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Old 08-12-2011, 03:22 AM   #1
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Thumbs up moncler jacket and research for the pink tone to cook porridge ...

transfiguration before the mica ). phlogopite chemical composition SiO2Al2O3MgOK2O H2O36-4510-1819-277-10 &lt;1 phlogopite physical properties Density (g/cm3) transparency (% ) Mohs hardness of the refractive index of the color elasticity (10 6Pa) 2.7-2.90-25.52.78-2.85 yellow-brown 1.6-1.551394.5-1874.05 Product Specification :1-6 ,6-mesh 10 mesh ,10-20 mesh, 20 -40 mesh, 40 mesh ,60-60 ,80-80 mesh-100 mesh, 150 mesh, 200 mesh, 325 mesh, 400 mesh, 600 mesh, 800 mesh, 1250 mesh, etc., to produce specifications according to requirements. mica associated ore minerals associated with mica, quartz and small amounts of feldspar, ie where there are quartz mica, whereas the same range in Asia, India, mica, quartz, the largest output, which will indirectly affect India the computer industry, which is why the Indian computer industry developed and computer talents, is a typical example of acquired congenital effects. mica mineral uneven distribution of China, 20 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions are distributed though, but most focus on In Xinjiang, Sichuan and Inner Mongolia. national origin 184 have been found, including 88 in Xinjiang, accounting for 67% of reserves, Sichuan, 27, 11.4% of the country’s total reserves; Inner Mongolia 15, accounting for 8.6% of national reserves; the remaining 54 Office, accounting for 13% of reserves, located in Hebei, Shanxi, Liaoning, Jilin, Heilongjiang, Shandong, Henan, Yunnan, Tibet, Qinghai and Shaanxi, Hebei Taihang mica mine located within the central Lingshou gold Mica Mica mica Overview of the mineral composition of ore minerals characteristic of the mineral characteristics of the purpose of mineral chemical composition of phlogopite phlogopite mica of the physical nature of the associated ore deposit types and distribution of deposits in the distribution of the main industrial indicators of process characteristics and physical properties of the electrical properties of the main purposes of the main uses heat mica Key Specifications / Special Features utilization of technical methods and technology utilization process crushed mica beneficiation methods and process development and production instances of exploitation of the status quo and development trend of Development and Utilization Problems Solutions overview of trends in mica mica bed deposit types and geological features are as follows: muscovite, phlogopite deposit: (1) granite Wei Muscovite crystal deposits deposits prolific rock-type amphibolite facies metamorphic rocks in the region, including mica pegmatite veins generally developed migmatite and granite-based, rich rock is all aluminum, silicon gneiss, granulite or schist. veins usually appear in groups with, or constitute a pegmatite pegmatite with Iwata Press pegmatite ore of fabric and can be divided into: * crystalline muscovite pegmatite: dykes within the Muscovite was megacrysts, large pieces, with an area of ​​up to 60-100cm2, from which access to large tracts of muscovite mica, and good performance of the stripping points; ② shaped account of sub-muscovite pegmatite rare metal elements: crystal, generally small, But transparency is better, low impurity content, and associated with one of the rare element minerals such as beryl, niobium, tantalite, tourmaline, lepidolite and other comprehensive utilization. The world has largely industrial value of the deposit produced in more than muscovite two kinds of pegmatites (2) pegmatite contact metasomatic deposits in China-Mg-Si-Mg-Si muscovite mica K2 {(Fe2 + Mg) (Fe3 + Al) 3 [Si7AlO20] (OH) 4} deposit is located Jiangsu East China Sea. Deposit Fu deep faults exist and have the output of eclogite metamorphic region. Mg-phengite-pegmatite veins in the eclogite, amphibolite schist and gneiss in both output, but major industrial ore produced in the eclogite. phengite of the electrical properties of magnesium full compliance with industry requirements for China’s industrial added a new species of mica (3) <a href=""><strong>mbt walking shoes</strong></a> Magnesium carbonate skarn phlogopite deposit, deposit more than located in the Archean, Proterozoic or Paleozoic schist, gneiss and marble. mine development within the granite, often accompanied by birth metasomatism produced a series of complex body, such as scapolite – through pyroxenite, diopside Stone – phlogopite rocks. a lot of our deposits of this type, such as Datong, Tonghua, peaceful town in Inner Mongolia are many mines of this type (4) ultrabasic – alkaline igneous complex-type gold deposits produced in mica deposits in ultramafic nature – in alkaline igneous complex. hybrid rock area by the dozens to more than a thousand square kilometers and has a ring structure. such large deposits, gold mica up to several hundred tons of ore a higher rate per cubic meters by the hundreds of 1000-1 g, mica chip area of ​​up to 5-6m2. hydrate deposits formed by the upper part of the vermiculite, but also exploitation. this type in recent years, a newly discovered gold mica deposits, phlogopite from the reserves, scale and long-term point of view, there is a very important industrial value in the former Soviet Union, it has become an important source of mica, but so far, China has not yet found in the types of phlogopite deposits. chopped fine Mica deposits: (1) K-feldspar gneiss, muscovite-type mica deposits debris produced in the lower group Fuping group bend, Baiyun folder in coarse-grained K-feldspar gneiss and biotite granulite shallow two-feldspar gneiss, a total of saw four mines, the average thickness of 1.6m, including mining rate of 56 ~ 68%, film diameter generally less than 10mm, mostly about 5mm (2) pieces of mica mica schist-type deposits occur in the mica schist (3) mica mica pegmatite-type deposits broken weathered pegmatite, muscovite ore content of 14 to 16%, other minerals are quartz, feldspar, biotite, etc. The main industrial index deposits in the geological exploration work, according to industry rate delineation of raw mica ore and ore reserves calculation of industrial raw materials, mica is an arbitrary shape, smooth on both sides of the crystal, the effective area of ​​not less than 4cm2 of mica blocks the rate of industrial raw materials per unit of ore minerals mica volume contains the weight of industrial raw materials to indicate that kg/m3. technical characteristics and physical properties of the main purposes depends on the physical properties of mica mica crystal size, and hardness of the decision by the cleavage points of the strip and mica color transparency and flexibility. mostly industrial mica stack or book-like crystal plate, crystal size, thickness from a few millimeters to several centimeters, as long as the crystal is generally effective area greater than or equal to 4cm2, it has direct use value, of course the larger crystal size, the higher the value. mica Stripping performance from the mica sub-cleavage and hardness of the decision. mica unique crystal structure, it has a very full bottom cleavage, which became the technical process of industrial mica important points stripping performance can theoretically muscovite sub-stripping to 10 or so, phlogopite peelable assigned to 5-10 or so, so, muscovite and phlogopite can be industrial requirements, the thickness of the formation of any sub-stripping sheet to meet the electrical, electronics industry demand for mica mica hardness are low as 2-2.5 muscovite, magnesium 2.37 phengite, phlogopite is 2.78-2.85. the greater the hardness of mica, the more difficult sub-stripping. muscovite, Mg-Si muscovite stripping points better performance, gold Mica slightly worse mica color feature used to characterize the insulating properties of mica, industrial mica, colored mica is generally good, followed by phlogopite, biotite, the worst performance of the insulation. muscovite elasticity 15346-21760bar, phlogopite for the 14500-19480bar, industrial use of mica for insulation materials, their flexibility, there are strict requirements. directory mica basic information of the original Chinese herbal version of a form of habitat distribution of Indications of Chinese herbal medicines with side mica basic source of information for the original version of the two forms of habitat distribution of the chemical composition traits cooked Indications Chinese herbal medicines discussed various versions of a mica basic information [source] ), cloud pink stone (the original form of muscovite (tapered cylindrical, cylindrical with a clear horizontal stripes. have twins usually was densely scaly block output. is generally colorless, but often with a slight yellow, light green, light gray and other colors, streak White Glass luster, cleavage appear before pearl gloss Transparent to slightly transparent. cleavage parallel to the bottom of a very full hardness is 2 to 3, the proportion of 2.76 ~ 3.10 sheet flexibility and insulation properties, mainly produced in the pegmatite and granite and mica schist. habitat distribution of production in Inner Mongolia, Tibet, Liaoning, Jilin, Yunnan, Shandong, Shanxi, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Hunan, Hubei, Anhui, Jiangxi and other places. Indications [character] was irregular flakes, the size of mixed quartet built for the majority of thin, usually 2 to 6 cm long. colorless or white, with glass-like sheen. quality and tough, not easy to break, but can be stripped pieces, slice the surface smooth and transparent as cellophane, flexible can be tortuous, uneven cross-section there soil gas, and tasteless. with easy to peel, slice a large, transparent preferred. insoluble in acids, plus burning of potassium carbonate can be dissolved. [cooked] Mica: wash the soil, pick the net impurities, broken up. calcined mica: mica into Shaguan take the net, the smokeless stove in the home, till flush, remove and let cool. [of taste] sweet, warm. * . ② into the Foot Gallbladder, bladder full sun. ② governance virtual breath, dizziness, palpitations, seizures, cold malaria, Jiu Li, Jinchuang bleeding, ulcer sore. * Mashiko fine, eyesight. ② . ④ medicine, cure disease and the woman taken off the shower. and treatment of chronic colitis, pediatric diarrhea, scarlet fever, etc. external governance of burns, wounds, eczema and other erosive disease. ⑦ : decoction, 3 to 5 money; or into pills, powder for external use: spread or transfer deposited into powder 【Note】 * ② rule phlegm, headache, cold and heat exchanges: mica twenty-two, Changshan one or two. pound on the two screens as a casual flavor. Fangcun Bi serving a soup, spit only; spit different, more clothes () ③ antimalarial more cold: Shu Qi (wash fishy), mica (burning two day and night), keel decile. on the shamisen, pestle as a casual, clothes are not made half the money before the Whey (paint powder) ④ infantile dysentery red white diarrhea and water: two teenagers, mica, and research for the pink tone to cook porridge, fasting food (service ((Materia Medica Melaleuca paper, Venus stone, crows gold source-based medicine sources: the silicate minerals muscovite. Latin name of plants and animals, minerals: Muscovite harvesting and storage: Wash after the mined soil, remove miscellaneous stone. monoclinic original form crystal The crystal was a plate or block usually, the appearance of a square or diamond-shaped to make six, and sometimes single tapered cylindrical, cylindrical with a clear horizontal stripes. have twins usually was densely scaly block production out. is generally colorless, but often with a slight yellow, light green, light gray and other colors, streak white, glass luster, cleavage appear before pearl gloss Transparent to slightly transparent. cleavage parallel to the bottom of a very full Hardness 2 -3 specific gravity 2.76-3.10. flakes flexibility and insulation properties. habitat distribution of the ecological environment: the formation of acid magmatic rocks and in greisen, also widely found in metamorphic rocks. intense weathering of this makes the water into Mica water (water muscovite, illite), and then transformed montmorillonite, kaolinite Resource Distribution: produced in Inner Mongolia, Shaanxi, Xinjiang, Shandong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Hunan, Hubei, Guangxi, Sichuan, Yunnan and other places. character traits to identify product leaf-like aggregates, were plate-like or plate-like, along the side edges of the base easily peel into very thin layers of leaves. microstrip colorless transparent or light green, gray, surface smooth, a glass-like luster or pearl-like luster. fingernail can be carved into the marks. thin light weight, quality and tough, flexible, bent on their own straight, easy to break. gas micro, tasteless. with flat, Zhang, easy to peel , colorless and transparent, no impurities were better. polarizing microscope, microscopic identification of transmission: colorless flakes. parallel to the bottom of the section, flaky crystals, no cleavage seam; low – CKS processes; interference color of * levels of gray; biaxial crystal; negative character of vertical low-surface section, the crystal was strip, very full cleavage, can see fine, straight continuous cleavage seam; flash protrusions evident; up to the maximum interference color grade Ⅱ top, very bright; nearly parallel extinction; is to extend the sign. chemical composition of primary aluminum potassium silicate [KAl2 (AlSi3O10) (OH) 2], in which aluminum oxide (Al2O3) 38.5%, silicon dioxide ( mica insulation of electrical performance advantages and disadvantages, is to determine the industrial value of the most important factor , mica from the mica in electrical insulation performance of the decision by the breakdown voltage and breakdown tests to determine the intensity of the electrical properties of mica, according to our test results of the mica mining statistics, when the mica thickness of 0.015mm, the average breakdown voltage 2.0-5.7kV, breakdown strength 133-407kV/mm. muscovite heat resistance heating in China some 100 ~ 600 ℃, the elastic and surface properties are the same; in 700 ~ 800 ℃, the dehydration, mechanical electrical properties change, loss of elasticity, brittle; at 1050 ℃, the structural damage. phlogopite at 700 ℃ or so, good electrical performance than muscovite (4) mechanical strength and density of the project muscovite mica mechanical resistance La 166 700 ~ 353 039 (1700 ~ 3600) 156 906 – 205 939 (1600 ~ 2100), compressive strength 813951 ~ 1225831 (8300 ~ 12500) 294199 ~ 588399 (3000 ~ 6000) kPa shear 210 843 ~ 296 063 (2150 ~ 3019) 82768 – 135 332 (844 ~ 1380) Density, g / cm 3 2.7 ~ 2.88 2.7 ~ 2.9 Note: Figures in brackets denote the unit is kg / cm 2. the main use in industry is the most used muscovite, followed by the mica its extensive used in building materials industry, the fire industry, fire extinguishing agents, welding, plastics, electrical insulation, paper, bitumen paper, rubber, pearlescent pigments and other chemical industries. ultrafine mica powder for plastics, coatings, paints, rubber and other functional fillers can improve its mechanical strength, enhanced toughness, adhesion, anti-aging and corrosion resistant type, etc. In addition to a very high electrical insulation, anti-acid corrosion, flexibility, toughness,moncler ski pants, and sliding resistance, heat insulation, thermal expansion coefficient and other properties , the first to launch two piece body with smooth surface, diameter to thickness ratio, the shape, adhesion and other characteristics. Major industrial use of its insulation and heat resistance, and acid, alkali resistance, compressive strength and peel points of, for electrical equipment and electrical equipment insulation; followed for the manufacture of steam boilers, furnace smelting furnace windows and mechanical parts. mica and mica powder can be processed into crushed mica paper, mica can also be manufactured instead of the kinds of low-cost, uniform thickness of the insulating material. Medicinal: Mica, sweet natured, attending the same muscle Xiang Siren did not feel. injury to Feng Xie and chills, fever, as the body sitting in the boat, dizziness, with In addition to puzzle Feng Xie, enrich the five internal organs, increase fertility, to make the eyes bright, smart light Jiufu body, prolong life. also known as Yunzhu, Yun-Hua, Yun-ying, cloud liquid, cloud of sand, phosphate rock, produced in the valley at the mountains mica main specifications / special features mica has a high dielectric <a href=""><strong>mbt shoes sales</strong></a> strength and greater resistance, low dielectric loss and resistance to arcing, corona resistance, excellent dielectric properties, etc., and the hard, high mechanical strength, high temperature and rapid changes in temperature and has good acid and other physical and chemical properties, therefore, widely used in the radio industry, aviation industry, motor manufacturing, it is widely used in coatings, paints, plastics, linoleum, paper, oil drilling, decorative make-up industry in the paint or other ultraviolet light and heat can reduce the damage of the film, increasing the coating acid, alkali and electrical insulation properties, improve the frost resistance of the coating, corrosion resistance, toughness and compactness, lower coating layer permeability to prevent spots and cracks. mica can also be used in roofing materials, warm from the rain, heat insulation, mica powder mixed with mineral wool resin coating, do concrete, stone, brick exterior walls decorative, mica pieces for linoleum, pipe mortar cementing agent; in rubber products, mica do lubricants, release agents, and to do high-intensity electrical insulation and heat, acid and alkali products, fillers mica mica paper can be done, mica plate, mica, ceramic, mica pearlescent pigments, mica and other casting products for industrial use it on the main insulation and heat resistance, and acid, alkali resistance, compressive strength and point of stripping, with for electrical equipment and electrical equipment insulation; followed for the manufacture of steam boilers, furnace smelting furnace windows and mechanical parts. mica and mica powder can be processed into crushed mica paper, mica can be replaced by a variety of low-cost manufacturing, thickness of the insulating material. Physical properties: Mica is a layered silicate mineral containing water, many different types of mica has a unique acid, alkali, chemical stability, but also has good insulation and heat resistance, non-flammable, corrosion protection mica Size: 10 mesh 20 mesh 40 mesh 60 mesh 80 mesh 100 mesh 200 mesh 325 mesh 400 mesh 500 mesh 800 mesh utilization of technical methods and technology utilization process Mica Ore is the raw material mica The enrichment process is the raw material mica ore in the area of ​​greater than or equal to 4cm2 profile of any thickness of the mica crystals ore raw material in the amount of mica content as raw material mica ore rate, usually included with the unit volume of ore the weight of raw mica (kg/m3) to represent. The raw ore concentrate from the total weight of mica and mica ore contained in the raw material weight ratio as the total recovery. industry is mainly the direct use of natural mica crystals processed into the desired product. no defects larger mica crystals, the higher its economic value, so mica ore beneficiation process, as much as possible to protect the natural mica crystals from destruction present, for the outline of an area greater than 4cm2 crystal of the mineral mica, mainly based on the crystal, and the gangue in the shape and the difference in coefficient of friction to the commonly used methods are hand-selected, choose the friction, the shape selected for the crystal outline area of ​​less than 4cm2 of crushed mica, mainly based on its physical and chemical properties of gangue surface differences for sorting, using the method of flotation (1) mica beneficiation methods and processes a, hand-selected workers in the mining face or pit ore heap , has selected the separation of mica monomer; mica gangue even with hand-hammer to crack the living body, will then select one of the mica. b, friction into a sheet of mica mineral crystal according to the sliding friction coefficient and rounded gangue rolling friction coefficient of the difference, leaving the crystal, and gangue separation of the equipment used for the inclined plate separator. This machine is composed of a set of metal ramps, each ramp length 1350mm, width 1000mm, under a The ramp angle is greater than the angle on a ramp. the bottom of each ramp to collect mica crystals have left the gap, the width of the order followed by ramp down. gap edge with triangular weir plate in the sorting process , the large vein to the rubble stone rolled; mica and small stones through the weir plate blocked veins, down a ramp through the cracks. in turn repeat the process in the inclined board, the mica and the gradual separation of gangue present, friction mineral processing technology and equipment is not perfect, so the mica ore dressing, the Act has not been widely used. C, shape of the mineral mica crystals and gangue according to the different shapes in the screening in the seam through the sieve of the sieve, sieve different capacities, the mica and gangue separation sorting when more than two layers using a different structure of the sieve screen surface, generally the first layer of screen mesh for the strip; the second level screen mesh for the square when the ore into the screen surface, due to vibration or rolling effect, and small pieces of sheet mica gangue seam leakage from the bar to the second layer of sieve screen surface; for the second layer is the grid screen, it can leave a film screening to gangue like mica. shape processing method has a simple process, less equipment, production rate, and good separation efficiency, which in the mica mines has been widely applied. crushed mica beneficiation methods and processes a, based on mica flotation and gangue the surface of the physical and chemical properties of different sorting. ore by crushing, grinding the mica monomer dissociation, under the action of the agent, a foam product with mica gangue separation of mica flotation in acidic or alkaline pulp the long carbon chain fatty acid amine class of cationic and anionic collector for the mica mica flotation in three sections roughing subject, three sections selected in order to obtain mica concentrate, therefore, mica ore flotation for the recovery of pegmatite and mica schist head below the 14 fine-grained mica and mica in China, mica ore flotation has not been production applications. B, winnowing winnowing mica achieved using special equipment and more. The process generally: broken → → winnowing sieve grading of ore through the broken, basically forming a thin sheet of mica, while the gangue minerals feldspar, quartz was massive particles. Accordingly, the multi-level classification of the pre-selected material into a narrow grain size, according to its suspension in the flow rate of the difference in the use of special equipment for sorting winnowing. winnowing method for water-scarce areas, has been used in actual production. development and production instances (1 ) by artificial selection of a large ore mica, the concentrator to the fixed bars into the sieve, sieve slit size of 100mm. +100 mm material into the jaw crusher broken, and the bars under the sieve into the XB-602 product with the type of vibration screening options. The screen has two screens, the upper is made of angle iron rods sieve, sieve slot width 20mm; lower for the 20 × 20mm square hole mesh, by sorting after that three kinds of products: more than 20mm sieve slit size of materials, from hand-selected mica and even with the body, even with the body picked by hand broken flip than 4cm2 of mica; less than 20mm sieve slit, the material greater than 20mm square mesh, but also hand-selected from mica and even the living body, even with the broken body of picked more than 4cm2 artificial mica; less than 20mm square mesh of all waste materials, as tailings. The plant production capacity of 10t / h, 100% concentrate grade and recovery 92 % (2) selected Lingshou mica mine ore concentrator plant debris accounted for 56 to 68% muscovite, feldspar and quartz account for about 10%, traces of magnetite and limonite. beneficiation process as shown in Figure 2 show, first crushing of ore, to separate monomers and then graded into several narrow fractions into the winnowing operations. winnowing operation of major equipment is φ800 vibrating air separator and vibration sieve. wind Before the election, ore crushing, the use of hammer crusher dissociation. named to the size 3-0.25mm. the use of pre-classification, grade control can increase the effective winnowing equipment capacity, reduce the number of segments winnowing operations, to ensure that concentrate quality of plant production capacity of 0.8 ~ 1.0t / h, concentrate average grade of 99.06%, 82.27% recovery (3) The United States weathered mica pegmatite concentrator Alabama, Zheji Er and weathering of mica in North Carolina pegmatite, muscovite containing 14 to 16%. associated with the main gangue minerals are quartz, kaolin, feldspar, in addition to a small amount of biotite, limonite, tourmaline, staurolite, garnet, epidote and blue spar. beneficiation flotation process, including re-election and two parts re-elect Humphrey spiral concentrator using objective is to remove the coarse tailings. re-election from crude into the flotation concentrate. flotation tank before the use of three harmonic The first tank by adding lignosulfonate to reconcile (or sodium) dispersed sludge, slurry and then adding sodium carbonate to adjust pH value of about 10; adding the second harmonic groove cationic fatty amine acetate collector, so that play a role in the side with muscovite and adsorption on it; the third harmonic tank by adding fatty amine acetate ion collector, so that adsorption occurs with the level of the role of muscovite, and then adding foaming agent. After a rough After the election has been selected three times mica concentrate mica concentrate grade 98%, 85% recovery (4) Mica main crystallization monoclinic, hexagonal lamellar crystals were false, scaly, plate, and sometimes were false hexagonal columnar, hardness 2-3, specific gravity 2.70 – <a href=""><strong>mbt shoe</strong></a> 3.20 refractive index of mica, iron content increased with a corresponding increase, may be low is protruding to CKS processes. non-ferrous variant, colorless flakes, when the higher iron , deeper the color, and pleochroism and absorption enhancement. Lingshou quality within the rock strata two-Pacific, rocks rich in mica minerals, the texture of the exploration department, crushed mica reserves of 1.7 million tons of high grade ore , good quality,moncler jacket, is the only crushed mica origin. Muscovite has a unique acid and alkali chemical stability, heat resistant and non-flammable, but also has good insulation in domestic and international market, the increasingly widespread use of . can be applied to building materials instead of asbestos products. Mica purposes: the most used in industry is muscovite, followed by the mica its widely used in building materials industry, the fire industry, fire extinguishing agents, welding, plastics, electrical insulation, paper, bitumen paper, rubber, pearlescent pigments and other chemical industries. ultrafine mica powder for plastics, coatings, paints, rubber and other functional fillers can improve its mechanical strength, enhanced toughness, adhesion and corrosion resistant anti-aging etc. In addition to a very high electrical insulation, resistance to acid corrosion, flexibility, toughness, and sliding resistance, heat insulation, thermal expansion coefficient and other properties, the first to launch two piece body with smooth surface, diameter to thickness ratio, the shape strong adhesion characteristics. Major industrial use of its insulation and heat resistance, and acid, alkali resistance, compressive strength and point of stripping, electrical equipment and electrical equipment used for the insulation material; followed for the manufacture of steam boilers, furnace smelting furnace windows and mechanical parts. mica and mica powder can be processed into crushed mica paper, mica can be replaced by a variety of low-cost manufacturing, uniform thickness of the insulation material. development and utilization of the status quo and development trend of development and utilization of China has been the status quo exploitation of mineral mica mine had more than 30, the main origin are: Altay Muscovite mine, four Chuandan Ba ​​muscovite ore, mica mine in Inner Mongolia soil your Siniora, Danfeng muscovite in Shaanxi mine, Ji Lin Jian Jin Mica mine, Henan Zhenping phlogopite mica mining and Quyang ore, etc. At present, the individual pieces of mica production companies in addition to Hebei Lingshou, most in the production of industrial raw materials, while producing crushed mica and their products. some of the metallurgical enterprises recovered from the broken ore tailings in thin mica, supply market. there is a problem a, low utilization: The utilization of mica, foreign factories have been done without waste, one hundred percent raw materials use. our comprehensive utilization rate of about 40% mica, but also to be expanding its application areas. b, narrow field of application: In recent years, utilization has been expanding abroad, mica, building materials, vibration, lubrication, organic and inorganic composite materials, sealing material, and achieved good application. comprehensive processing of products, 10 categories, more than 100 varieties. China’s relatively narrow application areas in recent years has been able to produce six categories, nearly 30 varieties. Solutions to enhance research and improve the comprehensive utilization and expanding applications, broaden the market trends from the general trend, as large crystals of synthetic mica success, the world’s demand for large mica will be gradually reduced, and therefore the exploitation of natural mica large amount will gradually decrease, but the demand will be on the mica fragments continue to increase. the world’s existing high-quality mica still far short of needs, the development of synthetic mica is accelerated. current consumption structure of mica has changed, it is estimated that worldwide demand for mica will be an annual 4.6% rate continued to decline, while demand for crushed mica at an average annual growth rate of 1.5%. mica products —- utilization wet mica powder mica and mica paper and deep-processed products are more popular on the international market products in recent years, domestic demand will gradually reduce the mica sheet, mica tube feeding to maintain a balance of requirements, chip capacitors and thick film loaded with saturated mica and other basic of natural mica flakes are generally replaced by alternative materials, but as mica utilization of products, mica paper and mica, and deep-processing products such as mica insulation products, mica paper began selling electrical appliances (1) mica-paper market to determine the electrical machinery sector has long been the main insulating material with mica mica paper instead of mica flakes. 1987 China’s new power generation capacity of 9.2 million kilowatts, generally by adding 100,000 kilowatts generating capacity would need to calculate the consumption of five tons of mica paper, mica paper, about 460 tons. the future of our energy industry is the focus of development, planned to reach an annual output of 10 million kilowatts of generating units capacity, mica paper per year is not less than 500 tons, totaling 2500 tons. In addition, China’s installed power generation capacity in 1987 reached 100 million kilowatts, by 20-30% if the consider replacement of maintenance, repair of mica paper is also required considerable addition, there are a large number of industrial, household appliances also requires a lot of insulation board and other products. the domestic market, promising mica paper (2) Mica national welding market mica production each year about 1.5 million tons of asphalt felt paper with mica 14 million tons, fire equipment 2,000 tons with mica, together with new and innovative applications of mica, from the development trend, the requirements may mica further growth. Open Category: Chemical, mica, Inuyasha, mineral, quartz 2. tail cat (transfiguration before), an emergency will directory help edit Baike card is a rock-forming mineral mica, usually hexagonal or diamond was ######## plates, sheets, columnar crystal. Color changes with the chemical composition varies, mainly with the Fe content increases and becomes deeper. Mica is characterized by the insulation, high temperature, shiny, physical and chemical properties and stability, good insulation, elasticity and toughness. Most used in industry is muscovite, followed by the mica. Its widely used in building materials industry, the fire industry, fire extinguishing agents, welding, plastics, electrical insulation, paper, bitumen paper, rubber, pearlescent pigments and other chemical industries. Mica is also animation as a character name appears. mica tourmaline, apatite, beryl, and ilmenite, etc. Phlogopite deposits in veins that often appear in apatite, tremolite, diopside, calcite, carbonate and feldspar and other minerals. Chopped fine muscovite mica deposits in general account for 50 to 70%, 10% K-feldspar and quartz about trace minerals are magnetite and limonite. The purpose of mineral mica mineral characteristics are aluminum silicate minerals, with continuous layered silicate structure. Divided into three sub-categories: muscovite, biotite and lepidolite. Muscovite mica and its subspecies, including (sericite) and rare paragonite; biotite including phlogopite, biotite, iron and manganese black biotite mica; lithium oxide lithium-mica is rich in a variety of small mica scales. Industry in particular is commonly used in the electrical industry muscovite and phlogopite. Muscovite the chemical formula for KAl2 [AlSi3O10] [OH] 2, which SiO2 45.2%, Al2O3 38.5%, K2O 11.8%, H2O 4.5%, also containing a small amount of Na, Ca, Mg, Ti, Cr, Mn, Fe, and F and so on. Phlogopite chemical formula KMg3 [AlSi3O10] [F, OH] 2, which K2O 7 ~ 10.3%, MgO of 21.4 ~ 29.4%, Al2O3 of 10.8 ~ 17%, SiO2 of 38.7 ~ 45%, H2O 0.3 ~ 4.5% , containing a small amount of Fe, Ti, Mn, Na and F and so on. a, crystal, crystal mica mostly monoclinic, books were stacked plate-like or crystal form, with six for the development of a complete surface of the diamond or hexagonal crystals, sometimes the formation of pseudo hexagonal prismatic crystals. b, cleavage, or the pressure of playing as well as with the cleavage of mica can be stripped points. Muscovite can be theoretically divided into 10 or so stripping, phlogopite peelable into thin slices about 5 or 10. Mica crystals hidden cleavage, and the pressure is like playing as. c, color, gloss and transparency of mica flakes is generally colorless and transparent, but often stained green, brown, yellow and pink and other colors; glass, luster, cleavage appear before pearl luster. Phlogopite is usually yellow, brown, dark brown or black; glass luster, cleavage appear before pearls or semi-metallic luster. Muscovite transparency 71.7 ~ 87.5%, phlogopite 0 to 25.2%. d, hardness and elasticity of muscovite Mohs hardness of 2 to 2.5, phlogopite 2.78 ~ 2.85; muscovite elasticity (1475.9 ~ 2092.7 × 106Pa (15050 ~ 21340kg/cm2), phlogopite for (1394.5 ~ 1874.05 ) × 106Pa (14220 ~ 19110kg/cm2 mica become a great horse, foot flame, you can volley battle, aggressive. good line monster class. once a witch Tsui sub partner, the soul of the four sub-Chui Yu-injection death, mica become a partner Chuyao village and coral Chuyao together and finally become a partner in the coral’s brother amber. Open Category: animation, pets, cartoon characters, Inuyasha, cats 3 Chinese words help edit mica 1 ore name commonly known as Melaleuca paper. hexagonal crystals often as ######## sheet, a collection of scaly. thin and flexible, glass and shiny, translucent, white, black, different shades of green or brown, etc. are not conductive, insulating, high temperature, corrosion resistant to moisture. muscovite for medicinal. Temple mica slide, Bao Liu dry dry cliff. (4) snow Tang Yuan Zhen : Fu Help edit the mica , Lingshou quality within the rock strata two-Pacific, rocks rich in mica minerals, the texture of the exploration department, crushed mica reserves of 1.7 million tons of ore of high grade, good quality, is the largest The origin of crushed mica, and because the development earlier, becoming the largest processing base of mica and the largest exporter of mica. deposit types and their distribution 1, deposit type deposits into muscovite mica deposits of industrial and phlogopite deposits in two categories, Each category can be divided into two subgroups each, plus small pieces of mica mica mine on the crushed mica, sericite mineral surveys. So far, Hebei Lingshou of Lubo Village is China’s largest pieces of mica and biotite to the largest production and processing. After detailed investigation, proved Township, Shan Tam Hebei Lingshou door broken mica mine in Inner Mongolia, Liaoning, Hubei and other places that sericite mine, crushed mica and sericite in the industrial application of research has also made progress. China in the 1950s to the mid-1970s, had to muscovite, phlogopite as a strategic resource, the first of four Chuandan Ba ​​mica mining ore, after Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia, Shanxi, Hebei, Shandong, Henan, Shaanxi, Yunnan provinces, autonomous regions and mica mines have been mined. Major state-owned mines have Altay, four Chuandan Ba, Ula, Inner Mongolia and other mines in your soil, there are hundreds of counties do, towns and individual mines. 1978 years ago, the annual production of industrial raw materials, mica is 1 700 ~ 2 500t, 1978 years later, production has decreased due to mica a fundamental change in consumption due to structure. Characteristics of the mineral composition of ore minerals muscovite pegmatite minerals of the major minerals feldspar, feldspar, quartz and muscovite and other secondary minerals are biotite, almandine, electricity insulation on the gas industry. Mica fragments and powder used as fillers. Extraction of lithium or lithium-mica major mineral raw materials. As the large mineral mica crystals, colorful, has long been used by humans. Ancient Chinese records in its title alone: ​​the skin with flowers, <a href=""><strong>nursing blog, nursing blogspot, medical articles, doctors news ...</strong></a> ice days, days of leather, in gold, old gold scraping, Melaleuca paper, per side, red rice and hung black cloud, etc. Mogao Grottoes in Dunhuang Cave 112 Don pigment used in flash illuminated by the X-ray diffraction analysis, natural muscovite by crushing grinding. Color with excellent results. Although China has been recognized early and the use of muscovite and phlogopite, mica deposits but exploration work in the formal establishment of the PRC after 1952 have been from the four-Chuan Danba and Inner Mongolia soil deposits to your Siniora muscovite a census of exploration and achieved good results. Shanxi Fanshi 1958 held a national meeting of mica, mica decided to vigorously carry out the survey and prospecting work, then, Altay mica deposits found in the mica resource development in China played a big role, but also for the census mica deposits exploration work and accumulated experience. Subsequently, magnesium phengite Jiangsu East China Sea deposits discovered and exploited by industry in China’s industrial added a new species of mica. Inner Mongolia, the Urals, the Dabie Mountains, Qinling, Liaoning, Sichuan and Yunnan, have been found in deposits of mica, expanded mica resources. Since the 1980s, building materials, mining and other sectors mica mica (mica) is the most widely distributed rock-forming minerals, potassium, aluminum, magnesium, iron, lithium aluminum silicate layered structure in general. Mica common polymorphism, which is a monoclinic system are common, followed by the trigonal system, and the remaining rare. Mica-group minerals, the most common mineral species are biotite, muscovite, phlogopite, lithium mica, sericite, etc. Mica was usually six or ######## diamond plates, sheets, columnar crystal. Color changes with the chemical composition varies, mainly with the increase in iron content and dark. Muscovite was colorless and transparent or light-colored; biotite is black to dark brown, dark green and other colors; phlogopite yellow, brown, green or colorless; lepidolite was purple, rose red to gray. Glass, luster, cleavage plane was pearl luster. Mohs hardness is generally 2 to 3.5, the proportion of 2.7 to 3.5. Parallel to the very bottom of the cleavage completely. Muscovite is a widely distributed rock-forming minerals, one of the three rocks in both outputs. Pelitic rocks during regional metamorphism in low-level can be formed sericite, slightly higher metamorphic grade, as muscovite. Acidic pegmatite magma crystallization and the role of the late stage, has generated a lot of muscovite. From high to low temperature alteration in the process, can also be generated. The so-called greisen alteration is the high temperature one can form a large number of muscovite. Sericitization role in the so-called low-temperature alteration, one can form a large number of sericite. Muscovite weathering broken into very fine scales, can become clastic sediments in the debris, it can be one of the mineral composition of mudstone. Muscovite and phlogopite have good electrical insulation and not heat, acid, alkali and pressure resistance, which is widely used to produce electronic, electrical Tags: moncler jacket, moncler ski pa Posted in Uncategorized RSS | Respond | Trackback &lt; |
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