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Old 08-13-2011, 12:42 PM   #2
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(Reporter ZHU Yan) Recently, the Shanghai lawyer Yan Yiming letter to the supreme law, the proposed public hearing on the case to trial were broadcast live. Yan has not been back now.
webcast can be monitoring the trial justice

Yan Yiming letter in a note to the Supreme Court recommended that efforts to increase the network broadcast the trial, open trial could be implemented and ultimately justice. China's Constitution stipulates:
He mentioned that it is feasible to broadcast the trial is necessary. On technical and legal terms, the court openly are feasible. At present, most provinces have been trying to live way the trial network. January 2010, the Shanghai Higher People's Court should be brave to make the work report of the Shanghai Higher People's Court said the trial broadcast network in 2009 Shanghai 195 cases, on-line click on more than 900 million times over.
trial webcast, lifted by the court open time and space constraints, expanded the scope of disclosure can be achieved in a wider range of visible justice.
types of cases have been broadcast over a single

yesterday, reporters broadcast network logon the Beijing court, city court four or five cases every day,air max 90, Internet users nationwide graphic or video broadcast, involved include criminal, civil, intellectual property and other aspects of the case.
Yan Yiming, said the trial live there are still some problems: the law should be public hearings on the case, not all of the network broadcast. Right to choose whether the trial live, lies in the hands of the court.
Moreover, the types of cases webcast more single, the case is relatively simple. Life, liberty and the parties involved, the public is more concerned about the types of cases, and cases of dispute involving public and private rights, the most should be open,2009 air max nike, but has not generally been included in the scope of the trial live.
Yan lawyers suggested that the defendant may be sentenced to death related to the case or the parties involved in the death of civil and criminal case should be broadcast live. Cases the defendant may be sentenced to death, in the event miscarriage of justice, the cause of the error will not be able to make up.
the death of the parties involved in civil and criminal cases, such as Hebei University, gave the driver case, the families of the parties often requires psychological openness of justice will be higher, if they can practice the public hearing, the parties will no doubt discourage family concerns, and better administration of justice be Fun to play the role of competition ended.
live demolition proposed categories of cases

In addition, he also suggested that administrative litigation cases, especially moving, demolition categories of cases, involving the vital interests of the parties, if the proceedings to decide cases related to the demolition review of the evidence and found no detailed, open and transparent trial procedures is not enough, the parties often lead to repeated complaint or petition. Such cases should be broadcast.
Yan said the lawyer.
present his proposal letter has not been back.
■ industry views

public hearing all live difficult

who asked not to be named,air max 2010, said the court staff, the current Court of Beijing has been able to technically live fully realized, but if all are to live an open case, the operation of all aspects of human resources is still difficult. And even the public hearing of the case, whether the broadcast should also seek the views of the parties to decide.
■ experts say

national authorities should encourage the citizens of suggestions

an administrative law experts said that citizens have the right to recommend to the State authorities, for encouraging improve the existing The proposed system should be encouraged. The scope suggestions should not be limited to lawyers and academics, have the idea that every citizen can do. Whether or not to respond,nike air bw, the relevant departments, such as through a change in policy recommendations,nike free 3.0, is that civic contributions.
■ link

lawyer a letter to ask forgiveness, Niuyu Jiang and similar offenders. .
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