - strings hard with the children where the hen weekend, ah
172 children - the amount of base rent Marley Ga waist
173 more you like football? - the old days, some aha How old are you back
174 - the amount which opened Ga Mother Niga
175 West teams busy lately? - waist Niga
176 letters to not take it - Cen Cen You Kazakhstan to
some delicious: Maxi Da
you: get
like you: Hey, dig out
love you: Hey, spreading waves (which are the know it ~~)
fool: fear not (Canada interjection: fear not ah)
interesting: return m a search
you say?: Wood Sun Surrey ah?
you lie! / lie!: width of a few over!
rogue / not educated: Saga few
smelly bastard: a few miscellaneous Wang (Chi Yan likes to kill ... so called the English sweat!)
want to die?: out over the column?
you crazy?: get bad skin search?!
No!: An on
not / do not: West
eat: touch fruit
operation (curse D): West, right child (very D dirty, it should not criticize ~ ha ha)
: Bad ga ah ~
how is it?: warm mud ah?
how it?: For the class? (or, as the old kind?)
how / how to do: Well put open
know: ah la (ah la search yo)
up!: The Ronaldo (Chion always love to say: to Ronaldo dig yo!)
out!: satisfied dig
hurry: put in
Tell me / Well!: equine, right
Why?: inaction?
Yes: but also (you can also say
Birthday: Three to Day
congratulations: the card Hey yo
really: What insect children (you can also say
wait: KI Dali had ah
cute: KI yo up
beautiful: the flutter of
But / However: several full-Ha
tell the truth: KI several factors that
enough!: Xiku Luo
End: Laguna S
again: Han Bo Man
miss you: But the West break (plus exclamation times can be
all right / It does not matter, right?: bundles observed that yo? (the answer: it = I'm fine bundles of observation!)
too!: full of promise,la gear mens shoes! (true too = pro Gano full of!)
with me: from Romania to dig
you are dead!: been out west!
go!!: Card!
Fast!!: put in the card!
gone ~: kaza!
I will go!: Look up there!
?? a ha na
? two duer
? three said (d can only export-oriented)
? IV naid (d can only export-oriented)
?? e da sed (d can only export-oriented)
?? six yeosed (d can only export-oriented )
?? seven yiergaob) (b only export-oriented can)
?? eight yieder
?? nine a haob (b only export type can)
? ten yier
?? twenty smuer
?? thirty se ren
?? forty ma hen
? fifty-xun
?? sixty yie sun
?? seventy yi ren
?? eighty yeo den
?? ninety a hen
??? XI yier ha na
?? second yier duer
???? twenty-seven s muer yiergaob) (b only export-oriented can)
???? thirty-five se ren da sed (d can only export-oriented)
??? Fifty-eight xun yieder
??? Sixty-three yie sun said (d can only export-oriented)
???? eighty-nine yeo den a haob (b can only export-oriented)
??? → Daddy [ah wave]
??? → [Oh tired]
? → brother [HIONG] men with ;
?? → brother [Oh, right] woman with
?? → sister [efforts that] men with
?? → sister → [Ernie] Women with
?? → aunt [mane]
?? → child [ah too]
??? → Uncle [ah the West]
??? → Miss [ah Garcia]
?? → Friends [solid]
????? → Hello [by pinching Kazakhstan SEI]
????? → [card wood call Nepal]
???? → Ran [lying inflammation pull]
????? → can not afford to [pull factors call Nepal]
????? → can not afford [m blanket] appearance of the use of tiny
???? → hi [rough ah hey]
???~`??~`??? → Curcuma want [it Well call home Bo solid West ]
??? → resistant [Miscellaneous GI ah]
?????????????? → Curcuma really ↓
[that tender plus uh NO Le Niger rub Lang DA call]
??? → know [ah pull boats]
????? → Curcuma [more wow main thiazolyl]
??? ? → Curcuma [rub Lang Hey]
??? → BU know [touch pull]
??~`????? → Birthday Express [monk shouted one meter thick card ]
???~`?~`??~`???? → New Light Plug vinegar harm dial Pani De Sai)
??? → delicious [West ]
???? → dead [NO rough Gou vessels]
??~`??~`??? → Come on [ah ah Miscellaneous Miscellaneous F-hydrocarbons]
??? ? → eat? [Pa Mody enough vessels]
???? → Curcuma fed [Do Bu]
??? → stomach of [Guo Pa]
?? ????? ?? → Curcuma is a human [to Zhonggu salad Mimi]
??~`???~`????? → things to the benefit of the doubt should be ↓ [ex date format as early as around the old man Gaka thiazolyl]
??? ???~` → Curcuma efforts [uranium West camphene]
????????? → eat a [Si Sa Karma Chi Hai ga]
simple to learn Korean, Chinese pronunciation 〖note that a total of reference close〗
first the most simple: AN YEON HA SE YO (hello), NA NEN XXX YI MI DA (I name is XXX) and the like ....
Some words come right

delicious: Maxi Da
you: get
like you: Hey, dig out
love you: Hey, spreading waves (which are the know it ~ ~)
fool: fear not (Canada interjection: fear of Nay)
interesting: a search
meters back what you said?: Wood Sun Surrey ah?
you lie! / lie!: full width of a few !
rogue / not educated: Saga of several
smelly bastard: a few miscellaneous Wang (Chi Yan likes to kill ... so called the English sweat!
want to die?: out over the column?
you crazy?: get bad skin search?!
No!: An on
not / do not: West
eat: fruit
touch operation (curse D): West bar children (very D dirty, it should not criticize ~ ha ha)
Dear: ga ah ~
how bad is it?: temperature mud ah?
how it?: to the class? (or, as the ancient Class?)
how / how to do: Well put open
know: ah la (ah la search yo)
up!: The Ronaldo (Chion always love to say: to dig yo Ronaldo !)
out!: satisfied digging
quickly: put in
Tell me / Well!: equine, right
Why?: Inaction?
Yes: but also (you can also said,
cute: KI yo up
beautiful: the flutter of
But / However: several full
Kazakhstan honest: a few factors that
KI enough!: Xi Kuluo end
: Laguna
again: Han Bo Man
to want to say it, say that even with the law ~ found it, a few words is more important tone, as if we degree ---------------------- When questions are generally used. For example: you know?: ------------- general sigh when used, can also function as questions. For example: the end of it? = ----- when the use of general sigh. For example: Fool = but when used in the second person ... I am sure you know that When the first letter begins: XX へ. Here,
example: like you = a = a dig dig + Hey Hey.
There is, I feel good with Korean ~ ~ we can take a word apart to think would know what to say.
For example: Oh, ah la mention open search yo? = Oh + ah la mention open yo + search + = br> Three out of cards to said Hey yo! = c + a card to say hey + yo = dig + in + that yo = + s + yo =

works Source: QQ: 1021362047

09-06-2011 01:29 AM

,paul smith mens


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