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Old 05-01-2011, 07:10 PM   #1
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Default Cheap NFL Hats About Haute Couture_2118

The clothing that is produced by couturiers is of the finest quality and handcraftsmanship. Hems, zipper installation, and gathering, done by the everyday seamstress with a sewing machine, must be sewn by hand by a couturier. Couturiers specialize in finely crafted gowns. Cristian Lacroix' recent breakthrough into the couture industry came with his Fall/Winter 2008 line, which featured an abundance of heavily beaded and elaborately sequined dresses. The evening wear aspect of the show was characterized by simple, dark colors and flattering cuts, while the daywear was more vibrant in its coloring and, for lack of a better word, poofy. He also included unusual shoes in his runway show - stiletto heels with two sets of soles. Supermodel Lily Cole often refers to Lacroix as her favorite designer to walk for. Because of their celebrity exposure and incredibly well-made clothing, couturiers are at the top of the fashion industry.
4. Use your talents/gifts to serve the world - the best way for you to serve the world is in doing what you love and/or loving what you do. You have a core genius. You have within you the most wonderful talents and gifts. How do you know what they are - its simple - you feel BRILLIANT when you're pursuing them! So pursue them and keep nourishing them. Then start asking questions like - how can I use my talents and gifts to serve my family, my community, my country, the world? How can I begin to earn an income from what I love and how then can I get it to grow? As you take each step on such a path you leave behind a path which is illuminated with love, with kindness, with joy, with happiness, with passion and it acts as a lighthouse for those who find themselves in stormy seas. Does it take courage? Absolutely! And this is one of the traits you have in abundance - simply take the first step and keep going!
However, just because an aspiring couturier fits these guidelines, he or she still may not be appointed by the Chambre de commerce et d'industrie de Paris, the branch of government in charge of appointing couturiers. This branch is comprised of fashion experts and industry professionals who choose the couturiers Cheap NFL Hats, usually ten or less each year. The official members of the Chambre for the Spring/Summer 2010 season are Chanel, Dior Ways on How to Get Your Man Talk About His Feelings_4012, Christian Lacroix, Franck Sorbier, Jean Paul Gaultier, Dominique Sirop, Givenchy, Adeline Andr��, and Anne Val��rie Hash. Many of these names are famous mainstream designers. Others like Sirop and Andr�� are not as well-known, mostly because of how exclusive the couture industry is. All of these designers also have pret-?-porter, or ready-to-wear collections that appear in runway shows and are sold in high-end stores across the world.
3. Create a new identity - we are creative beings. Instead of having an identity which is attached to anything outside yourself, which is subject to change and ultimately beyond your control, base it on the infinite wisdom and greatness that is within you. This can never be taken away from you, recession or otherwise. You can begin to affirm to yourself "I am an infinitely creative and resourceful person", "My greatest hour has yet to come", "I am so happy doing what I love and loving what I do and getting richly rewarded for it", "the greatest moment of my life is this one - the more I truly live it, the more fulfilled I am and the more the future blossoms." Its also a good idea to remind yourself of what you really like/love about yourself - make a list and smile with every wonderful trait you posess. And let those you love know how wonderful it is that they are part of your life.
Couture houses, known as couturiers, are specially selected institutions. Not just any designer can declare themselves a couturier, and often, clothing is labeled as couture when it is actually not. The term "haute couture" is legally protected by the French government, who appoints couturiers. It refers to hand-sewn clothing only - some people use the term inappropriately in conjunction with music or fine art. A couturier must, according to the guidelines design clothing specifically for clients. This includes personal fittings to ensure the garment's wearability. A haute couturier must also have a workshop (also called an atelier) in Paris that employs full time fifteen or more people. Lastly, the same couturier must present a collection twice a year at a press-attended fashion show with thirty-five or more garments. Essentially, a fashion house in France that claims itself to be a couturier but does not fit these rigid rules is breaking the law.
Designer clothing is wildly popular - and expensive. It is made by top of the line and competent seamstresses, and clothing is made of high-quality fabric. There are many high-end designers, from Marc Jacobs to Trina Turk to Chanel, all of which are names easily recognized by the general public. But designers of haute couture are among the most revered clothing designers of all. Haute couture is an extremely prestigious and difficult method of clothing creation, in which all clothing must be created entirely by hand. Couture is impeccably made and lusted after by many the fashion admirer.
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