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Old 05-19-2011, 03:55 AM   #1
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Default Human ecology {malignmalignevil folk ) namely the

goodness of person nature is to maintain a trend of good actions, like water by gravity, however up spray faucet (analog to evil), but the water spray to a certain elevation ambition forever turn down, down is a maintained trend. Need a spray of water up the driving coerce will also need a driving force for evil.
The needs of human existence and development of human evil is the driving force to promote the existence and development of fundamental demand is the internal life of the body movement, is to promote the fundamental human and social development force. Existence and development of the law reflect the needs of amusement is self-serving nature. Human existence and development is to meet the needs of the movement tends to reflect the goodness of the law.
goodness of human nature is to reserve the trend of goodness, not evil, or evil to a certain condition to stop the evil.
good, evil, lust and alarm are only external exposition of human nature .--
human nature to know, first out good and evil, good and evil to be clear, the Prophet of interest.
human nature to know, first out good and evil, good and evil to be clear, the Prophet of interest.
Mencius not said that people are basically good, the good is said of Confucius, and future generations. Mencius stresses the goodness of human nature.
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meet all the conditions of the definition of human nature. Meet the materialist world view, to denote the instruction of human development.
human nature to know, first out good and evil, good and evil to be clear, the Prophet of interest.
standard definition: human nature is human existence and development to meet the needs of their own process of reaching goodness.
simplified expression: human goodness.
human nature is human existence and development to meet the needs of their fundamental movement reflects the objective law.
existence and development needs of the conflict between the decision and conditions of the external manifestations of human nature
existence and development needs, is fundamental within the life of human movement, is the fundamental driving force of human social development.
about human nature, the important thinkers in the history of ideas the retinue categories:
pure human nature that - representative, I.
goodness of that - representatives of Confucius.
the evil that human nature - representative, Xunzi.
human Olivetti said - representatives, Han Fei Zi.
that human nature is empty - the main schools of Buddhism.
said goodness of human nature - on behalf of people, Mencius.
human society some rules to follow certain development, people have a prevalent humanity.
which Buddhism says human nature is vacant, without contradiction, misbelief. But law is not specific material terms, Buddhist says, vacant of human nature also makes sense. Han Fei good profit point of view of human nature, prejudiced.
Confucius say people are basically good, evil human nature Xunzi said, are two of the largest and most intense debate ideas. I pure point of view of human nature, human nature does not material in fact, good and evil, is independent. Mencius human goodness, I now think that the most scientific one. Confucius saw the others, and Xunzi saw the demand, Han Fei saw the benefits. I, doing nothing, so to talk about human nature is neutral, it does not stuff good and evil. Mencius said that human nature is only good deeds can integrate Confucian, Xun Zi, Lao Zi, Han Fei, the correct understanding of Buddhism on the chapter of human nature.
but all dads are unable to unravel the complex human performance, of special note, why the great contrast between good and evil.
not clear whether the resolution
human nature to understand, 1st out good and evil, good and evil to be clear, the Prophet of interest.
man is a living body, and is a highly social,Extreme Balance, productive, creative,PULSERA BLANCA CON PORTUGAL, spiritual, an advanced life form.
is the inconsistency between human and beasts namely that in the social, productive, ingenious, spiritual, to another degrees. As a life manner, above all apt retain and amplify the individual's life, so we ought dine because life down to grasp the external resources. As a natural life and development of state tin not sustain the existence and stop method the end of life and death of the body. The absences of their own existence and evolution is fundamental because all alive entities among the body movement, entire the resulting motivation. Therefore, the body has a self-serving nature of always life.
What is self-serving nature? First do no damage, do not destroy their own existence and development of life is self-serving. If the harm and dispose of their own existence and development of life is not selfish merely sinful. Organisms, ahead of benefits or depress, shirk its evils, self-interest is not simply understood for acknowledging benefits. Naturally quest not to be ache, not damaged, not to be restricted, on this foundation to seek more favorable conditions for their existence and development, which is self-serving nature.
self-interest is not sinful.
because of their existence and development of demand-driven, have a self-serving nature of all living. Human good, evil, greed, fear is a manifestation of self-interest of.
life on life in and outside the body or environment related, it will benefit him and harm his two roles.
What harm him? Is the damage, destruction, and limit the presence of other life forms and development. No harm, no damage, does not limit the existence of other life forms and development, is altruistic.
good and evil is based on altruism and the character of victims said he was two.
side of the main victims, the harm to melodrama the role of the celebration he is evil. Not self-harm, and that is good. For example,PULSERA BLANCE CON ESPANA, I called a person A The other one, I did not cry him, not hurt people B is, he thought I was good. If there is a human that I called a C that A is a pummel, is he out of the jaws of foul smells, is to maintain the C's interests, or to pursue the interests of C, then C is even more that I was good. Most people know the good, the last a taper location. So good and evil are comparative, the interests of different locations, different conclusion.
different standards of good and evil come to different conclusions. For example, from the amuse point of view, the killing of people at Emperor Qin Shi Huang is surely that evil, the combat in the Qin Shi Huang unified benefit of the people, must consider he good. However, the standards of history, Qin Shi Huang unified process, the end of the globe melee, killing every additional and subserve unity coins, centralization of power, can be understood to be good. Shang Yang Sidou almost hundreds of people slew, meantime the small is evil, big and that is good, for people can not build valid self-respect by every corner from killing one different.
beings, happens in the body related with the external life, it will benefit him and harm him two functions, resulting in the notion of good and evil. All living things are there while avoiding disadvantages, there are self-serving nature. Therefore, all life and external life of the body if you do not happen when the union is not matter of good and evil. (I, doing nothing, so to talk about human nature is neutral, good and evil does not matter.) Occurred even associated with the external, it does not necessarily must meet him outside the living body of disadvantageous effects, that is evil. But ahead of seek not to be hurt, ahead of self-serving. As to whether it will harm him if he would be evil, by the existence and development of demand and the contradiction between external conditions for the decision.
not harm him, that is altruistic, not evil, that is good. Is the self-interest not to be hurt, hurt is not self-serving.
from the self-serving nature, the truth that all living asset are good deeds.
good idea but we are dedicated to human body. Because people are different life and general animal body, is a production, creativity, spirituality, culture of living organisms.
good, is self-serving nature of the unity and advanced civilization. Good is not fair spiritual needs. Good, the people and the external social harmony of nature. Fundamentally, good, in fact, self-interest of a living body.
self-interest is the living body of one of the basic specifics. Self-interest of not the same as selfish, selfish is for their own interests regardless of others, regardless of appearance people or the environment, animals and plants. Self-interest in favor of their own can be advantageous, while others or benefit society is conducive to the external surroundings and external organisms and plants. Also can be selfish and altruistic, altruism can also be a direction or means to achieve self-serving. So self-serving and selfish, or different, because nor is presumable to be altruistic selfishness, but also against themselves.
human formula: = selfish human nature of X advanced civilization.
is reflected in lofty civilization of the people, is civilized, with only near to pure self-interest of the animals. With the multiplication, the complexity of human nature is embodied.
complexity of human nature Why?
self-interest of the first is that
and the needs of people with the diversity of needs of different people also have differences. Meanwhile, people in the role of demand and the contradiction between the conditions, the
the largest human nature is why people have confused the rendition of exceedingly complex, in particular, a magnificent contrast of good and evil. This is all the sages of the quondam failed to give a explicit explanation.
only with Role in conflicts in people, but also the diversity class of claim (demand in two wide categories: physical needs and spiritual needs. Who needs 5 levels: physiological needs, safety needs, social needs, respect for the needs of self-actualization needs.) differences in the needs of different people, combined with the perfected civilization of people, (the production, creativity, spirituality,PULSERA BLANCA CON MEXICO, civilization and nature.), so human nature is extremely complex, and a great contrast of good and evil.
standards from the elucidation of human nature:
definition of human nature, must be the essential attribute of man is the human body of this life, Also representative of the development.
materialist view of the world: the world is material, the material is movement, movement is normal. Material is material change in the interaction with the material, physical or chemical. Law remains unchanged. Material change is awareness. Awareness based on material production, and attached to the material. Awareness of body movement driven life, the role of the external material, and then people change the world. Awareness pedal people to change the world, the only change of state of the physical or chemical change of state change. Movement which changes are changes in physical state. Can only be secondhand to change the world and follow the law, not against the law.
merely rule is Law of substance existence can not be resolved, but follow the laws of physical movement. Definition of human nature, must be the important property of man is the human body in which the movement of life, must be the same, must be objective, must be permanent.
from the law of nature is the point of view, Buddhism is the atmosphere that makes sense, because although the law is an objective, but not the specific material existence, it is empty.
human existence human nature can not resolve, but the existence and behavior of people to follow human nature.
Not only that, we should define human nature, also must be skillful to pursue and development representative, reflecting the advanced civilization of people of different from animals.
the on understanding, the only Meet the materialist world view, to indicate the direction of human development.
V. Conclusions.
standard definition: human nature is human existence and development to meet the needs of their own process of approaching goodness. Simplify the expression: human goodness.
existence and development of the contradiction between the needs and conditions of external manifestations of human decision
existence and development needs and conditions of the contradictions between the society and all living things and the fundamental contradictions.
existence and development needs, is fundamental within the life of human movement, is the fundamental driving force of human social development.
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ultimate communist ideals and all religions the same thing - the ultimate is good
all religious values ​​and ideals:
Mo outer end
almost equal, there is no oppression, entirely free, no pain,XB 2011, complete freedom of pleasure - bliss.
ultimate ideal of Marxism:
highly developed productive forces - to exclude the inequalities to eradicate exploitation of people - according to need -
- entirely meet the manifold needs of people - the full and free development of man.
compare all religions and all the great angels of the ultimate ideal of the sapient. Regardless of the ultimate ideal of religion is no pain, free and merry, or Marxism, the comprehensive development of emancipation - to achieve the status and the premise is the same: that the existence and development will not be narrow, not by the destruction and damage. Everyone will not be hurt, destruction and restrictions.
What does this mean? That no one harm, damage and restrict the.
is no evil in. Everyone is not evil.
we know, do not be evil is --- good.
that the ultimate religious ideal and the ultimate ideal of Marxism is the same,
time when the limits of reasoning we detect that the final target state is - good
we say: the existence and development needs and conditions of the contradictions between the people of the fundamental contradictions. All other contradictions in this derivation. Individual circumstance, society is so that all living things are so. This contradiction determines the external manifestation of human nature. Solve all the problems of man and society, is to solve this contradiction.
Buddhism, train is the appetite by removing people, the damaging of the material attachment,Equilibrio Xtreme, self-transformation, thereby changing needs, to determination this contradiction. The development of productive forces of Marxism greatly from the production of material and spiritual asset of productions, to create conditions for conference human needs. This one is from satisfying to decide this contradiction. Implementation of the two is an extreme, but either fulfil in the extreme, the ultimate cause for the limit, and its goal is
so I define human nature: people meet their development needs exist and to perform good deeds during the approach.
simplified expression: human goodness.
human nature is human existence and development to meet the needs of their own fundamental law embodied movement.
and there are 2 levels of exercise:
First, Reflect this fundamental law of motion is - self-serving nature. Existence and development of demand is the fundamental driving force of human social development.
Another movement is a fundamental process: the movement is to meet the demand to meet the needs of existence and development.
this movement is reflected in the law - good deeds approximate.
so I said Mencius,
law does not determine the existence of matter and film, but the movement has always followed the laws of matter. The same person can not determine the existence of human nature and behavior, but the existence and behavior of people who follow human nature. Any person who is to perform good deeds, and evil will eventually halt to do evil. Good starting point for both the person leaving, but also individual behavior and the end of the human ideal society. Both the innate desire of people is the ultimate nicety of human values. The fundamental goodness of human life, the ultimate law of movement. So human nature to perform good deeds, liberalness is human nature.
As said by Mr. Y on the Buddha, Marx, Mao Zedong that a number of great relief for the suffering of mankind is the great struggle of good behavior, I must acknowledge. However, Mr Y and the disburse they get in return is not proportional to the selfish nature does not reflect the very contradictory. In tangible fact, their behavior reflects the most extreme, self-interest of people with advanced civilization of faultless unity.
how to narrate? Human formula: = selfish human nature of X advanced civilization.
self-serving nature of existence and development needs is the fundamental movement reflects the inner life of the law.
according to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, we know thathuman existence and development needs, divided into five levels: physiological needs, safety needs, social needs, respect for amount demand, self-actualization needs.
if Buddha, Marx, or Mao Zedong, and their needs are the highest level of human needs - self-actualization needs. The terminal liberation of mankind from the greatest woe is their ideal, the highest they think the worth of self. All the effort and are to realize their own dreams and ambition - self-actualization needs, which is self-serving. So while they get the maximum digit of human creatures and the maximum degree of respect, which is self-serving. It is in this very self-realization, the greatest degree of respect in that they reflect the worth of life. That is the embodiment of self-interest.
the same period we mention that man is the production, creativity, spirituality, civilization of living creatures. Creative do not mention, Buddha, Marx, Mao Zedong have each built their own academic system, a strong spirituality, their ultimate goal --- to attain an parity, there is no exploitation, no oppression, no anguish, only the full and free Happy developing world - the state of perfection is the highest wording of civilization. Great amplitude on them reflect the advanced civilization of man.
good, evil, greed and fear are only external manifestations of human existence and development needs .-----
goodness of human nature simply say, that is, self-serving nature, while avoiding disadvantages, benefits or attempt to avoid evil, benefits or reduce as distant as possible to avoid being evil.
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