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Old 08-13-2011, 01:08 AM   #1
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Bruenor, with the wererat ranks dissipated in front of him, had Nike Online USA more time to tend to Catti-brie. He bent over the young woman, his face ashen as he pulled her thick mane of auburn hair, thicker now with the wetness of her blood, from her fair face. Catti-brie looked up at him through stunned eyes. “But an inch more, and me life’d be at its end,” she said with a wink and a smile. Bruenor scrambled to inspect the wound, and found, to his relief, that his nike air max turbulence daughter was correct in her observations. The quarrel had gouged her wickedly, but it was only a grazing shot. “I’m all right,” Catti-brie insisted, starting to rise. Bruenor held her down. “Not yet,” he whispered. “The fight’s not done,” Catti-brie replied, still trying to plant her feet under her. Bruenor led her gaze down the tunnel, to Wulfgar and the bodies piling all about him. “There’s our chance,” he chuckled. “Let the boy think ye’re down.” Catti-brie bit her lip in astonishment of the scene. A dozen ratmen were down and still Wulfgar pounded through, his hammer tearing away those unfortunates who couldn’t flee out of his way. Then a noise from the other direction turned Catti-brie away. With her bow down, the wererats from the front had returned. “They’re mine,” Bruenor told her. “Keep yerself down!” “If ye get into trouble- women nike air max ” “If I need ye, then be there,” Bruenor agreed, “but for now, keep yerself down! Give the boy something to fight for!” * * * Drizzt nike air max 90 infrared tried to double back along his route, but nike air max women the ratmen quickly closed off all of the tunnels. Soon his options had been cut down to one, a wide, dry side passage moving in the opposite direction from where he had hoped to go. The ratmen were closing on him fast, and in the main tunnel he would have to fight them off from several <a href=""><strong>库*软件管理系统</strong></a> different directions. He slipped into the passage and flattened against the wall. Two ratmen shuffled up to the tunnel entrance and peered into the gloom, calling a third, with a torch, to join them. The light they found was not the, yellow flicker of a torch, but a sudden line of blue as Twinkle came free of its scabbard. Drizzt was upon them before they could raise their weapons in defense, thrusting a blade clean through one wererat’s chest and spinning his second blade in an arc across the other’s neck. The torchlight enveloped them as they fell, leaving the drow standing there, revealed, both his blades dripping blood. The nearest wererats shrieked; some nike air max 180 even dropped their weapons and ran, but more of them came up, blocking all of the tunnel entrances in the area, and the advantage of sheer numbers soon gave the ratmen a measure of confidence. Slowly, looking to each other for support with every step, they closed in on Drizzt. Drizzt considered rushing a single group, hoping to cut through their ranks and be out of the ring of the trap, but the ratmen were at least two deep at every passage, three or even four deep at some. Even with his skill and agility, Drizzt could never get through them fast enough to avoid attacks at his back. He darted back into the side passage and summoned a globe of darkness inside its entrance, then he sprinted beyond the area of the globe to take up a ready position just behind it. The ratmen, quickening their charge as Drizzt disappeared back into the tunnel, stopped short when they turned into the area of unbreakable darkness. At first, they thought that their torches nike air max 2003 must have gone out, but so deep was the gloom that they soon realized the truth of the drow’s spell. They regrouped out in the main tunnel, then came back in, cautiously. <a href=""><strong>网站制作</strong></a> Even Drizzt, with his night eyes, nike air max turnaround could not see into the pitch blackness of his spell, but positioned clear of the other side, he did make out a sword tip, and then another Nike USA Store , leading the two front ratmen down the passage. They hadn’t even broken from the darkness when the drow struck, slapping their swords away and reversing the angle of his cuts to drive his scimitars up the lengths of their arms and into their bodies. Their agonized screams sent the other ratmen scrambling back out into the main corridor, and gave Drizzt another moment to consider his position. * * * The crossbowman knew his time was up when the last two of his companions shoved him aside in their desperate flight from the enraged giant. He at last fumbled the quarrel back into position and brought his bow to bear. But Wulfgar was too close. The barbarian grabbed the crossbow as it swung about and tore it from the wererat’s hands with such ferocity that it broke apart when it slammed into the wall. The wererat meant to flee, nike air max 180 but the sheer intensity of Wulfgar’s glare froze him in place. He watched, horrified, as Wulfgar clasped Aegis-fang in both hands. Wulfgar’s strike was impossibly fast. The wererat never comprehended that the death blow had even nike air max 360 begun. He only felt a sudden explosion on top of his head. The ground rushed up to meet him; he was dead before he ever splatted into the muck. Wulfgar, his eyes rimmed with tears, hammered on the wretched creature viciously until its body was no more than a lump of undefinable waste. Spattered with blood and muck and black water, Wulfgar finally slumped back against the wall. As he released himself from the consuming rage, he heard the fighting behind and spun to find Bruenor beating back two of the ratmen, with several more lined up behind them. And behind the dwarf, Catti-brie lay still against the wall. The sight refueled Wulfgar’s fire. “Tempus!” he roared to his god of battle, and he pounded through the muck, back down the tunnel. The wererats facing Bruenor tripped over themselves trying to get away, giving the dwarf the opportunity to cut down two more of them – he was happy to oblige. They fled back into the maze of tunnels nike air max turnaround . Wulfgar meant to pursue them, to hunt each of them down and vent his vengeance, but Catti-brie rose to intercept him. She leaped into his chest as he skidded in surprise, wrapped her arms around his neck, and kissed him more passionately than he had ever imagined he could be kissed. He held her at arm’s length, gawking and stuttering in confusion until a joyful smile spread wide and took all other emotions out of his face. Then he hugged her back for another kiss. Bruenor pulled them apart. “The elf?” he reminded them. He scooped up the torch, now half-covered with mud and burning low, and led them off down the tunnel. They didn’t dare turn into one of the many side passages, for fear of getting lost. The main corridor was the swiftest route, wherever it might take them, and they could only hope to catch a glimpse or hear a sound that would direct them to Drizzt. Instead they cheap nike air max found a door. “The guild?” Catti-brie whispered. “What else could it be?” Wulfgar replied. “Only a thieves’ house would keep a door to the sewers.” Above the door, in nike air max 360 a secret cubby, Entreri eyed the three friends curiously. He had known that something was amiss when the wererats had begun <a href=""><strong>莆田外贸</strong></a> to gather in the sewers earlier that night. Entreri had Buy Nike USA hoped they would move out into the city, but it had soon become apparent that the wererats meant to stay. Then these three showed up at the door without the drow. Entreri put his chin in his palm and considered his next course of action. Bruenor studied the door curiously. On it, at about eye level for a human, was nailed a small wooden box. Having no time to play with riddles, the dwarf boldly reached up and tore the box free, bringing it down and peeking over its rim. The dwarf’s face twisted with even more confusion when he saw inside. He shrugged and held the box out to Wulfgar and Catti-brie. Wulfgar was not so confused. He had seen a similar item before, back on the docks of Baldur’s Gate. Another gift from Artemis nike air max turbulence Entreri – another halfling’s finger. “Assassin!” he roared, and he slammed his shoulder into the door. It broke free of its hinges, and Wulfgar stumbled into the room beyond, holding the door out in front of him. Before he could even toss it aside, he heard <a href=" 7"><strong>To buy Nike Shox - Blog</strong></a> the crash behind him and realized how foolish the move had been. He had fallen right into Entreri’s trap. A portcullis had dropped in the entranceway, separating him from Bruenor and Catti-brie. * * * The tips of long spears led the wererats back through Drizzt’s globe of darkness. The drow still managed to take one of the lead ratmen down, but he was backed up by the press of the group that followed. He gave ground freely, fighting off their thrusts and jabs with defensive swordwork. Whenever he saw an opening, he was quick enough to strike a blade home. Then a singular odor overwhelmed even the stench of the sewer. A syrupy sweet smell that rekindled nike air max shop distant memories in the drow. The ratmen pressed him on even harder, as if the scent had renewed their desire to fight. Drizzt remembered. In Menzoberranzan, the city of his birth, some drow elves had kept as pets creatures nike air max 360 that exuded such an odor. Sundews, these monstrous beasts were called, lumpy masses of raglike, sticky tendrils that simply engulfed and dissolved anything that came too near. Now Drizzt fought for every step. He had indeed been herded, to face a horrid death or perhaps to be captured, for the sundew devoured its victims so very slowly, and certain liquids could break its hold. Drizzt felt a flutter and glanced back over his shoulder. The sundew was &copy; 2011 SEO Article Directory, Find Online Articles, Backlinks, Search engine optimization
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