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jimjyt65 12-27-2011 09:43 AM

Katty Story -God's Secret- Humor Jokes; God Loves
Author: Russ MilesAdded: January 31, 2007
I Am going to call her "Katty." Yes, "Katty" because the name suits her.
Katty is the person in cyber-space who posts and passes along humor to her friends and associates.
Katty is quick! Katty doesn't hesitate to investigate a matter or person that seems strange to her only because it is new or different so Katty has not yet found its place in her Katty's Life puzzle.
I Am not trying to be mousey.
And I feel that "Courageous Katty" understands intuitively one of the best kept secretes of Almighty God Himself. The closely guarded secret is that God loves to laugh!
God Loves AND God Laughs !! I believe that only a privileged few actually are able to fully grasp each concept. And even if Katty does not yet realize how the concepts are connected, she soon will. It is a part of "Corageous Katty's Destiny."
If YOU: My Precious; Gifted; Reader are "A Prankster", "A Joker", or "A Purveyor" (of God's Humor via His Internet), you will surely see some of "Your Own Earthly Mission" within Katty's Inspired "Earth Angel Story". I suspect that Kitty and Tom already have.
You only have to put up with author's unorthodox replacement of commas, use of symbolic emoticons, and improper punctuations individual styles of writing that perminate verious ezin articles...
As one ~ I Am not all that offensive to you because you are still with me and have not left me alone in my delusions or to be hoisted upon my own author petard. Let's have some fun, huh?
I Am using hypatheticle Katty's question to me as "Springboard" to revealing God's secrete and to expound on some other of the I Am Our Lord's qualities and His other attributes ~ because He told me too. We each must continue to relearn to do as we are told, don't we?
The scripture says, "(KJV) Nehemiah 8:10 Then he said unto them, Go your way, eat the fat, and drink the sweet, and send portions unto them for whom nothing is prepared: for [this] day [is] holy unto our Lord: neither be ye sorry; for the joy of the LORD is your strength."
So Corageous - with great jokes - I will call you (any reader whom might ask) "Katty" :)
You've asked the question (or wanted too), "Who are you??????"
I must answer you in "I Am" - 1st person - format for this brief article...
I Am Rascal. I Am An Apostle. I Am God's Playfully Mischievous Apostle .
That's what He told me anyway - when He informed me that I was His "Chosen" - in May of this year. Since His decision was made "Before the Beginning", I didn't have a lot of choice in the matter, did I? L
"... Many are called but few are chosen." Perhaps, like me, you have been "Chosen" too?
(NKJV) Matthew 20:16 "So the last will be first, and the first last. For many are called, but few chosen."
God Loves to laugh: He hates morose; "Feeling sorry for themselves;" somber complainers (that cannot appreciate the humor in our most difficult of situations). Does God allow these circomstanses to develop, or rather should I say, "The bad things to come after us" as part of our individual tests?
Well, I suspect that He does...
I Am aware that I atempt to reflect this hidden nature of Our Awesome Creator in everything - by His leading - that I do. Yes, I feel that that His is only "Good Nature."
I Am a member of your yahoo "funny-stuff" support group. Only this chat or support group to which I belong ~ does not routinely publish the "Inspired" ezine articles that I submit to post. In fact - only one or two of the "Jokes" that I have - to date - submitted have been accepted and posted Still, Corageous Katty, I have read and "Laughed Out Loud" at many of yours.
Yes, I frequently re-post a few of the delightful humor postings that you share with your group in the "LOL (Laugh Out Loud) Medicine" sections of a couple of my websites. God loves your humor too.
Then, Katty, I sometimes forward the new post to contributors and others who are included in My Good Buddy's list to further get God's humor out into God's cyber~space and to His elect. Recently, My Corageous Katty, after I had used a great joke that you had posted to funny-stuff, I added your e-mail addie to "My Good buddy's" e-mail list because it was your powerful posted joke that I had used. Does this make sense?
If you are not comfortable with being "My Good Buddy" , just tell me and I won't die. I'd have been dead - several times over - if the "Please Remove Me" e-missiles had been able to pierce My God's Light & Loving heart. Not everyone appreciates my "Humor" or my "Christian-other" positions that some of my ezine articles reflect. I wish them well...
It IS the "Persimmons People" I call them - & "Closed-minded Traditional Christians" - for the most part - that I have found are most easily offended. God Bless them one and all...
The same "My Good Buddy's" are also recipients of "My 1st Team Alerts" when I publish a new ezine article needing some reader's comments that are attached to the articles themselves accessible by a click to those that care to read them.
As I have said before, "I feel that my reader's comments are as important, if not more important, than my articles themselves - for sometimes comments shed extra lights and offer me insights regarding some things that I might not have considered. To this point, I have yet to delete any -approved by this article bank's editors - comments although one of the readers of my "Surviving The Soon Coming Great Tribulation" - Apostle's Series Articles, said flat out, "You have been reading too many Sci-Fi comic books!"
As my "Real" reply to a "Real" or "Make-Believe" Katty has gotten long enough to be an ezine article. I Am going to submit this as one also. So called "Disciples" need to be warned that I DO intend to use more humor in some of my forthcoming ezine articles. While the subjects will, for the most part, remain serious, "My Off-beat" sense of humor will surface more often.
Not everybody will appreciate how my mind with "The Spirit" works. Not everyone will like my use of "Off-color" little jokes or my sometimes "Liberal Radical Christian" - oftentimes -"Ultra-Conservative or Heretical-Liberal & Non-Traditional" interruptions of scriptural concepts or of the "Outrageous" understandings to which I Am led.
Others of "My Good Buddy's' will take offence because a subject will "Strike too close to home"... They will say,"That does it! You've gone too far, Rascal! Please Remove me,Christian Louboutin SATIN Anemone Pumps in Black!"
Now, with my inclusion of overt, yes, clearly support for UFOs and Extraterrestrial via the link to My Bro' and his "Safespace Team" theology's inclusion in Christian awareness and non-Christian acceptance of such - and my respect for the some other religon's and faith's perceptivety to Spiritual Truth - that is surfacing - there will be some "Followers" that "Fall-away".
To a man-of God, it's not about being popular. Rather it's all about being "Right" and in communication with his Master. Even in a "Majority Rules" environment being One with The Creator IS A Most Solid Majority!
The Lord and Master, Jesus, likewise had "Followers" quit following when He told them things that they didn't understand or were not "Willing" to accept.
Those Good Buddy's that read this article would save themselves a great deal of mental and emotional anguish by saying, "Remove me from your list now!"
I would ~Rub-it "And Their Names Would Disappear"~
Hopefully, only from my list and not from "His Book of Life..."
In closing - this ezine articles bank's bio is for you to read in answer to your "Who are you?????? question...
Thank you for stimulating this much needed - soon-to-be-published article.
Even if noone ever asked me this hypothetical question, I feel hat some readers have wondered anyway.
I Love You, My Corageous Katty.
Rascal :))
Authors Bio':

RASCAL RUSS MILES IS AN APOSTLE. Chosen by The Lord, in the Apostolic Order of Apostle, Paul, Rascal says, "I Am The Lord's Playfully Mischievous Apostle." Expert in Scriptural understanding, Rascal's mission includes the assignment to "Shout from the rooftops the Lord's Inspired Messages via Ezine aArticles, Cyber-Space, Books, Mailings To 'My Good Buddy's List',and Many Other means."

Under his pseudonym, Russ Miles, Rascal's credits include mystery novel, For Sale By Owners:FSBO. 1-800-AUTHORS or B&N, & Amazon

"Seasoned Real Estate NAR Broker," Rascal Russ became increasingly disabled by "Incurable" Multiple Sclerosis over 5-years. Now "Cured", Rascal offers nutritional health products, healing prayers, writes books & articles on varied subjects. Comments: .

Via "The Feast" Sanitarian, "Rascal's Blog", & his ezine articles themselves, Rascal maintains personal contact with those that e-mail him, he believes the God of this Universe has joined together via Divine Plan. Visit!

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