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Old 04-04-2011, 10:54 AM   #1
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Default Belarus claims to be a fox hunter shot and wounded

Belarus, fox data for

World Wide Web news reports Liang Xu, Belarus Grodno Qiuxin area hunter shot and wounded the fox occurred in the bizarre incident , local police received the alarm injured hunters have started investigations .

Russia's new network on January 12 reported that the hapless hunter was taken to the hospital ,rolex watches in toronto, his hip had been shot . That a fox hunter with his gun and wounded himself. He said he used the butt of shotgun after the wounded fox wrestled to the ground like a fox , the fox did not think then claws and pulled the trigger , hitting his hip . Subsequently, the success of the first fox escaped injury .

reported that local people have a different view on the matter . There is a hunter attacked by others , but also said they want to commit suicide is a hunter . But police said,

Belarus region produces a lot of beautiful fox fur , but also spotted a lot of wolves and bears and other dangerous beasts. Belarus government to allow hunters to hunt them year-round . In addition, the biologists said the fox is Belarus the main carrier of rabies virus , the number of infections each year in 1000 .
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