First off, the game's ingame info is kinda weird. Wisdom and Essence the most important stats for a healer?
9Dragons gold. Uh.....if you build your healer like that, all he'll be able to do is run around buffing and healing, with absolutely zero combat ability getting one-shotted by mobs.
buying 9 Dragons gold. If that's what you want, to be totally under the protection of other players, okay you're kind of weird....or you have EXTREMELY good leveling friends....
I reccomend building your healer with Strength and Dex mostly. Wisdom I don't like to do much with at all. Constitution and Essence, and thus HP and VE are what I like to call conveniences only.
Strength - This should be your highest stat by far.
lowest 9Dragons gold. You want to boost this one up. It lets you hit your enemies hard, and raises your defence as well. By building strength you let yourself grind mobs efficently and effectively.
cheap 9Dragons gold. Based on the fact that Constitution is your penalty stay (2 points to raise by 1), you want the high defence so your HP doesn't drop like your love life does each day(just kidding!!).
selling 9Dragons. You'll hear other players saying you want to max this at 250 base by the time you hit mid or late SM levels.