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Old 03-25-2011, 10:34 AM   #1
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Is finally able to get time to play a team booster, said last night listening to the scary big three positive this morning took a five-month delay did not do, by the way looked at the disease, eventually Doctors concluded that pityriasis rosea. Symptoms change, after a month of illness, concluded that the cause is unknown, halo ...

Department of pityriasis rosea pityriasis rosea
an unexplained self-limiting inflammatory skin diseases

not yet clear. In the past, infection (fungal, bacterial), tumor, allergy, metabolic disorders, a variety of theories, but were not confirmed. Although patients reported the same family, but no significant correlation between genetic and racial. From the pathogenesis of this disease, seasonal effects,michael jordan flip flops, little recurrence, are indications of the disease may be associated with certain infectious factors, are currently inclined to virus infection, there was a small DNA virus that Shito (picornavirus) caused by some that Department of autoimmune patients are yet to continue to study the evidence.

age of onset of clinical manifestations mostly in the 10-40 years old, mostly to youth and adults, children and the elderly rare. But there are also found in infants 3 months of birth. Roughly equal gender involvement. Difficult to evaluate seasonal variation, some authors have reported the disease more common in winter and summer, while others hold the opposite view. Onset is often in the chest, neck,rolex watches london, abdomen, back or limbs, etc. A large elliptical-shaped pink or brown or garden patch, a diameter of about 3-5cm, edge slightly higher, the coated chaff-like scales, that is, for nevus (mother patch), also known as a pioneer plaque (herald patch), mostly as a nevus, it also may be 2-3. If no itching, often easily overlooked.
nevus appears, after about 1-2 weeks, the trunk and limbs have a generalized proximal end of the bulk of the lesions appear, such lesions form the same spot with the parent, but more female small spot, known as secondary spots. But the mother of plaque and the subsequent rash of systemic changes in the interval is very large. About 49% of patients in 7 days, 82% to 14 days a secondary spot. Mother also reported the interval between plaque and secondary spots were up to 84 days. The most characteristic of the secondary spot is 0.5-2cm in diameter, round or egg-shaped garden spot. Pink or brown, can gradually become red or dark red, with fine wrinkles, clear boundary, covered with the chaff-like scales thin `, and some rash a ring, slightly above the surface, the color red, covered scales . Rash scattered or dense, very little integration. Trunk rash to chest and back as much, abdomen less. If rash is oval, its long axis direction of regular and parallel ribs; limbs scattered in the upper arm flexor rash side and shares the inside spot with its long axis direction of striae consistent. 1-2mm between spot pimples often. Face and hand and foot rashes are rare.
many symptoms are mild or moderate itching, a few cases may have severe itching or no itch. Most no systemic symptoms, but there are a mild headache,rolex watches cheap, sore throat, fever and neck lymph nodes and other symptoms. Eosinophilic leukocytes in blood lymphocytes may be slightly higher.
the disease has a self-limiting, usually about 4-6 weeks after the rash is self-limiting, leaving a temporary hypopigmentation or hyperpigmentation spots. Time after onset, most people no longer made.

nonspecific pathological changes of inflammation, focal epidermal parakeratosis and acanthosis with mild hypertrophy, a form of intracellular edema and sponge,gucci watches discount 2009.3.28 - choice, or small blisters appear. The upper dermis edema and telangiectasia, and a dense infiltration of lymphocytes.

diagnosis and differential diagnosis based on rash morphology, a good site, ordered state, there is self-limiting, usually does not recur and so it is not difficult diagnosis. But sometimes need to identify with the following diseases.
(a) of ringworm of the body more than the limited scope of damage, generalized are generally rare. Edge of papules or small blisters. Positive for fungal examination.
(b) Form and rash tinea versicolor rash similar to pityriasis rosea site sometimes, but positive for fungal examination.
(c) The distribution of psoriasis skin rash in the limbs stretched multi-lateral and Zhouxi Department, has silver-white scales, scales can be seen scraping spotting. Increase more in winter,omega watches with prices A long time ago you also, longer duration, easy to relapse.
(d) of the scalp and facial seborrheic dermatitis were more common, with greasy scales, skin rash in the trunk, in the arrangement of the non-specific.

for the treatment of this disease can heal, so the purpose of treatment is to try to alleviate the symptoms and shorten the course.
(a) of the antihistamines are not generally required to take corticosteroids.
(b) traditional Chinese medicine therapy
(c) UV irradiation with ultraviolet light therapy may be helpful, especially during the period. Available erythema dose erythema dose or sub-divided alternate irradiation.
(d) oxygen therapy
(e) Local therapy can be a small amount of topical calamine lotion or corticosteroid preparations used.

pityriasis rosea is a common inflammatory skin rash. The disease at a good age to thirty-five years old. Less common in other age groups, male and female incidence was no significant difference in the number of cases. General skin rash lasted about a few weeks to several months, usually subside without leaving traces.

attack of pityriasis rosea is often just a large pink patch unity, oval-shaped, margin slightly scaling, common in the chest and abdomen or back. Usually mistaken for fungal infections.

unity of this large pink patch, there is a special name called as Scout plaque (herald patch). Then one or two weeks, the body and limbs start to appear more and more spots or patches, may spread to the neck, but very few violations of the face. Plaques produced by these more key spots and looks like a scout but generally smaller. About 40-50% of patients have mild itching feeling, in a relatively high temperature environment, the itching feeling sometimes become more serious. Some patients will be tired before the onset of the rash, and other flu-like symptoms. Pityriasis rosea usually have about two weeks in the scout will spot up to the peak onset of the rash, which then gradually subside on their own, usually about six to eight weeks to completely disappear, but some patients the rash may last for some longer, a few patients up to a few more months.

the cause of pityriasis rosea cause has not been clear. But generally can be identified is not skin allergies, and not because bacterial or fungal infections. Many researchers found that pityriasis rosea may be due to viral infection. Occasionally, patients have flu-like symptoms. Thus judged to be the diagnosis of pityriasis rosea, you must first rule out diseases such as psoriasis, drug eruptions, syphilis, and so cause the appearance of similar symptoms, especially the second phase of syphilis skin rash that appears most like pityriasis rosea, but its characteristics easily in the palms and soles of the feet is too rash. So be sure to diagnosis by dermatologists, such as miscarriage of justice will not result in undue influence their condition.

pityriasis rosea is a self-limiting disease, meaning that without treatment it can heal themselves. Generally used in the treatment of antihistamine and steroid drugs for external use to help relieve itching. Severe cases oral steroids can increase the speed rash healing.
References: pityriasis rosea is a common acute eruptive skin diseases. The disease occurs in young adults. Is a Chinese 】 【Cause because there are more than blood heat, complex sense of Feng Xie, toxic heat condensation, depression in the skin, occlusion and the incidence of Cou; or sweating when the wind, Han Yi skin caused by the wet ta.
【Symptoms rash, the color pink, the surface of fine scales, and have different severity of itching. 【Treatment】
square one: Ojo, shoulder Kong, Feishu.
Methods: prick bloodletting. With edged needle near the selected point or points 2-3 prick blood network, the so bleeding. 1 day or every other day, 5 times for a course of treatment.
Indications: pityriasis rosea.
effect: repeated with good effect.
note: quote from Also with the needle after the cupping.
acupoints side b: the body column, throttle, Yu liver, spleen.
Methods: prick bloodletting. Take 3-4 points each (1 each side) are used interchangeably. With edged needle near the selected point or points 2-3 prick blood network, the so bleeding after the needle or cupping 10-15 minutes. 1 day, 5 times for a course of treatment.
Indications: pityriasis rosea.
effect: generally 3-5 courses of treatment can be effective or cured.
note: quote from Not eat spicy, Anabaena and other food.
acupoints side three: Ojo, body column, shoulder Kong. Those with lesions in the upper shoulders and back shoulder (bone + false), Qu Chi; below the waist with Shenshu; in the buttocks with a sea of ​​blood or less shares of Venezuela.
Methods: Bloodletting and Cupping Method. Cupping with the San Lengzhen 15-20 minutes after the needle to the local red violet and bleeding 0.5-1.0 ml (per hole) for the degree. At the same time with the sharp-eared prick blood. To be most rash subsided, only a few residual lesions, the lesions take the main point with the local surrounding Acupuncture and cupping. 1 day, 10 times as a course of treatment.
Indications: pityriasis rosea.
effect: repeated with good effect.
note: High-Lu Wen experience. Not eat spicy, fishy food.
acupoints side four: Ojo, throttle,Rini Ma ` a ` do not want the old drunk drunk, shoulder (bone-Yu), a hundred insects nest, Venezuela.
Methods: prick bloodletting. With edged needle acupuncture and acupuncture points in the vicinity of the selected network prick of blood, so a few drops of blood per hole. 1 every other day, 10 times as a course of treatment.
Indications: pityriasis rosea.
effect: years of use, very good results. 2-3 courses of treatment can be effective general or cured.
note: Anabaena not eat spicy food, flirting Chi, shelter from winds and cold, conducive to the consolidation effect. Seriously ill with Chinese Herbs may be beneficial to consolidate the curative effect.

pityriasis rosea is a common skin disease. It is called pityriasis rosea, a rash because it was the rose red, slightly higher than the skin, some with the skin, the different sizes, some as small button size, some like the coin size, oval in shape and covered with a layer of bran-like thin-skinned, known as the bran-like scales.
pityriasis rosea occur in the spring and autumn, the incidence of many young people, women slightly outnumber men, the incidence of first round in the trunk of a pink stain appears, called Nevus growing, even up to egg size. Gradually after the relatively small trunk erythema, a long time can be spread to the neck and proximal extremities,louis vuitton mens boots for sale, usually does not occur in the facial and lower leg. Rash occurs in batches, so patients can see the pink, yellow red, brown, light brown rash. The oval-shaped rash most of its major axis is consistent with the skin texture.
generally asymptomatic patients, some perceived itching, itching varying severity. Individual patients have low-grade fever, headache, general malaise, sore throat, joint pain or swollen lymph nodes and other symptoms.
course of pityriasis rosea usually 4 to 6 weeks, there are 2 to 3 months. Without treatment the disease can be self-limiting, usually no recurrence. Central rash began to subside start by the yellow rose into a red, red changes from yellow to brown, light brown, until finally disappeared, edge faded late, a ring around the scales. Rash subsided without leaving any traces.

pityriasis rosea is the There is a theory that pityriasis rosea is a viral infection. Therefore, it was said that the blood of toxic pityriasis rosea. This claim is unscientific. Intravascular blood flow through the body, if viruses in blood, a Clinical manifestations of high fever, chills, coma, and even affect the brain, heart, kidney and other vital organs. This is pityriasis rosea does not have the clinical manifestations, so can not say that pityriasis rosea is the
From medical point of view, pityriasis rosea also known as , injuring Yin Ye, due to the skin outside the pan, so can not say that pityriasis rosea is the
pityriasis rosea treatment, should be directed to Side of the CD with Xiao Feng San.
medication should be taken to avoid scratching the affected area, not eat spicy food and greasy fishy thing to launch the wind.

pityriasis rosea (Pityriasis Rosea)
general pathology
a mild hyperkeratosis, wedge-shaped focal parakeratosis,
b acanthosis with mild hypertrophy and focal edema sponge , severe blisters, particularly in the inflammatory infiltration at the apparent migration of lymphocytes within the epidermis, or even form a small abscess,
c dermis sparse superficial perivascular infiltration of lymphocytes and histiocytes, occasionally visible eosinophilic cells,vibram five finger,
d dermal papilla edema.

pathological differential diagnosis of drug eruption: eosinophil infiltration than pityriasis rosea.
guttate psoriasis: parakeratosis of the lesions in the neutrophil infiltration was significantly increased, with little or no extravascular red blood cells.
dermatophytes disease: the cuticle seen in the hyphae and spores, PAS staining can be clearly indicated.
Erythema annulare centrifugum: General non-dermal papilla edema and extravascular red blood cells, dermal superficial perivascular inflammatory infiltration heavier, Changcheng cuff.
age of onset of clinical features
a majority in 10 years to 40 years old, no gender differences, more common in spring and autumn,
b etiology is unknown,
c occur in the torso, neck and extremities proximal
d for the onset diameter of about 3cm ~ 5cm oval or circular yellow spotted, the edge of bran-like scaly, rash long axis parallel with the sticks, known as a pioneer in spots, 1 week to 2 weeks a secondary spot, and a pioneer in the basic form of the same spot, but smaller, and some can be spherical,
e duration of 1 month to 2 months, chronic are often more than 6 months, generally do not recur.
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