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Old 08-16-2011, 10:41 AM   #2
Commander In Chief
Join Date: Sep 2010
Posts: 440
oujoyha8l7 is on a distinguished road

computer with a long,cheap kobe bryant jersey, slow, and teach you how to clean the computer inside the garbage

1, click the \then click the \wait. Some programs removed, but not completely remove the computer's setup information is retained in the registry,nhl hockey jerseys, if not delete the useless information, over time, the registry will become more and more, affect the system's work performance. You can use the following method to completely remove. 2, install and uninstall several times,tennessee titans jerseys, the system retains a lot of useless DLL file, it should be removed. Click the \In the dialog box to the right of the back of the key data has a number in parentheses, if the number is 0, indicating that the DLL file has become rubbish, delete it. 3, the program will not uninstall should be in the \Remove the effect of the disk partition is not good, and sometimes can not afford some programs to delete. Even in the \Use of such methods to open \Uninstall each under the primary key corresponds to an application folder, open a folder, you can see the contents of the uninstall program, including program name DisplayName and the UninstallString. Find you've deleted the program name,twins jerseys cheap, right-click its parent folder, select \4, some with no Uninstall program or not installed (copied to the computer) can be run directly in Windows programs, such as many small games, the parameters to run the registry records. If you delete this program, still in the registry to delete these useless information. In turn open the HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software branch. Found in the sub-keys from the appropriate program folder, delete it. You can also click on the \----------------------
winkey + d: This is the first master the most common shortcut key combinations. This shortcut key combination can be an instant all the windows on the desktop, minimize the window, or whether the game chat window … … as long as this key combination is pressed again, just all the windows are all back, and the activation The also is used before you minimize the window! - This is winkey winkey + f: do not go moving the mouse point \winkey + r: In our article, you will often see this operation prompt: \In fact, there is a simpler way is to press winkey + r! alt + tab: If you open the window too much, this key combination is very useful, it can open a window displays the current names of all windows and icons ●, select their hope to open the window, release the combined button on it. The alt + tab + shift keys, you can reverse displays the current open windows. winkey + e: When you need to open Explorer, find the file, the shortcut keys that make you feel very \No more free hand to touch the mouse! Tip: winkey refers to the windows logo engraved on the keyboard keys ●. winkey mainly in the 104 keys and 107 keys keyboard. 104 keyboard, also known as win95 keyboard,minnesota twins jerseys, this keyboard in the original 101 left and right sides of the keyboard, ctrl and alt keys to increase between the two windwos key and a property associated with key. 107 keyboard,barcelona jersey cheap, also known as win98 keyboard keys more than 104 sleep, wake up, boot, power management keys, most of these three keys at the top right of the keyboard. Add point ..... F1 displays the current program or windows help content. F2 when you select a file, this means that the \Start menu CTRL + ALT + DELETE to open in win9x Close Program dialog box choose DELETE to delete the selected item, if the file will be placed in the Recycle Bin SHIFT + DELETE to delete the selected choice of projects, if the file will be directly Remove the Recycle Bin instead of CTRL + N Create a new document CTRL + O to open the \items to the Clipboard CTRL + INSERT or CTRL + C Copy the selected items to the clipboard, or SHIFT + INSERT CTRL + V Paste the contents of the clipboard to the current location ALT + BACKSPACE or CTRL + Z Undo the last step of the operation of ALT + SHIFT + BACKSPACE Redo the operation of the previous step has been revoked Windows key + D: Minimize or restore windows windows Windows Key + U: Open the \and location of the Windows key + E Open Windows Explorer Windows key + F to open the \Open the \Wo rd time in the open press and hold, you can skip from the start of the macro ALT + F4 closes the current application program ALT + SPACEBAR Open the top left corner of the menu ALT + TAB to switch the current program ALT + ESC ALT + ENTER to switch the current program will run under MSDOS windows in window and full screen window to switch between states PRINT SCREEN to copy the current screen to the clipboard graphically ALT + PRINT SCREEN the current active window to the clipboard to copy the image mode CTRL + F4 closes the current application of the current text (such as the word in) CTRL + F6 Switch to the current application in the next text (plus shift can skip to the previous window) in IE,: ALT + RIGHT ARROW Display previous page (forward button) ALT + LEFT ARROW Display the next page (back button) CTRL + TAB on the page to switch the frame (plus shift back) F5 to refresh CTRL + F5 to force refresh
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