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Old 03-15-2011, 12:19 PM   #1
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Default women asics gel Home Remedies for Blackheads - How

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Home Remedies for Blackheads - How to Treat Blackheads at Home
The blackheads are medically known as pen comedones (singular comedo). They are yellowish or blackish bumps or plugs on the skin. Generally, a blackhead is considered as a type of Blackhead vulgaris (blackhead). It is caused by excess oils that have accumulated in the duct of sebaceous gland those are present beneath the skin. Blackhead is typically caused by excessive oil and makeup that can facilitate the multiplication of its causative microorganism.
You identify these black spots on the nose, ears or anywhere else on the body. These are embedded into the pores of the skin and therefore, they the treatment for blackheads mainly work on the principle of cleaning those pores and purifying the blood.
The blackheads can occur at any age but particularly, they affect teenagers and adolescents. This could be due to lot of hormonal changes in their body and they also tend to use plenty of different cosmetic products in the makeup.
Some of the known home remedies for treating blackheads are mentioned below -
?One can put toothpaste on the blackhead before you go to bed. This helps reducing the swelling if kept overnight. But,Supra Shoes EVE Online Hacks - What Not To Do_10862, make sure that it is the paste not the gel.
?One should wash face twice a day with warm salty water. This should leave the face oil free without aggravating any chance blackhead.
?One of the great home-remedies for blackhead described in Ayurveda is applying a paste of fresh methi (fenugreek) leaves on the affected area every night for about 10-15 minutes and then rinsing it with lukewarm water. This will prevent blackhead as well as wrinkles.
?One can also place strawberry leaves on the blackhead, the alkalinity helps to reduce the swelling and cleanse the pores those are blocked.
?Good remedy for blackhead is extracting juice of one lemon and mixing it with equal quantity of rose water. An application of this mixture on the face and let it stay for about ? hour. Rinse the face with fresh water afterwards. The treatment should be continued for about 15 days so that it will reduce blemishes,Weight Loss and Carbohydrates_7305,women asics gel, blackheads and scars.
?Another method to get rid of blackhead is to massage the face with the bark of fresh lemon before washing with lukewarm water.
?One can also apply fresh mint juice on the affected area every night for the treatment of blackheads,cheap ugg boots, insect stings, eczema,nike shoes air Black Bow Lace Sleeveless Lolita Dr, and scabies.
?To prevent blackheads, one should eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. Minimum five servings of fruits and vegetables are to be included in the diet. All blackhead home remedies should include a healthy diet.
?A proven home remedies for blackhead is taking some of garlic cloves, crushed and then dabbed on the face once or twice a day.
?Aloe Vera juice is one of the most effective home remedies for blackheads. It should be applied twice a day. Doing so, it can greatly speed up the healing of blackhead lesions.
?One can take vitamin B complex and zinc supplements daily to strengthen the skin's resistance to blackheads.
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