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Old 09-08-2011, 01:24 AM   #1
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Default UGGS Classic Cardy

火车采集器html简单模板示范,Madison Handbags
has a distinct advantage over traditionalemail newsletters in that subscribers can get udpateswithout having to receive an email message. Through thepower of RSS (real simple syndication), subscribers getnotified of updated content though an rss news reader.
Bottom Line: publishing a blog with an RSS feed that yourreaders can subscribe to means your content NEVER getsblocked by a SPAM filter.
Blog software basically comes in 2 flavors: hosted andstand-alone. Hosted blogging solutions make it extremelyeasy to get set up with a blog, often in just a couple ofminutes.
If you know how to type, you can create a blog. Log on and you can set up a blog free of charge andstart posting in just a few minutes. (owned by search giant, Google) will even hostyour blog on their servers., which charges as little as $4.95 per month, isalso an excellent hosted service offering additionalfeatures that enable you to quickly get your own blog upand running.
The alternative is stand-alone blogging software installedon your own website.
A very popular solution is Moveable Type,UGGS Classic Cardy, available, which provides a very versatile andpowerful suite of tools for creating a full-featured blogto rival that of any size company in the world.
This is the solution I've chosen for my blog at
Whichever blogging solution you choose, if you plan tosuccessfully conduct any form of business online,understand that a "blog" must form an integral part of youroverall plan for customer communication and interaction.
About the Author:
Jim Edwards is a syndicated newspaper columnist and theco-author of an amazing new ebook that will teach you how touse fr^e articles to quickly drive thousands of targetedvisitors to your website or affiliate links...
Simple "Traffic Machine" brings Thousands of NEW visitors toyour website for weeks,Travel Bags, even months... without spending adime on advertising! ==>
? Jim Edwards - All Rights reserved
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