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Old 06-07-2011, 06:51 PM   #1
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Default Web site no updated snapshot of 8 causes and

1, server access is too slow
2, the long-term does not update website content
3, frequently modify the site title
4, site revision
5, the new station weight low
6, the search engine database is not synchronized
7, sites have been linked to horse
8, of low quality links
Since we found the site because the snapshot does not update, then we are given different reasons for different solutions:
1, waiter way is too slow
no suspense, the server is too slow is the leadership website to access a snapshot of the most important reason for the slow updates. Under normal circumstances we prefer to purchase a server or virtual host country, if only record, the proposed buy of space in Hong Kong or South Korea,XB 2011, less than a final resort, try to dodge using the U.S. space (unless you do foreign commerce.) Since the server line is too long the United States, China itself is relatively slow access speed, coupled with sometimes erratic web data Diaobao situation occurs, causing the site to open very slowly. Internal server access speed is generally approximately 5 times the U.S. server.
similar search engine spider web client for our users, user access to Web search engines crawl slow too slow,PULSERA CAMUFLAJE CON LOGO XB, and afresh when the search engines crawl always encountered difficult times will automatically return. Back to results generally have two kinds, one is no change in return page, a page can not be opened is returned. These 2 things can cause a snapshot of time does not update the site because the site back to the search engine information: This page is not updated or is temporarily unavailable. At this time the search engine will maintain the incipient time is not a snapshot of changes in the regular waiting for the next visit in mandate to re-adjust the index page of the snapshot time.
Solution: If this site is important to you, you anticipate relied on to supper, then up will replace the space bar.
2, the long-term does not update website content
long not updated the website will guide to a snapshot of the treatise is not updated or updated slowly. Site to the Web site is often updated to inject current blood, a usage to maintain evergreen. Updated web site for long periods of water for long-suppressed sunflower, sunny daytime however there are, yet sooner or after shrivel day.
Some sites have a certain weight because, even now the article is not updated, the snapshot will be updated in a timely fashion, this part of the site will, over time, the weight slowly dissipated, if necessary updated every day, a week, up even now at least once.
Solution: Update to maintain good habits of the article, long-term consumption of sites do not update the internal forces only.
3, frequently modify the site title
either old and new station or stations, frequent changes will lead to a snapshot of the site delayed the title does not update, or snapshot withdrew position. Was the most prominent are: novice to modify the new station.
new to the SEO
not a nice idea of ​​the overall shape, agreeable site to adjust the heading, later how many will forever muse it may adjust the achieve will be better next time, accomplish namely such prevalent changes to the title search engine has been touched snapshot update rules and weight rules, paired with the weight of the new station is generally lower, the snapshot does not update wheel will be stretched a lot.
Solution: Modify the new station for the title, rather in the arranging while the inner optimization approximate using reiterated perusal, with a notepad write down the site's title, repeated revisions to the satisfaction to the Title tag which was fraught,PULSERA NEGRA CON LOGO XB, Once, after 1-2 months do not change. Little effect above the age station changes,PULSERA NEGRA CON VENEZUELA, but not too frequent.
4, site revision
revision for the delay in the snapshot has a very direct relationship between the revision should be divided into two kinds of cases, one is minor revision,PULSERA BLANCA CON PORTUGAL, may be part of the page changes, this normally is not many of a snapshot the impact of the larger changes are generally 60% or more increase. For large expanse changes, a snapshot of the new statiin due time delay is more apparent, the old station sometimes some short delay.
Solution: Before revision as planned, to minimize the importance of revision. Revision after the chain just aboutme annexed outer links to increase the snapshot delayed due to revision of the case, this can shrink the time the snapshot is not updated.
5, the new station weight low
search engine for each new station has one appraisal period, during the site assessment scores generally are lower weight, a snapshot update is also slower.
solution: better to reserve updated daily for 2 months or so will form a better spider creep, update rules, that when the time is basically a snapshot of the site will be more settled, of long time delay does not update the situation will be greatly depressed. Web site updates will also promote long-term weight score.
other is outdoor the chain increases, factors outdoor the chain of a larger proportion in the Search Engine Optimization, the degree of rivalry if I were you outside the chain of keywords, Search Engine Optimization front will be extended,PULSERA BLANCA CON ARGENTINA, for the weight increase is slower. Outside the chain of the suitable weight to speedily enhance the site, which will aid update the snapshot site meantime reducing the compliance time location.
6, the search engine data is not synchronized
search engine does not synchronize the file ambition seem in a small chapter of the site on, the specific comprehension of a site search for the same element of 2 alternatively extra key words, detect a snapshot of every sheet by assorted times, and some snapshots of the time usually Keywords Some key words snapshot time tarry. This is a search engine, a snapshot of data is not simultaneous with the reasons because delay alternatively are not updated. Google handle with this issue more than Baidu to be faultless.
Solution: wait for the next update common would be restored.
7, sites have been linked to horse
site has been intruded only two cases, one is a procedural loophole, a server is compromised also lead to penetration of your site. The site was linked to horse fall, just aboutmetimes there will be a snapshot of ranking does not update the delay situation.
Solution: Here I say only a uncomplicated treat, after a course I will be dedicated to annotate the careful operation of the agenda, which is simple, fast increase in safety factor of a website. If found to be linked to nag, should be promptly cleared the page trojan link, and then modify the FTP user label and password, modify the website backstage consumer label and password, contact hosting provider to annotate the situation and ask for help or to find a familiar site security friend to help you find what is There are other invisible perils.
8, of cheap quality links
baby had said before: Suppose you have 20 links, 15 of which are snapshots Links updated quite slow, the content does not update, outside the chain of small, establishment a short time, the site opens slowly, in this case by a snapshot of your site amplitude of this shock will be higher. Assuming the same 20 links, of which only 5 sites in the quality is not quite good, this situation is generally not a huge effect on you. So this point we have from a quantitative point of view this issue.
solution: to find good quality links. Good quality links to general performance: a snapshot or a snapshot of the time normally updated presently, have some PR worth, the site embodied the proportion of the overall good. From this point to quickly make sure the basic can be, when you're going with restricted time, you can also work to research links with your web site to do the internal link structure is good, the quality of the original site of the article is not original, these somewhat excessive.
along to their website of the light of the above sites do not update the snapshot of Eight reasons to look a snapshot of your site which are not updated. And then to correct enough.
In appending, the proximal algorithm Baidu appeared to be modified. The ranking of many sites have decreased, wheat bags this too changed the title. If your site is not a snapshot of the above occasions do not update, then await patiently. Update the website every day, if not two months after the change. It would be to relinquish the station. Baidu is promising to be penalized. I have two stations have stopped at the 21 snapshots. I still adhere to the update, I believe there are updates to the day.
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