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Old 11-05-2011, 05:49 PM   #1
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Do you hear me?&quot; Han father rough tone,&quot;mbt outlet even your mother and I, a person for you too come.&quot; &quot; I don't mind the father continues to live in Taipei.&quot; His life is the mother to raise enough, little father <a href=""><strong>MBT Baridi Shoes</strong></a> aside nagging, goods Tong ear also quieter. &quot; You --&quot; Han father was about to begin. &quot; Dad feel wronged!&quot; Know what to say but the daughter, Han father simply turned the topic,&quot; you will never give me a good read, see how I fix you.&quot; &quot; Know again ... ...&quot; Said hundreds of times, for children to listen all tired. Han father where will see daughter is perfunctory,&quot; know? If you really know, my homework will not engage the fearful mess, but also all day ask for trouble, I really wonder, your elder sister results are so good, what do you like?&quot; &quot; Don't just like dad!&quot; Products children 's words, from mother and brother sister laugh Han, Han father is an embarrassing. His heavy cough sound cover,&quot; you would if you don't give me a good student is admitted to a university --&quot; &quot; What, dad also did not go to university.&quot; Products for his father's education plugging his child. &quot; I did not go on to a university because the original family was poor, no money for my university.&quot; For children not to face the spot exposed,&quot; is not good!&quot; &quot;The Han Guanjie and Han Shuhe sipped her laugh, Korean mother for her husband to face, as much as possible so that his face no smile. Han father face crimson blush, but still try to maintain the authority of the father,&quot; I spent a large amount of tuition fees for your study, results, see you read into what?&quot; &quot; This is a chip off the old female.&quot; Products children face see no guilt. &quot; Nonsense, you have a look of your brothers and sisters ... ...&quot; Products child neither too fast nor too slow throw a sentence,&quot; they like my mom.&quot; On the spot, Han Guanjie and Han Shuhe could not help laughing, is South Korea female face has smiled. For Korean father and daughter give tit for tat scenes, Han the remaining three export already be accustomed to, they all know, as long as a pair of top grade students, Han father never ever on the tongue to prevail. Products children's word has not been over,&quot; which looked like me,&quot; meaning something gave Dad a sideways glance, with the long sighed,&quot; alas ... ... Can guaishui?&quot; See Korean father and mother to become shame, Han timely. &quot; Look at your father and daughter, good a word, also can make the hot under the collar.&quot; &quot; I have no oh, I cultivation good thing, not a bit angry.&quot; mbt amali sale Products child immediately clarify. &quot; Who says I angry? I --&quot; &quot; Look, no wonder you will say my bad temper, was originally a genetic fault.&quot; Her tone,&quot; but, at least I look like mom or dad, even if there are more family property, I am afraid it is difficult to sell me.&quot; Being the daughter of a cynical, Han father with anger, you this is not Xiao Nv --&quot;&quot; &quot;Strange, who is not angry?&quot; Products child like caught by the father. In order not to fall into the daughter tongue, Han father barely restrain himself, took a deep breath, trying to calm a promise. &quot; Well, not on the University, then you say, what do you do? Will you still have what?&quot; Thought his daughter should have nothing to say, but not,&quot; Dad also did not attend university ah, from construction workers do, now is not a building company.&quot; &quot; I ... ... That was before, the times are different.&quot; &quot; What's the difference?&quot; Products not to regard it as right child. In the face of Li Chi-ling teeth small daughter, Han father where her opponent,&quot; anyway you give me good reading it, it can differ from the previous school.&quot; &quot; What's different! Look at me Oh, willing to take me such a student, what is not in school.&quot; &quot; What do you mean? What is not in school? He is celebrated in private elite schools, but I told the principal point of friendship --&quot; &quot; I said, Dad, you don't cover up, what friendship, so is not money to bribe the school!&quot; For the father's sleeve, goods Tong is already know. &quot; Nonsense, who said I bribe school.&quot; Han father sternly refute. &quot;Daddy don't admit it.&quot; Products children knew father would end. It is the mother of her husband spoke openings of Han, &quot;the children, this time you really misunderstood your dad, the principal here with your dad is really well.&quot; How can it be. Products child be hardly worthy of belief,&quot; like father this coarse man, how could tell the headmaster fellowship?&quot; It is not for children despise the father, but she really can not be a heroic voice king father, be strict in one's demands with a pedant principal associate in a block. Han father listens,&quot; what I this rough guy? You this is not Xiao Nv, take me out.&quot; Goods Tong Xian father one, neither too fast nor too slow and ask:&quot; thick, large, not coarse size is?&quot; Products child be perfectly logical and reasonable&quot;, but called Han father say. Goods Tong was not going,&quot; or dad loves people call you little boy?!&quot; &quot; I ... ...&quot; Han father daughter plugging speechless. Korean mother once again intervened to rescue her husband,&quot; the principal here with our house is old.&quot; Products children face suspicion, &quot;this is not the father to help them in building the house?&quot; My daughter will he look so flat, Han father and have something to say, but the Korean mother ahead of him. &quot; He is your dad's childhood friend.&quot; &quot; Never!&quot; products children's eyes as much as to say, dad also can make such a high-grade friends!&quot; But then again, to this place when the headmaster, visible also mixed do not open, is certainly not mixing in Taipei what.&quot; &quot; What is mixed not out there?&quot; Han father is gas however,&quot; Kang Aberdeen to back hometown just stay here when the headmaster.&quot; &quot; Kangzi? Good song name.&quot; Goods Tong casually on sentence I said,&quot; Dad, you don't speak up for him, if he really wants to return hometown should stay in Taipei!&quot; Products. &quot;A remark, the remaining four people looking at her. &quot;So you really don't remember?&quot; Talking to Han Shuhe. See goods Tong still no impression, Han Guanjie also interface,&quot; when we were young we also live here, is Dad opened the company to move to Taipei.&quot; Say here is their hometown. &quot; You are you kidding?! here so lonely.&quot; Killed goods children don't believe in yourself in this place to live. &quot; Where the remote?&quot; Han father daughter not to regard it as right to comment,&quot; in a way this residential area, store never broken, not satisfied with what you have?&quot; &quot; Satisfaction? Here a decent department stores did not, like a stuff is all roadside stands, bus stop is over there at the train station, see, the MRT is even more need not think.&quot; Goods Tong said suddenly,&quot; yes, I go to school?&quot; Children suspected of goods, if the father <a href=""><strong>MBT Sawa</strong></a> picks up his on every day, two people will put off the roof. Goods Tong asked the father, Han first exposed to prevail smile,&quot; mbt maliza see the entrance that a new variable speed pedal car yet?&quot; Products of glanced at his children not take it seriously,&quot; nonsense, I'm not like father because of his age, when ... ... OhShit! Do you want me to step on that bike to go to school?&quot; Are you kidding? She is the generation E new-new generation, not seven years of Eau Ba Sang. Han father laughed very proud. Damn &quot; You can't do this to me. The problem is, apart from his father, mother and brother and sister goods Tong found apparently also think that bike is a good idea. Tong Weiyi pin can fortunately, at least it is not a lady car. Transfer the first day, Han and the two have turned better, Han father sternly warned her daughter not to ask for trouble, goods Tong is stinking with face stared at the bike did step up. One side of the Korean mother always smiling, as if unaware of her husband and daughter of roaring waves like. Perhaps the father's protests, or may be unfamiliar with the reason, goods Tong until the flag-raising ceremony end to find your new school. Beyond goods children expect is, in such a remote place actually have such a magnificent school building? Spectacular gate, the novel construction, gorgeous pattern design ... ... In the verified the Han father said, it is a private, aristocratic elite. The problem is goods children don't care, God knows she would rather stay in Taipei reading room rotten school, also do not want to go rotten place read top schools. Products children follow door guard instructed to find the school parking shed, inside the park bike a than a dazzle, a car than a cool, is worthy of a private school. Make goods Tong indissolubles is, these nobles are the same as his students a dictatorial dad no, or do you go to school by bike? Limousine does not become. Products ' where can understand, her eyes called remote place sucks, but recently emerging residential area, many rich people in order to let the children have good environmental education, and even took the children to come here. Due to the nearby is senior residential, public order is favorable, many rich people to ride bicycles to school children as fitness, and from the car top bike is not difficult to see the students good family background. For students looking for a location of the bicycle is not very reluctantly, this preparation to the academic office. Far, goods Tong see front gathered a large ticket person, want to also do not want to went to. The court JALEO, red and blue jerseys as anybody can see clearly, clearly has the game coming out. Compared with the blue team is to concentrate on the gathered together to discuss tactics, the head of the red team appears restless. Originally, the red team is the home team <a href=""><strong>MBT Kisumu</strong></a> today, Yang Lan high school, with neighboring town peach Xing high school volleyball club today have a friendly match. Worse, the red team will the day before yesterday sprained foot unable mbt goti to play, in order to win the game, the coach said from the outside for a volleyball master back. Originally, only to win the match and they kept it anyway, no one will know.Where expected, seeing the competition started quickly, their Volleyball Master has yet to appear. More importantly, rice early coach calls his breakfast eat a bad stomach people in hospital are unable to, so that the entire volleyball club which is urgent to ants on a hot pan. Damn &quot; Where is everyone. The red team captain Gong Qingping grabbed a team asked. &quot; Did not see ah!&quot; Vice captain Lin Huixin is anxious face,&quot; urgent the dead, but the coach is not in.&quot; When a player shouted:&quot; captain! Is it her?&quot; The players along the direction to look, and in both uniform and white students crowd saw a wearing his school uniforms students. Gong Qingping then instructed,&quot; go and bring her over.&quot; Products children managed to squeeze into the student group, want to explore after all, suddenly appears behind the two daredevil just pulled her from the crowd. Two red team allowing no explanation of pulling goods Tong to run in the direction of the dressing room. Unequal goods Tong openings, one team member had to complain,&quot; how can you come now?&quot; Products ' intuition replied:&quot; this egg school, I can get a good.&quot; Unequal goods children understand what happened, she was wheeled into the locker room, player and slipped her a sports suit. The next development is rapid, goods Tong confused in one's thinking wear sportswear, a group of people were pushed forward, with the whistle, she just appear in the game. The game started, the problem is, she made out of plight but not confused in one's thinking is to describe, is too horrible to look at. The number of flying ball toward her, next to catch her teammates shouted, goods Tong reflective learning others hand ball, but the ball was not in her rear parabola fly out of the field is left to right track, even managed to hit it over the net is a power too big and went out of bounds. Especially when it's her turn to serve her serve posture, although bizarre, but the ball was taller than the rest are far. Products ' personal <a href=""><strong>Ohbalala Shoes » Post Topic » The Air Jordan 12 upper was ...</strong></a> satisfied to his performance, although it is the first to play volleyball, but she would like others to catch, will kick off. Until the red team couldn't go calling a timeout, a farce was temporarily suspended. The ringside, the red team's five players around the goods tong. &quot; What on earth are you doing?&quot; Gong Qingping asked. Do what? &quot; Don't want me to play?&quot; Products ' puzzled. &quot; Play? You dare to call the ball?&quot; Gong Qingping glares,&quot; the ball is not beat net is hit out of bounds, asks you to open a ball, you put it into a ball, you dare call it play?&quot; &quot; Out of bounds?&quot; Products of this new term feel doubt. Others have no notice to her confusion, just a lot of vent discontent. &quot; Yes! Out. Don't tell me you didn't see the ground to draw the line, mbt sapatu also do not say you do not know the ball can not exceed those lines.&quot; She did not know! Even so, goods Tong soon from their wrath sound understanding of the basic rules of volleyball. &quot; Anyway regardless of tee or catch the ball, just put the ball past, and not out of bounds it up, right?&quot; Products children understand. &quot; Nonsense!&quot; Players to her. &quot; Early to say, go!&quot; Goods Tong said rate go back to the stadium. The remaining five teammates while goods on children that &quot; early to say&quot; puzzled, but also not to follow. Sure enough, goods Tong although don't love reading, but from Onokazu navigation, reflex nerve is quite developed, especially it has mastered the rules methods, she soon to enter the state. First basket team still hold her this weakness onslaught, but they soon realize goods Tong change, irrespective of the degree of difficulty and high ball, she can hold the ball past but not out the principles of treatment, not a ball bobble. She also learned that, as long as the ball in the other sector, each other not to catch, so we can score a goal. So in the service, goods Tong also with excellent ball control ability will be shot down on each other in corners, making ace. Teammates on goods children before and after different performance is very satisfactory. Then hit, goods children even while beating simulation to smash, due to her friend, each other even pick her ball. So far, I believe the players, coach really looking for a master to volleyball. The end of the game, blue Yang high school a big rivalry won the peach Xing high school. Inherited his father 's heroic personality, tastes just shouted,&quot; go! To celebrate.&quot; Due to have invited public holidays, the remaining few players and all without objection, a pedestrian with uniform change is so go forward with great strength and vigour from school out, in the school in a nearby ice room lively celebration. &quot; Oh goods Tong, don't you know you almost scared us.&quot; Lin Huixin said. &quot; Not scared, I was simply trying to strangle her.&quot; Gong Qingping to call a spade a spade. Goods Tong also has said,&quot; the death of man is me, transfer the first day is drawn to play.&quot; &quot; Transfer? The coach didn't tell us you want to transfer!&quot; The team members have doubt. &quot; Then, it can later be a playing volleyball.&quot; Gong Qingping not take it seriously. &quot; Yes, Tong Hao pin. Oh, I dare not meet her smash.&quot; Lin Huixin said,&quot; for the goods Tong, how long you play volleyball?&quot; Products children ate export ice,&quot; just!&quot; &quot;Just now?&quot; People could not understand. &quot; Never know playing volleyball and so fun, play it again next time!&quot; With Tong Santian two change schools, a school is not always around familiar was kicked out, so there is no opportunity to contact society, not to mention playing volleyball. Goods Tong &quot;a remark immediately caused an uproar -- all &quot; You don't play volleyball?!&quot; &quot; You're not the coach hired Volleyball Master?&quot; &quot; The first time you play volleyball?!&quot; Products ' puzzled all responses,&quot; Yeah, what a coach?&quot; &quot; Not?! what are you?&quot; Public dismay. &quot; The new transfer student!&quot;
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