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Old 06-20-2011, 04:12 AM   #1
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Default a condition that causes blindness. It’

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Elias Konstantopoulus is sporting a system that permits him to determine.
Without it, he is blind. With it, he can see his grandson. Kind of. The visually-impaired grandfather can only see flashes of mild. 1 day though,Office 2007 Standard Key, the bionic eye may enhance to the stage that the affected person can begin to see the noses, the pimples and also the other imperfections on people’s faces. It is hard to get visual images to send electrical signals to your brain after the retina loses its function, but this bionic eye gets us closer to helping blind individuals see again.
How is this possible? A microchip implanted in his eye permits Konstantopoulus to determine visual signals that are transmitted through the optic nerve towards the brain.
Recently, Second Sight announced that this very system called Argus II, a bionic eye tool, has been approved for the European market, according to an Agence France Presse report.
The system is used to treat individuals who are suffering from retinosa pigmentosa, a condition that causes blindness. It’s the same condition that affects Konstantopoulos. He’s not alone. A single in 3,000 people in the United States suffer from it as well,Office 2007 Key, AFP reporter Kerry Sheridan writes.
The latest version of the system allows him to find out the difference between light and dark.
Just as cochlear implants have given hundreds of thousands of deaf individuals the ability to hear again, the bionic eye can help people regain their vision.
An ophthalmologist says the system permits us to “talk” to the retina: literally, as signals are transmitted for the optic nerve and brain.
It works like this. A video camera takes the images and turns them into useful electrical signals the microchip can pick up. The science behind this is called neuromodulation - a relatively new field that is developing technology that let’s the blind see again along with the deaf hear again.
Another bionic eye is making waves in Australia, according to Wired blogger Priya Ganapati. The company, called Bionic Vision Australia, has a similar device that can send electrical impulses to neurons in the retina. The prototype is unique because of number of electrodes used as well as the way the information is delivered, Wired reports. The first human implant is slated for 2013.
An external camera is hooked up towards the glasses,office 2010 product key, so the implanted array of electrodes deliver electrical impulses to your retina. The communication is all done through wireless connections.
The race for your ultimate bionic eye is on. Researchers in places as far flung as Australia,Windows 7 Enterprise X64, the United States and Germany are working on similar devices.
Sending electrical stimulation for the retina seems like it’s a good idea. And so far, it appears to be a promising way to restore vision.
But when will the bionic eye be available to the public? Bionic Vision hopes to deliver the implant system by 2020.
Photo: Jim Watson/AFP
Illustration via Wired
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