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Old 05-26-2011, 02:55 AM   #1
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Default Wholesale Oakley Sunglasses 3 New Ways to Secretly

Simple, if you want someone to feel happy Wholesale Oakley Sunglasses, make yourself happy, if you want someone to feel excited ######## Oakley, get excited yourself. When you are in rapport people will naturally follow the state of mind you are in. This is so simple some people overlook how powerful it really is, avoid this mistake and the results will astound you!
This is just a taste of the power of covert and conversational hypnosis, there methods of which you will be learning below.
So, combine these three techniques and soon you will become the persuasion power house you have always wanted to be.
Now as a music enthusiast I realize that what I am about to tell you is very contrary to my beliefs about music and its evolution as an art form, BUT this article is solely about how to make music that will eventually lead you to signing a Record Deal. This leads us to our second method.The second method to creating a hit song is to follow a popular trend which already exists in the music industry. Now the word "popular" is a very subjective term. So, the best way to determine what is "popular" is to look at what is actually selling records. Check out the Billboard charts and see which songs are actually selling in today's market. Then, focus on creating a song that sounds like what is actually selling in today's market.
Covert Hypnosis skill 2: the confusion induction.
Maybe you've heard about embedded suggestions? These allow you to subtly slip commands into normal sentences which people pick up on unconsciously and respond to without even realizing it. The thing about embedded commands is, it's easier than you think. Notice when you speak all the little fragments which you could turn into a command, such as 'yeah, that person is a lot LIKE ME' or 'BY NOW (buy now) you may have realized...' and simply give a very subtle, very slight, nod of the head or tonal shift at that point. Repeat each command a few times and voila, the results just happen!
Covert Hypnosis skill 3: go there first
So imagine this Ray Ban Online Store, you wake up in the morning, and just know today is going to be a good day. You walk down the street with your head held high, and just notice as things fall into place. People instantly like you and feel connected to you, and you find your every interaction seems to go perfectly, with people just feeling compelled to respond to your ideas and accept all your suggestions.
Covert hypnosis skill 1: embedded commands.
Nathan Thomas
When people are confused their critical mind seems to weaken, and they become eager to accept any seemingly rational suggestions you may give. The easiest way to cause this confusion is to interrupt a pattern or break social boundaries, such as by interrupting a handshake or suddenly spouting a conversational non-sequiter, like 'the dog outside my shoe doesn't bark in the rain.' Use that small window of confusion to leap into your suggestion 'and as you feel confused, notice just how powerful these techniques really are'
Generally speaking, there are two ways to go about creating a hit song. I will explain to you these two methods and why one method is MUCH easier than the other.The first method is to create a new trend in the music industry. The most influential songs of the last century were undoubtedly the ones in which an artist took a new direction and created a new popular trend in music. However, even successful new trends are faced with much resistance in the beginning. Even worse, the majority of artists who try to take music in a new direction are unsuccessful in developing a popular trend.
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