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Old 08-18-2011, 09:39 AM   #1
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Thumbs up civil Oakley Sunglasses Sale - AVR单片机- 新势力科技社区单片机 ...

civil Oakley Sunglasses Saleto be apportioned amongst the respondents at their discretion ; and may enforce payment thereof by warrant of distress ; provided, that such assessment shall not extend to any expense for Chap..any relief, afforded more than six months previous to the filing ofsuch complaint.Sect.. The said court may further assess and apportion, upon Assessment on the said kindred, such weekly sum for the future, as they shall olheJed'rocfedjudge sufficient for the support of such pauper, to be paid <a href=""><strong>上海兼职网 </strong></a> every ings. three months till the further order of court. Upon application, '' * from time to time of the town or kindred, to whom the same shall have been ordered to be paid, the clerk of said court shall issue, and may renew, a warrant of distress, for the arrears of any preceding quarter, returnable to the next following term of said court.Sect.. The said court may further order, with whom of such ^&quot;isJ^T^' kindred, that may desire it, such pauper may live and be relieved, and for such time, with any or either, as they shall judge proper ; having regard to the comfort of the pauper, as well as the convenience of the kindred.Sect.. The complaint, provided for in the seventh section F''|ng con&gt;of this chapter, shall be filed in the office of the clerk of the dis-mons'anTsertrict court; who shall issue a summons thereon, requiring the Tjgj. kindred therein named, to appear and answer thereto. The sum- ' ' mons may be directed to any officer, qualified to serve other civil Oakley Sunglasses Saleprocess between the same parties, and served as an original summons, fourteen days, at least, before the sitting of the court, to which it is returnable.Sect.. On the suggestion of either party, that there are Summ°m&quot; other kindred of <a href=""><strong>国外网赚 </strong></a> ability, not summoned in the original process, the isai, , .complaint may be amended, by inserting their names, and such other kindred may be summoned in like manner; and upon due notice, whether they appear or are defaulted, the court may proceed against them, in the same manner, as if they had been originally named in the complaint.Sect.. If such complaint be not entered, or be discontin- Respondent*' ued, or withdrawn, or be adjudged groundless, the respondents may take furthaball recover costs. The said court may take further order <a href=""><strong>网赚教程 </strong></a> from ^&quot;&quot;m &amp;&nbsp;&nbsp;time to time, in the premises, upon application of any party interested ; and may alter such assessment, and apportionment, on due notice, as circumstances may require.Sect.. The overseers of the poor may bind by indentures, overseers may,r, . * . J. bind out minoras apprentices, or as servants, in any lawlul employment, any minor children of children, whose parents become actually chargeable to their town ; J^feJ^ * c or any, whose parents, in the opinion of said overseers, are unable&nbsp;&nbsp;Pick. . to maintain them, whether they receive alms or are chargeable, or <a href=""><strong>timberland | Cheap Louis Vuitton Sunglasses</strong></a> Maine&gt; not; or any who are themselves chargeable, as having a settlement in said town, to any citizenOakley Sunglasses Sale of this state; that is to say, male children till they come to the age of twenty-one years, and females till they come to the age of eighteen years, or are married within that time; and the consent of said minors, though more than fourteen years of age, or of their parents, shall not be material to the validity of such binding.Sect.. Provision shall be made, in such deed or indentures, J^Ti*'on?to. forthe instructing of male children, so bound out, to read, write dentures. and cypher: and of females to read and write ; and for such other J^sij^q'' Chap.. instruction, benefit and allowance, either within or at the end ofthe term, as the overseers may think
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