thank you!
I recently interviewed a prospective client. I asked her tobriefly describe what she did. She said it was complicated,she did so many things. I asked who her clients were. Shesaid she couldn't define them, that she dealt with everyone. I then asked how her business was growing and she said shewas losing money, clients and had no referrals.You get the picture.If you can't describe yourself,
Tory Burch Discount Red Thong Sandals, your ideal client and yourbusiness in brief, simple language, how is anyone goingto hire you or give you a referral? As an entrepreneur, business owner or independent professional, you need to beable to tell advocates, clients and networking participantswhat you do, how you do it, who you do it for and whythey should choose you.If what you do is help people build their business and howyou do it is a) one-on-one, b) training and c) workshops, that presents a clear picture to prospective clients. Thenext section, who you help grow businesses for, is self-explanatory. The only question remaining is the sizeof the business. Let us choose businesses that generate upto $2,000,000 in revenue per year and independentprofessionals who earn $100,000.00 or more per year.Positioning yourself by concept or model removes the stressfor you and your clients. Create a model that motivates, excites and attracts. Your model could be that you work withpeople for a specific amount of time, say ninety days, foran established fee (received up front!) and you have apredetermined number of conferences with them.This method makes it very easy for the right person to say "Yes!".A model or environment that clients can connect and feelsafe with is essential. If it is presented as "work", theywon't hire you. The experience for each of you needs tobe rich, fulfilling and enjoyable.Here’s an example of positioning by concept. It’s one thingto say you're a website designer. A more definitivestatement would be to say you design websites for peoplewho are ready for a revised website; know who they want toreach with this website; and have text ready to serve thisaudience as well as the resources to pay for your expertise.It's specific and would attract the perfect client to you aswell as your method of working.The last question is, why choose you.A simple answer is that you have the knowledge, skills andexperience critical to their success. Go for it!~~Publishing Guidelines: Thank you for publishing this articlein its entirety, including the resource box. When possible,please notify me of publication by sending either a websitelink or a copy of your ezine upon publication via email to Victoria, 25-year Vision and Business Coach helpsentrepreneurs and solo professionals build successfullives and businesses by helping them tell their truth. Joanne@joannevictoria.comOrders: 888-503-2665 - Phone: 415-491-1344