Thread: Slendertone
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Old 08-31-2011, 01:11 AM   #1
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Default Slendertone

Flenser with Steel descended the northern stairs,Beats Studio (Black) High Definition Powered Isola, crossed the parade ground. He gave a sliver of attention to the other's complaints about the sloppy maintenance around the practice stands. At least Steel was smart enough to keep the discipline scaffolds over on Hidden Island. Flenser with Rangolith's troopers splashed through a mountain stream. Even in high summer,Dre Beats Studio Ferrari Limited Edition Headphone,Slendertone, in the middle of a Drywind, there were still snow patches, and the streams running from under them were icy cold. Flenser with Amdijefri edged forward, let two of Amdi rest against his sides. Both children liked physical contact, and he was the only one they had besides each other. It was all perversion of course, but Flenser had based his life on manipulating others' weakness, and -- but for the pain -- welcomed it. Flenser buzzed a deep purring sound through his shoulders, caressing the puppy next to him. "I'll ask our Lord Steel the very next time I see him." "Thank you." A puppy nuzzled at his cloak,复件 (20) air max2, then mercifully moved away; Flenser was a mass of sores beneath that cover. Perhaps Amdi realized that, or perhaps -- more and more Flenser saw a reticence in the children. His comment to Steel had been a slip into the truth: these two really didn't trust him. That was Tyrathect's fault. On his own,Women's Mbt Fora Shoes Sale in Blue, Flenser would have had no trouble winning Amdijefri's love. Flenser had none of Steel's killing temper and fragile dignity. Flenser could chat for casual pleasure, all the while mixing truth with lies. One of his greatest talents was empathy; no sadist can aspire to perfection without that diagnostic ability. But just when he was doing well, when they seemed about to open to him -- then Ty or Ra or Thect would pop up, twisting his expression or poisoning his choice of phrase. Perhaps he should content himself with undermining the children's respect for Steel (without, of course, ever saying anything directly against him). Flenser sighed, and patted Jefri's arm comfortingly. "Ravna will be back. I'm sure of it." The human sniffled a little, then reached out to pet the part of Flenser's head that was not shrouded by the cloak. They sat in companionable silence for a moment, and his attention drifted back to -- -- the forest and Rangolith's troops. The group had been moving uphill for almost ten minutes. The others were lightly burdened and used to this sort of exercise. Flenser's two members were lagging. He hissed at the group leader. The group leader sidled back, his squad shifting briskly out of his way. He stopped when his nearest was fifteen feet from Flenser's. The soldier's heads cocked this way and that. "Your wishes ... My Lord?" This one was new; he had been briefed about the cloaks, but Flenser knew the fellow didn't understand the new rules. The gold and silver that glinted in the darkness of the cloaks -- those colors were reserved for the Lords of the Domain. Yet there only two of Flenser here; normally such a fragment could barely carry on a conversation, much less give reasonable orders. Just as disconcerting, Flenser knew,Beats Tour (White) High Resolution In-Ear Headphon, was his lack of mind sound. "Zombie" was the word some of the troops used when they thought themselves alone. Flenser pointed up the hill; the timberline was only a few yards away. "Farscout Rangolith is on the other side. We will take a short cut," he said weakly. Part of the other was already looking up the hill. "That is not good, sir." The trooper spoke slowly. Stupid damn duo, his posture said. "The bad ones will see us." Flenser glowered at the other, a hard thing to do properly when you are just two. "Soldier, do you see the gold on my shoulders? Even one of me is worth all of you.
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