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Old 08-07-2011, 05:15 AM   #1
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Thumbs up Yi Sedol Famous Games Selection (3 books) | Tchan001's Blog

Title: <a href=" "><strong>coupon sites </strong></a> Yi Sedol Famous Games Selection (3 books) 이세돌 명** – *3권 Author/Editor: Yi Sedol 이세돌 Publisher: 파랑새미디어 Published: 2010 Format: softcover in slipcase ISBN: 9788993693249 Publisher Recommended Price: KRW99000 Volume l Step Towards a Dream 꿈을 향해 한걸음 Game 1: 8th Korean Baedalwang Tournament, Title Match #4 2000-12-04: Yoo Changhyuk 9p(Black) vs. Lee Sedol 3p(White) W+3.5 *8기 ⓝ016배 배달왕기* 결승 *4* Game 2 5th LG Cup, Final 3 2001-05-15: Lee Changho 9p (Black) vs. Lee Sedol 3p (White) B+7.5 *5회 LG배 세계기왕* 결승 *3* Game 3 15th Fujitsu Cup, Final 2002-08-03: Yoo Changhyuk 9p (Black) vs. Lee Sedol 3p (White) W+0.5 *15회 후지쯔배 결승 Volume 2 Dreaming of the Best 최*를 꿈꾸다 Game 1 7th LG Cup, Final 3 2003-03-25: <a href=" "><strong>shop coupon </strong></a> Lee Sedol 3p (Black) vs. Lee Changho 9p (White) B+R *7기 LG배 세계기왕* 결승 *3* Game 2 2nd Toyota Cup, Final 3 2005-01-08: Chang Hao 9p (Black) vs. Lee Sedol 9p (White) W+R *2회 도요타덴소배 결승 *3* Game 3 3rd Toyota Cup, Semi-final 2006-09-01: Lee Sedol 9p (Black) vs. Lee Changho 9p (White) B+R *3회 도요타덴소배 준결승 Volume 3 New Beginning 새로운 시작 Game 1 3rd Toyota Cup, Final 1 2007-01-06: Lee Sedol 9p (Black) vs. Cho U 9p (White) W+0.5 *3회 도요타덴소배 결승 *1* Game 2 12th Samsung Cup, Final 3 2008-01-24: Lee Sedol 9p (Black) vs. Park Yeonghun 9p (White) B+1.5 *12회 삼성화재배 결승 *3* Game 3 13th LG Cup, Final 2 2009-02-25: Lee Sedol 9p (Black) vs. Gu Li 9p (White) W+R *13회 <a href=" "><strong>ecoupons </strong></a> LG배 세계기왕* 결승 *2* During the time when Yi Sedol took a year off from professional baduk in 2009, he was urged by his brother Yi Sang-hun to write a book, the results of which is this wonderful set of 3 books with Yi Sedol’s detailed self-commented game records. In each book, he chose 3 games and discussed his thoughts on the progress of each game every few moves. As these commentaries are totally completed by Yi Sedol, we gain valuable insights into what makes him the top player he is today. It took Yi Sedol around 8 months to complete this project with the help his sister Yi Se Na who helped him write <a href=""><strong>Acer Laptops: NEW Laptop AC Adapter/Power Supply/Charger+US Power ...</strong></a> the text. I just wish this set was available in English.
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