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Old 11-06-2011, 04:19 PM   #1
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jessialpt is on a distinguished road
Default Television Review: David Hare’s ‘Page Eight’ on PBS - Review

Of course not. None of those scenarios are possible because &ldquo;Page Eight&rdquo; was written by the British playwright and filmmaker David Hare, and his feelings about the West Bank and the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq supersede his storytelling: he cares too much to give a <a href=""><strong>Agüero jersey</strong></a> surprise twist to this oft-told tale of American perfidy. And it&rsquo;s a shame because &ldquo;Page Eight,&rdquo; a BBC film that will be on PBS on Sunday, is a moody modern-day espionage tale with flawless performances by the likes of Bill Nighy, Rachel Weisz, Michael Gambon, Judy Davis and Ralph Fiennes. It&rsquo;s the right cast in the right setting but with a wrongfully righteous script. The image of America as a blundering bully who betrays even its closest allies in pursuit of an invented enemy stretches from Graham Greene and John le Carr&eacute; to the romantic comedy &ldquo;Love Actually.&rdquo; The fact that the depiction is sometimes accurate doesn&rsquo;t mean that it always makes for exciting fiction. That&rsquo;s why Robert Harris added a murder mystery to &ldquo;The Ghost,&rdquo; his thinly disguised novel about the real reason Prime Minister Tony Blair of Britain supported the overthrow of Saddam Hussein. (It was the C.I.A.&rsquo;s fault.) The Iraq war is particularly galling because in that case, at least, the British can&rsquo;t find solace in the knowledge that they told us so. Worse yet, France did. Mr. Blair egged us on and even sent in troops, and he was a Labor politician to boot, which made it all that much harder for the British intelligentsia to feel superior. &ldquo;Page Eight&rdquo; is yet another polemic that portrays Britain as America&rsquo;s poodle. Mr. Hare has railed against American foreign policy before, notably in the plays &ldquo;Stuff Happens&rdquo; and &ldquo;The Vertical Hour.&rdquo; There was little hope that this time his warmongers&rsquo; duplicity <a href=""><strong>Real Madrid Jerseys</strong></a> and ill will would serve as a red herring: a denouement that exonerates the Oval Office, 10 Downing Street and the Mossad would be as shocking to contemporary British fiction as the &ldquo;The Murder of Roger Ackroyd&rdquo; was to detective novels in the 1920s. Mr. Nighy plays Johnny Worricker, a high-level MI5 officer who has survived generations of purges and power struggles by trusting no one and always keeping his cool. Nearing the end of his career, he&rsquo;s a divorced upper-class loner who is close only to his old Cambridge friend and secret service mentor, Benedict Baron, played by Mr. Gambon. The two share a lot: Benedict is married to Johnny&rsquo;s ex-wife. The friends are also privy to a secret on Page 8 of a classified document that is so sensitive it could bring down the British government &mdash; or destroy them both. Mr. Nighy has played well-bred civil servants before, <a href=""><strong>2012 Manchester City Jerseys</strong></a> notably in &ldquo;The Girl in the Caf&eacute;,&rdquo; a 2005 film on HBO, so it&rsquo;s a treat to see the nuances he brings to this variation of the species. Johnny is intelligent and suave, with impeccable manners that keep people at bay, but there is a glint of suppressed mischief behind his imperturbable facade. He is also quite sad, of course, and lonely. Johnny suspects that it wasn&rsquo;t only coincidence that brought him into contact with a beautiful neighbor, Nancy Pierpan (Ms. Weisz), a book editor who asks for his help getting rid of an unwanted suitor. Nancy does have an agenda &mdash; she wants to find proof that Israeli troops killed her brother when he was peacefully protesting on behalf of displaced Palestinians. It&rsquo;s not a spoiler to reveal that the proof exists, because there is never any doubt who the villains are in &ldquo;Page Eight&rdquo; &mdash; it&rsquo;s there in black and white on Page 8.
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