Sergeant Major
Join Date: Feb 2011
Posts: 236
recently read many books, most of them are how to speed up Make stock crash like the book of God, showing little brother I recently for the fiscal mood to faster than the Chinese New Year, and next year is the , and should do something, so one day a book. I do not like the previous reading, and now find that reading is a happy thing, just younger brother asked me to go online to buy a DIY book, so I also bought some other type of way, then:
one is
buy this book is not for own use, just gave birth to a child a former colleague, I intend to visit them in the past, this book early on their two still quite new when my parents used to when will send more can of milk powder, nourishing food, nutrition, Yung brother promised that we will not destroy the baby, will not buy a (Finished journal went later and later sent a box addition of Mengniu milk; listen to her that when I was little appetite, big appetite! Milk enough to eat is also eaten neighbors. This kind of thing can not happen again in the next generation who had 。。。。)
also bought a book called talk to you.
There is also a book called disease, so it has not go to the hospital, does not intend to go after, and now the medical, in my eyes, all these hospitals would be able to rule governance, not governance can not rule, but I also know that it mixed, sooner or later have to repay. Good now, does not mean that the future must also be properly, so when I saw this A super old friends also count on before the learned doctors, the future take care of me, but his mother, and later found he studied dentistry. . . .
This Practice every day, sounds of terror, but doing it more terror, text excerpts are as follows: feet shoulder width apart with the natural stand. Or two feet one after the adult characters. . The best time to hit the tree playing rhythmic music. This hit from the tree, the more relaxed and powerful. You hit the trees were staggered, and you hit myself are more exciting, the head has been slightly sweaty, then you will find hidden internal forces gushing out, an endless supply. Wiped out the weakness of whole body fatigue. Finished the first hit, hit left, hit right, hit back, hit the top and hit through the roof!
(。。。。。 the line.. The crowd who can send me to the hospital the 。。。)
As for what benefits this practice, the article writes: The entire impact process, the three minutes, you will have brand new feeling. More importantly, courage and confidence will be stimulated in an instant. This will surprise you. This method can help Yang Qi, treatment stool unhappy, prolapse impotence, organ prolapse, etc.
other example are: Koushou call-in approach, that is bowed directly to the forehead constantly knock on the floor, his mother , and hit the tree finished, hit the floor, turn the page, I am not practiced this trick. .
give you about something else next time interesting. . . . .
New Year I wish you health, luck, fortune, fun!