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To this end, he quit smoking for years, one thousand yuan to buy a TV. slept only five hours one day their 14 years as one day 3:00, sky is still black. Hsiu-flower couples have to get up, prepare the day's various ingredients. 6:00 or so, will do well to book hotels and other fritters. 9 am, Hsiu-flowers in one hand with 20 kilos of milk in one hand and leaning on a basket full of fried fritters, and fried, then in Mandarin and Fuzhou peddle. Her first camp near a market in the West to sell, and then to Dongjiekou, Wuyi Square. Hsiu Flowers said she often cobbler, because more than 30 km every day to go. All sold out until the milk fritters came home a little this time about noon. around two in the afternoon, the couple set up a stall out again. Vincent evening pool home cooking. Seven points until the evening, sold out all of the pancakes, Lin was packed stalls, dragged his exhausted body home. Nevertheless, they still make ends meet, by relatives and friends did not pay off the money. Mention of the hardships of life, the couple several red eyes. high cost of food costs only for the conscience to do business past few days, talk to reporters and the couple several times and found their Fried Oyster Pond Vincent cake, each cake was filled with fresh oysters. As the couple craft, material enough, and passionate, stand before the endless stream of customers overall. Vincent to get along in the pool a few days, the reporters found that every time he is done with fresh oil to frying fritters, every day the rest of the ingredients are to cook with rice, then to the nearby the market to buy. profit of no more than 3 cents. So you have sold the last one to go home. neighbor Yang Yi Mu boast: No matter how tired the day the couple will put pots and pans, aircraft cleaning stalls again, all neighbors within sight. the couple moved to the neighborhood urban management have spared Hsiu-flower said pointing to his clothes, are all neighbors to send. The burden of life to let her give up, installation of new clothes. She was fortunate to meet enthusiastic neighbors, in particular, that the couple would also like to support the three students, the neighbors of the couple better. the record straight for them. and chased them sometimes spared, Hsiu flowers, said she was particularly grateful for urban management and law enforcement personnel, but also how famous, when in the stall to the inside corner by as much as possible, do not take the streets big place, and children have to pinch the time to call thrifty couples out of three college students support the mention of three children, the couple seemed very excited. Hsiu said the flower children similar age, the eldest sun in Fuzhou University College, the second at Jimei University, the third in Fujian Normal University. Most children usually say is: Speaking of the boss,true religions, Hsiu-spend a little sad, boss to graduate next year, the couple can relax a little. the second child it is very thrifty, secondary school, are reluctant to buy even a bottle of mineral water, and then also hold on to go home thirsty to drink. Now her second child outside school, the time will call back when under the care of her mother. Although the son of wanted, but she had to pinch a call time, but also to persuade his son always hang up as soon as possible, First, he is now packed side edge casual reading. |
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