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Old 04-01-2011, 10:29 PM   #1
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Default Coogi Hats Whistle Away Your Anxiety!_2834

And we all know what a difference any of the above things can make to help you in anxious situations!
I whistle a happy tune and every single time,
Good luck, and happy whistling!
She taught these techniques to her young son - and now I'm explaining them to you!
And while I was mentally reliving years gone by, I realised how relevant this song still is to us all today Coogi Hats! Some things just never change!
o That if you behave as if you are confident (even if you don't feel it inside) then you'll trick your brain into believing you really ARE confident.
It sums up exactly what I'm always telling anxiety sufferers:
o That people can't always tell you're feeling anxious even if you're convinced they can.
o That your body language is important to the way you feel and how people treat you. Stand tall ('hold my head erect') and be counted!
o That positive happy thoughts ('the happiness in the tune') can usually override negative ones and help to reduce your anxiety levels.
I'm talking about a song called 'I Whistle a Happy Tune', written by the brilliant Rodgers & Hammerstein and sung by the British governess Mrs Anna Leonowens in the hit musical 'The King And I'. The musical was based on the true experiences of Anna and this song explains how she dealt with her private fears when she found herself in new and strange surroundings.
And whistle a happy tune so no one will suspect I'm afraid.
See what you think:
Forgive me if I reminisce a little!
Make believe you're brave and the trick will take you far.
Prepared or not, apologizing to them is the same as making an excuse for yourself. If you are apologizing to the room before you perform, you are basically saying, "Sorry I suck" before you even speak a word. If you start out thinking you are going to the math...not much chance for success in that environment.5. Casting is rooting against you.Maybe because auditions are so hard to come by and there's a certain distance maintained between casting and actors, actors often get the idea that casting directors are in some way rooting for them to fail. Nothing could be more false. Casting has made a big decision in allowing you to fill one of the few spots available for each role. They are putting their reputation on the line with their bosses, the producers. They want you to validate that they have made a good choice.
o That appearances can be deceptive (striking the 'careless pose'). Look cool and collected and that's how people will see you.
This is a song that was copyrighted way back in 1951 but, take a look at the lyrics below and you'll see that it's aimed well and truly at all of us anxiety sufferers!
©Rodgers & Hammerstein 1951
And whistle a happy tune and no one ever knows I'm afraid.
o That always having a 'little trick' in reserve (like whistling a happy tune, for example, even if it's just silently in your head Burberry Sunglasses!) is an excellent stand by to have for those times when you need some extra help.
The other day I heard a song that I'd not heard for ages. It took me back a few years, I can tell you!
4. No apologies please.Some actors seem to think they are among royalty when in an audition and apologize for everything they do if it's not perfect. That implies the wrong mindset in the audition. While it's nice to apologize, in an audition it indicates that you aren't totally involved in what you are doing...just focus on what you are doing Converse Series, not how it's affecting the audience. You don't know how they feel about you. They might love your energy and everything about you but when you apologize you are pointing out that you think you did something wrong, so unless you fart in their faces or knock over the lights or camera, there's nothing in an audition to apologize for. I would say the one exception is if you are working on another job and don't have the time to get your lines down, you might want to apologize for that to manage their expectations a bit...but I'm not even sure that's a good thing.
o That if you use distraction techniques (the whistling of a tune or such like) you'll take your mind off any scary thoughts you may be having.
The happiness in the tune convinces me that I'm not afraid.
I fool myself as well!
For when I fool the people I fear,
This could have been written especially for you!!
While shivering in my shoes, I strike a careless pose
Have a think about how you deal with scary situations. Do you have a 'happy tune' you can call upon? If not, maybe you might find it helpful. Who knows, maybe you might find that actually it's THIS song that stays in your head, ready for when you need it most!
Whenever I feel afraid, I hold my head erect,
The result of this deception is very strange to tell,
You may be as brave as you make believe you are!
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