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Old 11-07-2011, 12:46 AM   #2
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342006 2008 年 11 月 13 日 09:04 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Personal Diary
Method One:
SetTimer (NULL,Discount Vibram Five Fingers, 0, 1000, (TIMERPROC) Timer2Proc);

HWND hWnd, / / handle of window for timer messages
UINT uMsg,Vibram Shoes Sale, / / WM_TIMER message
UINT idEvent,Vibram Five Fingers Classic, / / timer identifier
DWORD dwTime / / current system time

Method Two:
/ / DLL function in a thread like this using the Timer
UINT ThreadProc (LPVOID)

SetTimer (NULL, 1, 5000, NULL);
MSG msg;
/ / PeekMessage force the system to create a message for the thread stack
PeekMessage (& msg,Vibram Five Fingers, NULL, NULL, NULL, FALSE);
while (GetMessage (& msg,Vibram Five Fingers Kso, NULL, NULL ,Vibram Five Fingers Sale, NULL))
switch (msg.message)
case WM_TIMER:
/ / here once every 5 seconds
/ / TranslateMessage (& msg);
/ / DispatchMessage (& msg);
KillTimer (NULL, 1);
return 0;

Method three:
creates a thread that repeatedly read the system time is not on it? if the strict timing requirements, with the Sleep on it
UINT TimerThread (LPVOID pama)
UINT oldTickCount, newTickCount;
oldTickCount = GetTickCount ();
while (TRUE)
while (TRUE)
newTickCount = GetTickCount () ;
if (newTickCount - oldTickCount> = 100)
oldTickCount = newTickCount;
TimeProc ();
return 0;
called once about every 100ms TimeProc ();
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