freddyjszv |
12-24-2011 08:30 AM |
Review Of The Ed Hardy Women's Swimwear Collection | Lake ...
Ed Hardy is a name that originated with tattoos but has ultimately taken the fashion scene by storm. The brilliant tattoo artist, along with a very talented fashion designer Christian Audigier has added a new twist to the swimwear scene with Ed Hardy Women’s Swimwear. For those looking for new styles and original swimsuits, the collection of Ed Hardy Women’s Swimwear is definitely a great choice for adding flair to the beach this summer. The Ed Hardy Women’s Swimwear Collection includes a lovely and colorful collection of unique tattoo art inspired swimsuits inclusive of ######y two piece swimsuits as well as stream lined one piece maillot suits. Selecting the right swimsuit from the Ed Hardy Women’s Swimwear Collection is an opportunity to have fun in playing with fashion, style and colors. One of the favorite choices of swimsuits <a href=""><strong>la gear lights</strong></a> from the Ed Hardy Women’s Swimwear Collection is the two-piece style number 32. The bikini style swimsuit is designed with side string ties on a low cut bikini bottom, and a string tie classic bikini style bra. The tropical colors used in the tattoo art inspired swimsuit are inclusive of turquoise, tropical green, red, white, pink and yellow. The stylish bikini from the Ed Hardy Women’s Swimwear Collection retails for 160.00 but was found online for 55.77. For those women who prefer a one piece swimsuit but still want the look of a two piece a classic choice from the Ed Hardy Women’s Swimwear Collection is the one piece Ed Hardy number 84. This beautifully designed one piece suit is open in the front, low cut below the navel and is adorned with a front string tie at the waist, around the neck, and also has string ties at the thighs. Definitely a ######y style yet not quite as revealing as a two-piece suit, the open front <a href=""><strong>la gear la lights</strong></a> maillot style swimsuit from the Ed Hardy Women’s Swimwear Collection is a definite must have for the summer. What makes the Ed Hardy Women’s Swimwear Collection different is the tattoo art, making the swimsuits themselves a definite unique piece of art wear. <a href=""><strong>la gear shoes</strong></a> The collection offers an excellent selection of swimsuits beyond the two described, all of which are unique, beautifully designed and body enhancing. Wearing a swimsuit that fits well is a definite plus during the summer season. The Ed hardy Women’s Swimwear Collection not only fit well but also is very different in appearance and style. Today, you can see Ed Hardy stores here and there especially all over the world. If you’re planning to choose a Ed Hardy Product as a gift for your families and friends, you can also purchase online, just please visit the Ed Hardy online store for more discounts and save your money immediately! Good luck!