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Old 09-06-2011, 08:26 AM   #1
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Default Moncler Womens Hoody

and repeat.
That’s it. It really is that simple. Tools needed: 1 pocket-sized notebook and a stopwatch.
Of course, you might want some proven,Moncler Womens Hoody, superior methods to “improve on your chosen parameter.” At the bottom of this article, you'll get your wish! But first...
Sufficient Intensity Explained:
Make sure you’re doing resistance training folks. Not aerobics. Not LSD (long slow distance cardio). Or any other fitness fad that makes your lungs burn more than your muscles. If you’re consistently getting 20+ reps on all your exercises,cheap moncler coats, then you need to choose more difficult exercises. Period.
Cardio and aerobics have health benefits no doubt, but if you’re really looking for “bang-for-your-fitness-buck”, and you’re short on time, then stick with resistance training. It’s the only kind of exercise that builds muscle and boosts your metabolism permanently--not just during your workout.
Shoot for exercises that are so difficult, you can only perform between 1 and 15 reps. This could be weightlifting (if you lack the creativity and sophistication of a "Tao Of Functional Fitness" devotee who relies solely on portable exercise equipment--like Fitness Bands--and their own bodyweight), but it doesn’t have to be. If you know how to manipulate leverage, even bodyweight only exercises can be made difficult enough.
Why just 15% of your time worrying about this? Because all you have to do is make sure most of your exercise (excluding a proper warmup of course) falls within this rep range. Not exactly rocket-science. Nuff said.
Intelligent Evolution:
This is just another term for “periodization” or “cyclic training.” Basically it means that you need a strategy for changing your exercise routine over the long haul as you get stronger and closer to realizing your goals. Most of the time the Consistent Progression rule takes care of this, hence the paltry 5% of your noggin that’s required to intelligently evolve.
But over the long haul, you sometimes need to dramatically change your workout protocol. There’s not space here to explore all the ins-and-outs of doing this, but a simplified recommendation would be to cycle between phases where you focus on increasing the Average Load you handle during your workouts, and phases where you’re more concerned with the Amount Of Work Per Unit Time you perform (i.e. “Strength” vs. “Density").
Consistent Progression (80%) + Sufficient Intensity (15%) + Intelligent Evolution (5%).
Find an exercise routine that gives you that, and you’re on to something,tory burch shoe!
Copyright 2005 Jeremy Markum
Jeremy Markum (The Fitness Sage) is an author and fitness consultant based in San Diego, California. He can help you incinerate fat, & sculpt lean, ######y muscle... *without* going to the gym, and *without* calorie counting or endless cardio! Get your FREE tips about this profound new approach to fitness right now at:
FL Fitness Tips - diet plan, exercises, weight loss and gain muscles latest information.
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