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Old 06-04-2011, 08:14 AM   #1
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Default After 5 years , where ambition we

Internet prognosis of future trends of the 15
a lot of people are calculating about what will happen, but no one can accurately predict the future of the Internet bears what variety of a marvel, but there are some indication of trends or may navigate us to the right way. -
the future, further development of sophisticated technology, social media and related applications will become the brim of the network, but because of social approval or the causes for the hardware corrections, there are a large number of other technologies will be at the corner of mainstream technology. Well, now look at the future trends ashore the Internet, 15 forecast. -
1. Micropayment -
some companies are paid a small hippodrome to show their aptitudes in many systems currently pay a cloud of before the many small amounts amass in the future may change, you can get them as quickly as your mini without having to pay a small measure of the additive waiting. -
small payments is likely in the network news magazines and popular services, but also including those deep thoughts provider. Of course artists and creators may be used to pay for compliance costs and small profits. -
the most prevalent and renowned micro-payment system is the MMORPGs (online role-playing games and more), these systems often use fewer than an greenback sale of the integral things in the game. And a lot of people make a living through the example of these systems. -
[url = https: / / / IntegrationCenter / ic_micropayments.html] PayPal [/ url] is a micro-payment assist for the online payment usages, each of the 5% transaction fare and then it add $ 0.05,. Amazon has been tested in the amenable micro-payment service to pay (FTPS), focused on the micro-payment system also began to appear. -
future micro-payment may be in near adjoin with the mobile payment system, and disbursement through mobile phones will also be questing to open a gainful new areas, particularly those phones more common place than the computer. Or by phone to receive a dollar less than a dollar a small payment for the participation of amplifying countries paved the way for the Internet economy, of course, this approach was previously considered impossible to achieve. -
extra information: -
iPhone, MySpace, Facebook Race to Micropayments in 2009 -
What Would Micropayments Do for Journalism? A Freakonomics Quorum-
Can Micropayments Save Newspapers? -
The Case Against Micropayments-
2, the horizontal scroll content and widescreen -
display becomes larger, a few years ago, Apple wallpaper is 15 inches, immediately have access to the smallest was 21.5 inches (the largest is 27), and now maximum of the fashionable PC, even a low-grade 17-inch is too , in many cases 19 alternatively 20 is criterion. -
size aside, many of them are widescreen on the mall today, which means that the average user's shade is wider, so the more sites will use the horizontal scroll preferably than vertical scrolling, particularly those with many small chips of content and than a lengthy document website. -
horizontal scrolling of the site is becoming popular, some sites use JavaScript or Flash to pretend a broad distribution, meantime others use ordinary HTML and CSS, in some cases,Lacoste Finham SPM Trainers, this level of union for a site more significant, especially those portfolios, media, graphics and multimedia rather than rely on the text of the site. -
more information: -
The Horizontal Way-
Fifteen Web Sites Using Horizontal Scrolling-
27 Inspirational Horizontal Scrolling Websites-
How to Create a Horizontally Scrolling Site-
3, more interactive style of the magazine (Wiki,, digital video, etc.) -
for five years behind the major print magazines are the same as the proportion of possession, there are some questions and some magazines because of little or no consideration to the week to close, how can we not wondered? Even with the mobile device is now engaged when we can pass a lot of information Almighty, magazines should be how to rank? Magazine in the past often used as a cheap books can be used to understand other areas in a field or the latest news or trends, occasionally as a busy time of distraction, but the mobile network do these even more. -
course, this does not mean that in 5 years we do not publish magazine, just a lot of magazines are online, they are not simply some text. Magazine will be divided into the rich interaction, including podcasts, video, audio content, in most cases,Lacoste UK, they have social networks, a number of publish magazines ready to change and have their own websites, many new forms of network magazine there, some insist on the manner page (except for figures available), but some have broken free, like the blog style. Whatever the style, and they publish than the same magazine to provide faster, cheaper, more friendly to use the content. In increase to the space with the site heave in the spend of everything that this trend will likely continue. -
4,Lacoste Gravitate Trainers, a more collaborative and real-time content -
because the geographical distance and can not open a meeting face to face, the network is that people use to cooperate with colleagues or consumers to complete a project. But recently a new social media to make the collaboration feasible, and writing is especially popular through many of the platform also lightly implemented. Twitter on the novels and stories have been co-written, the novel has been written on Facebook, in the process a lot of readers to connect. Even the textbooks have been done in collaboration (discern Wikibooks ).-
With the development of broadband, the increasing scale collaborative projects have become more common. Updated in real time and interactive missions to be completed in a collaborative space for the tangible completion of any thing is possible. Some projects that the essay of each group, and then there are some projects that hundreds or even thousands of strangers to be met in this collaboration, in fact, for many people can not participate in the project is no limit. -
to network collaboration to achieve the technology has emerged for a few years, file sharing is yet part of the network, but the new tools will make it easier and more effective, like Zoho and Google Docs services to co-operating in a unattached document, Tracking changes made for each participant, whether required permit others to return to the previous version, other services grant users to work in a collaborative space through video or voice conversation to communicate. These technologies will further improve the new technology will be developed out. -
collaboration applications: Wridea is a collaboration include brainstorming for a tool for -
Writeboard from 37Signals, is a collaborative book petitions .-
Twiddla is a web-based collaboration tool namely allows consumers to jot anyone amusing things online, alive in space in a group favor a whiteboard go. -
Spicebird is an included instant messaging, team calendars and collaborative platform because e-mail functionality. -
Stixy is a let you share your photos, with the writing, document, do so on cooperation. -
Edmodo is used in co-operation between preceptor and student tools. -
5, more semantic content and the development of their applications -
on how to make the site more semantic theories and suggestions have emerged for a long time: the application of pretended comprehension software to generate the people brain as the translation of data, the story is more semantic assortment of the Agreement to the online application service or software that What code are serviceable. So far, no one on the Semantic Web is an authoritative meaning of what is intended, and even the semantic field of gloom. Programs and services are creature adult so that mediocre Internet users can find them intuitive and easy to find content. -
Microsoft quest engine is the first truly devised to assist people ascertain what they need to mainstream applications, and can even aid them make decisions. However, there are a lot of space to multiplication new functions and cultivated sound capabilities. Bing has been to invest Internet users the alternative of semantic search. -
the next few years, semantic classification and coding protocols articles most threaten to be a tension, and many site designers have in their use of semantic tags encoding. It plays the role of several different levels: the present and future Web site applications can know what is displayed on a Web sheet content; designers and programmers do not have a lot of remarks annotating the role of different chapters of code can change the encoding. -
more resources: Semantic Code: What? Why? How? -
Semantic Web-
The Semantic Web-
Semantic Web Road Map-
6, the expansion in the mobile web server, practical -
Suppose now that most of the mobile device based on a digital camera, people certainly think of is that it features more than photography, and expansion of real applications have many advantages, so you can easily encounter the sitting across from you to find out the personality of the person. -
the example above has led to many concerns about security and solitude specialists, face-recognition software has been improving, the use of an expansion on the phone to find a reality program Who will soon become possible, you just photographed a snapshots of people, this software will be able to control the different social networking sites on the private files and photos, finally arrive at a mate, from there, you can see this man open his (her) information. -
expansion when many people still believe that reality is fair science fiction material, but in fact at fewest some basic application software is ready for use, Layar, a free expansion of matter-of-fact software has been used in iPhone and in robot-based phone, it was a kind of uses such as Flickr, Wikipedia and Twitter content providers layers to display your cell phone information overlap. Other applications will also be followed. -
more resources: Augmented RealityHow Augmented Reality Will WorkLayar Brings Augmented Reality to the iPhoneAugmented Reality: A New Way of Seeing-
7, better use of network standards -
As pile up users from the mobile explorer and web explorer except IE, the site becomes more important standards, obedience with design standards has become mainstream and adopted by many designers. In obedience with W3C standards, based on the browser platform made many major changes. Standardized designs in the next few years will have to be used. -
8, better answer to online fraud, scams and selling information security issues -
site security has been the concern of the site landlord, for the scammers can pretend to legitimate consumers,Lacoste Shoes, or bring e-mail masqueraded fraud talents to acquire purchaser information legitimate affair, there is sent without the user copyrighted advertisement messages. Internet users each day to get their private information is information almost the bombarding. -
personal website, website owners and pay the center and the people involved in online transactions has been to improve Web site security measures. As speed up conscious user identification means and methods of online fraud in the future, these safety issues are no longer a concern of online transactions. Of course, this does not mean that other fraud tactics will not appear. -
More information: The Web Standards ProjectConfronting the Future of Web StandardsWeb StandardsWeb Standards Group-
9, more interactive social applications -
social media can not approach every turn of the world, but some people think that social media can reach it to the area. Others also suggested that social media is still in the initial stage, I think there is a lot of space for new applications, new platforms and new ideas. For the field mature and warmhearted used is the virtual world. Today's children use the virtual world. Therefore, when they become juvenile adults, when both will continue to use. Moreover, with the virtual world and made breakthrough progress in the virtual world will come to the forefront of social media. -
Another area of ​​expansion and improve the maturity of the content aggregation. Some of the services that amount social networking users and Web sites in many activities, most of the many places could be improved. Finally, the service not merely brings attach these activities, but also presented the afterward users of their useful information. -
small number of social networks will continue to grow, social networks exist for small users, and it will not be easily changed, like Ning and Elgg platform for many non-programmers to quickly and easily establish your own social network Many of the companies, organizations and groups for clients and members to build social networks. And some have achieved great success, attracting thousands of users, others quickly perish or be some small multi-purpose network or Web site to replace the mainstream. -
more information: Elgg-
an open source social networking engine .-
WordPress MU into a social network of plug-ins .-
Lovd By Less-
an open source social networking platform .-
free hosting social networking .-
Google's open social platforms social networking applications .-
The Social Future for Web 2.0/Web 3.0-
on a range of social technology forecast. -
10, high-quality
Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog can be sure to bring a lofty quality online procedures mainstream, even whereas many Internet procedures existed before that. Dr. Horrible speedily added a fanatical cult and mainstream media changes. Joss Whedon, Neil Patrick Harris and Nathan Fillion to be involved in the fact that the success of the show played an major character, it is little-known managers, actors, writers and producers get a lot of television spectators a essential course. -
from Dr. Horrible then, many network catena, and programs to increase the number of television viewers, Internet movie to be saluted, but the virtual video is still in the initial stage, some information has emerged in a video blog fjust aboutme time, For example TreeHugger TV and CNET TV. more popular amateur fiction program is Star Trek New Voyages, which is based on interstellar travel. -
As video technology becomes
cheap and effortless to use and the scatter of broadband, high-quality Internet -
more information: Jeff's Guide to -
Web application software in the lives of many people played a meaningful role, but with the emergence of other applications and mutual software to shake to the network or online model enhancements, more users are about preferential use of Web applications . -
a driving distance of this trend is that it can access the mobile Web, rely on business application software to access important documents, or deal business tasks for many users is a big advantage. Many opportunities are beginning up to mobile operators, they do not have to be fixed in the same place or a single computer. -
course, the blind use of Web applications, there are many latent problems, there are many examples to certify, for example, the collapse of Web applications or services, wastage of customer file. Sometimes the site due to maintenance downtime, when the export data can not be, it will cause colossal production capacity of the break. When these obstacles are vanquish, then the Web-based applications will continue to face a critical lecture features. -
more information: Envisioning the Future of Web AppsThe Future of Web Apps: 7 Things Companies Must Do to SucceedFuture Of Web Apps12, reducing the importance of search engine optimization -
as more Internet users depend on recommendations and social media to find information on the importance of search engine optimization in the future will be diluted, it has also been answers raised on Twitter and Facebook not Google, which means that the content and availability of high-quality more important, because users are more likely to suggest they find easy to use and invaluable sites. Moreover, the search engine itself is constantly being improved and become more smart,Lacoste Radiate Croc Trainers, they will be able to better identify whether a Web page a user expensive. -
13, your operating system online -
While your computer is still in store some files, but in future operating systems will be increasingly dependent on Web-based documents. In other words, there is no network connection, your computer's features will be seriously restricted. -
Google's Chrome OS is the first in this arena as a opponent. Jolicloud is another Web-based operating system, especially for Internet access for notebook approximation. The 2 operating systems are based on the Internet as the chief thing. Because that they will be more manifest advantages demonstrated. For the conventional laptop and desktop computers, Web-based OS will be obtainable fall butme time longer, effectively because users tend to scamper like Photoshop and Dreamweaver such a mighty application software, it will take more time to make them completely Based on Web. -
more information: Web operating systemeyeosCloudo14, customizable user interface -
With Web applications become more absolute,Lacoste Trainers 2011, customized user interface also identified will be achieved, can accustom the advent of the user experience and favorites of many of internet users will be satisfied. Now, some websites have let you customize how they saw the information and interact with these confidence. -
programmers often use plug-ins to customize the site's interface, Greasemonkey is a Firefox extension that such a plugin, which can be customized in many Web application services and web site functionality and appearance. -
15, the network ambition convert the information heart and distribution center network will convert the message center and distribution center, which will effect a colossal extent, the network has a major distribution point of information, yet in the hereafter will increase. Press, medium makers, and additional content inventors to use the network to gradually rotate to unlock their works to the public before. Come in the afterward few annuals, the network may entirely replace the contents of more means of communication has been established. -
newspaper and journals will presumable be replaced along the 1st media network, emulated by television and film, of lesson, absence to be a long duration of time in the cinema may not be completely replaced. But the more people will rent or buy videos online instead of DVDS and other physical media. -
books were different, they have sentimental merit. From a use standpoint, the periodical books with electronic books is no huge difference, but from a psychological point of view, this distinction is complicated to overcome for writing lovers. Of course, that does not prevent distribution of the Internet in the library to melodrama a growing role. Then the reader is more threaten to select green e-book, then the e-book market will continue to grow. Like the paper edition to be bought as a collectors edition of the daily e-books as reading substance. -
the Internet will deeply influence this migration is how the media production and extinction. Media will become more interactive and collaborative. Because the lower threshold, new players can use the content production and distribution of each way. This change affects the way many more than information dissemination. -
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