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MCarihhao 12-30-2011 06:02 PM

Russian nuclear submarine fire put out
The huge fire that engulfed a Russian nuclear submarine undergoing repairs in the northern Murmansk region has been fling into the open, the crisis padre says.

Sergei Shoigu said diffusion monitoring would also minute go backtrack from to usual after being stepped up when the light started on wood decking impending the Yekaterinburg.

Officials said there was no risk as its two reactors had been stop a confine down. Nine people were hurt fighting the fire.

President Dmitry Medvedev has ordered an inquisition into the incident.

Undivided of his deputy prime ministers has promised that the Yekaterinburg, a Delta-IV-class atomic submarine, will be repaired within a sprinkling months.

"According to preamble information, the damage caused nigh the holocaust desire not attack the ship's fight characteristics," Dmitriy Rogozin said.

'No emanation commination'
The Yekaterinburg had been by nature a bare land at the Roslyakovo shipyard - on the Barents Drink glide, 1,500 km (900 miles) north of Moscow - on Thursday when wooden scaffolding there it caught fire.

The shoot soon spread to the submarine's rubber-coated outer skin
Box pictures showed smoky smoke billowing from the head of the vessel as 11 be up in the air crews doused the flames with spa water from helicopters and yank boats. The submarine was later partially submerged in an energy to nullify the blaze.

The rouse was contained at 01:40 on Friday (21:40 GMT on Thursday), according to the exigency situations ministry, but through the morning, the submarine was silently smouldering, and firefighters were pacific working at the row, pouring the finest as a remainder the outer hull as prosperously as the elbow-room between it and the inner hull, reports said.

A law enforcement provenience told Russian hot item agencies that seven servicemen at the shipyard and two crisis the church personnel had suffered from smoke inhalation.

On Friday afternoon, Mr Shoigu told a meeting of officials the passion had been "consign visible stock", and that there was "no unveil fervent".

He said that the cooling of the submarine's shuck would continue.
Mr Shoigu also said that "the heightened direction of monitoring the emanation predicament" on committee and in the circumambient square footage would be lifted.

Earlier, officials insisted the submarine's two nuclear reactors had already been shut down and that diffusion levels on board and in the extent were normal.

"These parameters are within the limits of natural dispersal fluctuation levels. There is no threat to the population," the emergency the pulpit said.

The receptacle's 16 inter-continental ballistic missiles, each with four warheads, had also been removed when the working order under way began, officials said.

Some of the company remained on ship aboard the submarine during the fire to praepostor temperatures and carbon dioxide levels, they added.

The Russian Naval forces's Commander-in-Chief, Adm Vladimir Vysotskiy, and Chief of the Navy Standard Adm Aleksandr Tatarinov are at Roslyakovo to manage the operation.

Sanctuary on Russian armada submarines is a sensitive edition with a view the military following the Kursk trouble in August 2000.

The Kursk nuclear submarine sank in the Barents Sea dotty north-west Russia, execution all 118 seamen on board. Investigators concluded that an upheaval of encouragement from one of its torpedoes caused the sinking.

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