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Old 05-07-2011, 05:40 AM   #1
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Default 定位找人 询问与申请―2010年考研英语作文夏倚荣应用

为了要了解某事、或请求对方办事某事、或申请参加学会、报名入学等,都可写信给有关方面询问。这类信要写明 自己的意图以及要求对方办的事,也可向对方索取有关资料。同济
申请信的篇幅不宜过长,除语气诚恳,言简意赅外 通话记录查询,还应注意以下几点:
(1)说明申请理由 小学五年级作文大全。如见广告应征,熟人介绍、专业对口等。
(2)概括本人经历和特长,表明能胜任此项工作 新课标小学作文 满分示范作文小学卷(最新5年满分作文全彩版)-图书价格 19.80-综合类、其他类图书 书籍-网上买书-孔夫子旧书网。336260 37
(3)希望对方积极考虑,尽早答复 淘金盈开户。200092
(4)如申请的目的是学习、攻读学位 删除通话记录,应说明资助情况。考

1. 索取入学资料 Requesting entrance information共济
336 26038
Dear Sirs:正门对面
Could you please send me some entrance information about the course of [English Literature] offered at your university? I am now studying at [Beijing Foreign Languages Institute] majoring in [English Literature] and shall graduate [this year]. A Chinese Government scholarship enables me to continue my postgraduate studies in [England], and your university has been recommended to me.336 26038
先生们: 正门
我现就读于[北京外国语学院],主修[英国文学]将于[今年]毕业 足球平台出租。我国政府给予奖学金使我能来[英国]深造。并推荐来贵院攻读研究生课程。为此向贵院索取有关入学资料,请惠存寄为感。
2. 申请入大学学习 Applying for studying in a university112室

Dear Sirs:
I should like to enter your university to take such courses as [Applied Linguistics and Comparative Literature].
I was born in [1957]. In [1979], I was enrolled in [the Department of Foreign Languages and Literature] of [Tianjin Teachers’ University]. During my [four] academic years, I made good grades on all courses. After my graduation from this university in [1983], I found my interests tending more and more towards [Language Teaching]. Now I have passed an examination sponsored by [the Ministry of Education] for a Government scholarship which will enable me to pursue further studies in your university.
A transcript of records of all the subjects I completed at this university and [two] letters of recommendation offered by [two] of my professors will be sent to your directly by the university.
I hope a letter of admission will be issued to me in due course.
Looking forward to your reply.
Your sincerely
我出生于[1957年]。[1979年]考入[天津师范大学][外国语言文学系]。在校[4年]学习期间,各门功课均为优良。[1983年]于该校大学毕业生,我对[语言教学]颇感兴趣。现已通过[教育部]举办的政府奖学金考试 修改皇冠注单,将来贵校进修。
希望能将入学证书及时寄我,并盼早日复信 皇冠平台出租
3. 申请攻读硕士学位 Applying for M. S. Degree
Dear Sirs:
My name is [Li Ming]. I graduated in [1990] from [Nankai] University majoring in [mathematics] with a [B. S. degree]. After my graduation, I’ve been teaching [mathematics] in [No. 16 Middle School].
With a view to get some advanced studies, I am writing to you to apply for admission to your University to peruse my [M. S. degree]. I am also applying for a scholarship or a teaching assistantship which will enable me to come to your University sooner.
Hoping to be favored with an early reply.
Yours faithfully,
为继续深造 密码破解,我拟向你校申请攻读[硕士学位]。同时我也想申请奖学金或助教金使我能更早地来你校就读,盼及早复信。
4. 申请奖学金 Applying for a scholarship
Dear Prof. [Johnson]:
My name is [Li Ming]. I am writing to you to apply for a scholarship in your university.
Born in [Tianjin in 1960], I graduated from [Tianjin] University majoring in [Computer Science] in [1989]. I have been working in the [Computer Science Department] of this univer-sity since my graduation. It is the height of my ambition to further y studies in this field in your university. But without your financial aid I couldn’t manage to come. I’ll be very grateful for your kind help. Could you please favor me with an early reply?
Sincerely yours,
我于[1960年生于[天津],于[1989年]毕业于[天津]大学[计算机科学系]。毕业后一直在[该系]工作。我极想来贵校进修我的专业。我只有在您的经济资助下才能如愿。如蒙关照感激不尽,盼速赐 回音。
5. 申请做为访问学者 Applying for admittance as a visiting scholar
Dear Prof. [Jackson],
I am a professor of English in the English Department of [Tianjin Foreign Languages In-stitute]. I have taught [linguistics] for more than [15] years and have therefore attained a fair knowledge in this field.
I am writing to your about the possibility of visiting scholar’s appointment in your de-partment next [spring]. If given the opportunity, I’ll do my best to meet your requirements and I am sure I’ll be benefited in return.
I hope to hear from you at your earliest convenience.
Sincerely yours,
[Li Ming]
Enc.: My resume
不知贵系下学期[春季班]能否聘任我为访问学者?如蒙不弃 手机通话记录查询,我当尽力百为符雅望。我想此举彼此均有裨益。
6. 申请进修 Applying for further study
Dear Sir 移动通话记录查询,
I am [Shi Lei]. I am writing to you to apply for a fellowship with a stipend in your [uni-versity].
Born in [Beijing] in [1966]. I graduated from [Qing Hua] University majoring in [Com-puter Science] in [1988]. [Transcript listing courses and grades will be sent on request]. I have been working in the [Computer Science] Department of [Qing Hua] University since my graduation and have therefore attained knowledge and experience in this field. It is height of my ambition to further my studies in this field in your university. Should my qualification re-ceive your favorable consideration, no exertion should be wanting on my part to please you.
Looking forward to an early reply, I am.
Yours respectfully 定位找人,
我于[1966年]生于[北京],于[1988年]毕业于[清华]大学[计算机]专业。[如需要各科成绩单当即寄上]。毕业后即在[本系]任职,因此对这方面具有一定的知识和经验。我极想到贵校进修我的专业 QQ聊天记录查询,如果我的资历受到认可 手机定位,我决不负雅望。
7. 申请半工半读 Applying for work-study program
Dear Sir 足球改单,
I left [Tianjin Medical College] as a graduate student in [medicine] [5 years] ago. Now I am attending and working in the [Heart] Department of [Tianjin General Hospital]. In order to pursue further studies, I wish to apply for admission to your [Medical College]. But as I am short of funds 修改注单, I wish to apply also for a part-time job 通话记录查询 中国移动, so that I can work and study in your country under your guidance for [one or two] years. Without your financial aid I couldn’t manage to come. Do you think it possible to give me a job? I’ll be very grateful for your kind help. Could you please favor me with an early reply?
Yours faithfully,
Enc.: My Resume
[5年]前,我在[天津医学院]修完研究生[内科学]的课程,现在[天津总医院][心脏科]工作。为继续深造,我想来你们[医学院]。但由于经济关系,我希望能找到零工使我能在贵国在您的指导下学习[一、两]年,我只有在您的帮助下才能前来 注单修改,如蒙给予适当工作,我将非常感激。盼赐回信。
8. 申请去公司实习 Applying for a [trainee position] in a corporation
Dear Mr. [Black]:
Professor [Smith] suggested that I should write to you in regard with my interests in [a management trainee position] in your corporation.
Currently, I’m the [general engineer] of [Shenyang Machine Tools Plant] in charge of [quality control]. I have been granted a leave of [two years] to learn the advanced [managerial skills] and [develop business contacts] in [Australia].
As a trainee, I do not require a salary, but would appreciate if you can provide me with a stipend enough to support myself during the [two years]. The Chinese government will pay all my [travel expenses].
In the past few years, I have read much about your corporation and its excellent man-agement. To join you and work with you would be a great opportunity for me.
Enclosed please find my resume and [three] letters of recommendation. If further infor-mation is needed, please inform me. I’m grateful for your consideration.
Yours Respectfully 皇冠开户,
[Li Ming]
Enc.: My Resume
Two Letters of Recommendation
过去的几年中,我对贵公司和其杰出的管理有所耳闻。能和你们在一起工作对我来说真是一个难得的 机会。
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