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Old 04-21-2011, 02:42 PM   #1
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Default Office 2010 Product Key gta fuel enhancer.html

gta fuel enhancer - gasoline engines
what is it?
gta fuel enhancer is the most advanced fuel technology available to a car owner today. it improves engine performance,Office Standard 2010, reduces fuel consumption and reduces emissions. the fuel enhancer makes gasoline burn more uniformly and completely. for test results in a racing engine,Office 2010 Product Key, see the powerpoint presentation or the acrobat pdf file.
what is the viscon technology
the gta fuel technology is a spin off of work by gta to make an explosion-safe aircraft fuel for the u.s. navy. a scientific phenomenon called viscoelasticity is used to reduce fractional distillation of gasoline prior to burning. the result is a more homogeneous air/fuel mixture in the cylinder at the molecular level.
how does the this technology compare with that used in other fuel additives?
the gta fuel enhancer is a major advancement in combustion technology. name brand fuel system additives such as those advertised on television are cleaners. the improvement made in the homogeneity of the fuel/air mixture using the gta fuel enhancer combustion technology improves performance and reduces emissions even in the cleanest engine.
the gta fuel enhancer does not contain alcohol or aromatics such as xylene used in fuel system cleaners.
is the fuel enhancer safe to use in all engines?
the gta fuel enhancer is a combination of pure hydrocarbons and is completely compatible with your car's fuel system and engine. a different version of the polymer which provides viscoelasticity has been used in gasoline for more than fifty years.
how is it used?
the gta fuel enhancer is added when you fill your tank at the station. two ounces will treat 10 to 20 gallons of gasoline. the gta fuel enhancer is compatible with all grades of gasoline.
what are the benefits?
in most cases where premium gasoline currently is used, it will be possible to drop to the lowest grade without losing performance. with high fuel prices the extra paid for premium is a big expense that can be avoided with gta fuel enhancer. add that to the fuel savings and extra performance and you have a highly cost-effective product in gta fe. an added benefit is the dramatic reduction in harmful emissions. most cars harmful emissions will drop to close to zero. in fact,Microsoft Office 2007 Ultimate, we guarantee the product will allow you to pass an emissions test or we refund the price of the product. for most car owners, the major benefit they will perceive while driving is a boost in performance this is especially important when a vehicle is underpowered and the difference will be apparent in quicker acceleration,Office 2007 Ultimate Key, easier hill climbing, and easier towing (of a boat,Office Standard, trailer, etc.).
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