englishg9o |
03-12-2011 05:31 PM |
cheap microsoft office Professional 2007 Reorder o
you quite often get rid of objects behind other objects on a PowerPoint slide, microsoft office 2007 Pro Plus generator, Workplace for Mac 2011 features a method for you. example, the image at left is a target that I created for a presentation showing that we hit the mark in sales. But the small black bull's-eye in the very center is hidden behind a larger white circle. can't see the bull's-eye, so you can't select it. And if you click where the bull's-eye should be, the white circle is selected. This makes it hard to bring it to the front. a great view where you can see and move slide layers around easily. Notice that the bull's-eye is on layer 2, but it should be on layer 1. you can see the layers, it's easy to drag the layer that has the bull's-eye where you want it -- in front. objects, microsoft office pro plus activation, do the following: On the Home tab, under Format, click Arrange, cheap microsoft office Professional 2007, and then click Reorder Objects. Drag the layer forward or backward to put it where you want it, and then click OK. demonstration, microsoft office 2010 update key sale, see the PowerPoint video, microsoft office 2010 Standard key, Manage objects and layers easily. if you want to learn more about Office for Mac 2011, check out this post by our very own Crabby Workplace Lady, and two from the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas a few weeks ago - one with a video about what you can expect when you get started, and another about image background removal in PowerPoint. Reeder, for the PowerPoint blog team