SPEEDCAT HOLLYDALE PAGE: Today is my BIG Day ... Again
Today is my big day! I will be the guest speaker at the Hollydale City Council meeting. They want my input on goat farming... I am an expert goat farmer. First things <a href="http://www.cheaptruereligiononline.com/specials.html"><strong>levis jeans</strong></a> first, it's time to brush my teeth. Nobody likes to see broccoli between teeth and gum.Next, I pretend like I am the "Fonz", and slick back my new hair club for men super weave. I think the money was well spent. There will be many news cameras today, so I need to look my best for the broadcast. Gosh, "There is a butterfly in my gut". Before I leave, a good blogger always checks his comments.... <a href="http://www.cheaptruereligiononline.com/"><strong>cheap true religion online</strong></a> Oh look, it's that funny Buryya and Golfer in Hollydale Guy Ha haaa, they want me to have lunch today. We'll see how long the meeting takes. I'm now ready to go, and have my politician <a href="http://www.cheaptruereligiononline.com/specials.html"><strong>true religions</strong></a> style clothing on. Notice the groovy biz man neck tie? Not to shabby for a Speedcat. With notes in my pocket and a pack of Chiclets, I open the door and head out to meet my destiny. Will I succeed? Will I swear <a href="http://demonandangels.fb5.ru/displayimage.php?pos=-92"><strong>Nike Jordan Heels » Blog Archive » Cheap Nike Dunk Sb</strong></a> by accident? Who cares, today I am a star - just like Oprah Winfrey.Having problems commenting? Use this alternate comment page! I will move responses to the correct location.ALTERNATE COMMENT PAGE